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Everything posted by d_rawk

  1. Update on this? We've been kicking around the idea of watching this tonight and it wouldn't suck to hook up with some O-town folk instead of just a few people watching it here.
  2. You can pry my 'k's from my cold dead hands. It will always be "skank" to me.
  3. It's all enough to make a guy teary. I'm on board.
  4. Didn't ignore, but lost my license. Well, left it in a taxi actually and didn't replace it .. kind of a long story. I'd take it for a car ride, even just for the whoot of it, if I could without putting myself in danger of incarceration. And if I still had a car. Wow. Are you trying to kill me?
  5. From behind then? WOW! I am so getting punched in the face now.
  6. Yah, sort of wishing I'd hit the applecare at this point (meant to, never got around to). A genius may be in my books. This needs to be sorted, and I'm at a loss.
  7. Ahhhh .. something is wrong here. I keep trying to do what you suggested, but it won't stick .. every time I turn off 'zoom', it stays on. And I'm trying to find the proper resolution for the screen (which seems to have changed) and while I think I have, it still wants to scroll. This is all rather bizarre for a guy who is usually running support for other people with computer problems. I suppose you can't change platforms without expecting this sort of thing, but like I say, I've had this thing for awhile. Someone who is like a 100% mac guy needs to come over and sort this shit out for me, stat. This is killing me .. I need to work!!
  8. Hmm, holding control and clicking seems to still work in terms of bringing up context menus, so I think you are right. I've changed it from 'control' to the 'option' key though, and the funkiness seems to have gone away. Hmm.
  9. Yeah, here's what I've figured out: System Preferences -> Trackpad -> Under 'Two Fingers' (gawd, I can feel the jokes coming) and next to 'Screen Zoom' -> Options -> change 'When zoomed in, the screen images moves' from 'Continuously with pointer' to 'Only when the pointer reaches an edge'. And since my preferences are set to 'Zoom while holding Control', I suspect this means that a cat sitting on the keyboard (a common problem around here, which causes a lot of very confusing instant messages for people) has crushed my control key.
  10. (and yeah, I rebooted .. always the first tech support question)
  11. So I'm in a bind. You'd think my google skills would be better, but apparently not (probably going to trigger a wave [pun] of Google wave jokes) So on my Macbook Pro, I have somehow touched something that I shouldn't have. I've had this thing for a long while, and this has never happened. But it is scrolling all over the place in co-ordination with my trackpad movements, and I really can't deal with it. And I'm trying to find something via the web or system preferences, but it is making it very hard to even do those things because every time I try to move the mouse, the screen scrolls to follow it. Please help me. Oh, good lord, please help me. Bouche!! I need you buddy!
  12. Uh oh. I think you just clinched it. Damn it, I hate to lose a contest, but you are most certainly ahead in the running after that. Sassyskank.
  13. Oh! If I win (and I will), I am going to Christen you 'sassypuss'. I'll have to think about the others.
  14. Just clowning and teasing myself a bit (Clarity)
  15. Tuned out for a bit, and now checking back in am suddenly overwhelmed with everyone needing my votes for various different things. And I'm a little OCD [ok, maybe a lot OCD] so now I'm going to have to vote for all of you. That's my day. Dude's gotta earn a bit of coin, y'know? Suggestion: a skank reality show. Only half kidding. Premise -- all communal votes get pooled towards the winner.
  16. You sure? Punk: A-1 facking classic shot and line. Good on ya.
  17. Fine on my end. Thx for the up, RobL.
  18. Ah! Ms Zimmy beat me to it. I was also going to do: Ding ding ding! Never change, dude.
  19. That's what she said (ducks from the onslaught of tomatoes)
  20. Broadbent nearly broke 20% back in '84. Yes, 30% is a long, long way off.
  21. d_rawk

    yayyyyyy God

    Indeed. I saw that doc when it came out and it was disturbing in that "I don't even know how to process this it is so facked up" kind of way. Chilling.
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