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Everything posted by d_rawk

  1. Ouch. Idiots. They just built a whole new audience from all of this and now they are throwing it away. If absolutely nothing else, let this affair play out a bit longer. Mistake after mistake after mistake. I guess it is easier when you are watching from the sidelines, though.
  2. Heh, exactly what I was thinking. I was worried for a moment that we had lost you to the world of Harlequin. I've read none of those, nor have I seen the miniseries, but it all seems pretty cool based on your description and my poking around and I may check it out. No-one else? I'm actually beginning to wonder if the novel is about to begin fading out as has begun happening to my other favourite conceptual art form - the album. Which I'll be fine with, but it will leave me with a touch of sadness.
  3. I wonder if it will go down like that classic interview on Letterman with Norm Macdonald after NBC kicked him in the nuts.
  4. I'm not sure exactly when it is going to stop being funny to hijack that movie, but I am sure that the time isn't now.
  5. There is a thread in the food forum about what cookbooks people have received over the holidays. It made me wonder what non-food related books skanks might have gotten/given/read over the holidays as well. And if you've started or finished reading it, please let the rest of us know if it is something we might want to check out. I've had the attention span of a freakin' gnat the last several months, so haven't been doing much reading myself, although I did receive a signed copy of this written by one of my personal heroes. Eeezamanna!
  6. Agreed. That was a pretty brilliant write-up.
  7. Good on 'ya meggo, but please, do be careful out there. I have nothing to add about the cities in particular, as I don't think I've been to any except maybe some of the Mexican ones when I was too young to remember/form impressions of them.
  8. Cool, sounds like it didn't suck! Torrent link for those, who, like myself, haven't seen it yet.
  9. One thing that is likely to come out of this is that the ratings for the Tonight Show will go way up as a result of the controversy. I'd almost like to think that it was very clever scheming by all parties, but I think they may have just gotten lucky and managed to fall into a pile of success by a happy accident of clumsiness.
  10. Really? I got neither cheap-shot nor blistering from it.
  11. To Reg! I'm going to have to miss this tonight. Hoping to be able to find a torrent tomorrow.
  12. d_rawk

    Work night menus

    With a bit of ginger and coconut milk thrown in there, this sounds like a decent way to use up the loads of Bryson carrots I've got kicking around. For me, you can't get a quicker or better meal after a long day than steak. Two or three minutes per side and only two sides to contend with.
  13. Just speaking for myself here, but there is something very soap opera-esque about the entire affair, and the sheer level of fuck-the-other-guy-over-atitude of it seems to speak to a bigger human story. My late night television viewing these days pretty much ends at Colbert, and even that is rare, but I love Conan from back in the old days and actually do find all of this pretty engaging.
  14. Yeah, Foley seems miserable and has aged for sure. Have you seen him hosting / doing the colour for those poker tournaments? Everything about his demeanor screams: "get me the eff out of here".
  15. I'm keeping my expectations at the 'cautiously optimistic' level. Love the Kids.
  16. Great movie -- though I'm a total Leone whore. Reminds me that it might be time for another viewing ... it has been awhile. Haven't seen Avatar yet but when/if I do, I'd most certainly be going for the eye candy and the 'experience' more than the story. And this is me shaking a fist at Dinghy for reminding me of failblog.org. Somehow I'd managed to forget all about that particular addictive distraction
  17. d_rawk


    While I most certainly am amazing, rustic, delicious and lovable (I have to step aside from the 'simple' though .. I'm annoyingly complex), I think your ear might want to be an inch or two closer to the grapevine. On Raclette -- I feel inspired. Seems like a fun project.
  18. Demonoid link Downloading it now .. sounds like a decent way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
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