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Everything posted by SmoothedShredder

  1. I like K-os. His albums are stellar. The new one is great. The last track with the Goods and Buck 65... icing for the ears! Peter Elkas is one great dude. Strange show, but crossovers are all the rage right now in Hogtown. The mosaic seems to be 'bleeding' together. FINALLY! I like k'naan too. Toronto's (we've) got some great 'k's' kickin' around. elKas!
  2. Yikes... "Average" team is right. The Sens I remember are long gone. Somehow I think this is all required for the Sens to learn how to win 1 goal games, and get the character you need to win in the playoffs, but it's tough to watch such a mediocre team struggle to get a goal when they are down... Still 31 shots, and must of been 30 more at the net, but not on it... the skill and confidence are way down, and a big part of that has to do with no Chara eating 30 minutes and the rest of the D probably playing by comittee for the first time in years against the other teams top lines. It may come around... but it's clear that right now without either Redden or Corvo in the lineup, the Sens are certainly average! GO SENS (Go Packers!!!)
  3. Wow, what a weak apology. Not that one was needed. Clearly the lines have been drawn, and this was a weak attempt to stir up some sh!t perhaps to entertain Willy and MarcO... Love how Canned Beats gets called out as the only dissenting voice up until this point. Nice Orange Alert! and then fanning the flames two posts down. I've learned there's little point rationalizing, or conversating online when everybody is shitting on you, but one point really bugs me... The Slip choose Shane as the Promoter... over your bid (Bouche and KitKat)... perhaps you could shovel a little bit of your disrespect towards the band you love so much too... cause they ultimately made a decision, and one which they thought would be in their benefit. The band you love choose Shane. And none of the disrespect, atleast online, seems to be directed towards them. Not that I want to disrespect them, or you, or anyone... but common... if you're calling us bad, then we weren't the only ones in on that decision. As far as co-pro goes... I think at one point the door was wide open... at which point it was suggested by Team Ottawa that Team Ottawa go it alone... then the Slip comes back and decides to work with UF Productions, at which point the offer was again extended for the co-promotion and it seems is 'still up in the air'... since then, well things have got 'chilly'. But here's how the game works: if you really really wanted to promote the show on your own... you know how you do it? You offer them more money, and more intangibles than Shane can and did offer. You wouldn't go online and throw mini-tantrums and start hate threads, or support them and air dirty laundry on your own public message board. With the value added of working with an organization such as UF or NuFunk.ca the Slip believed they could get a better deal accross the board then just one promoter working one market. I think the historical relation between the Slip and UF played a major part as well. Once again, who's willing to criticize the Slip for their part in this relationship? Besides... what did you really hope to gain? Lots of money? (It wasn't going to happen, especially if you out bid us (plus you couldn't support the other Ontario Dates)), or was it just to be able to say you "did the show"? if so... why such a hard ass about the co-promotion offers? Still all of this stinks of a flaming pile of doo... The slip really need an audience in Ontario to make things sustainable, and so that the promoters don't lose money on bringing them to town. All of this in fighting doesn't help them out... which is funny because I thought we would all want to help them out. Atleast we know that you don't like us... gotcha.
  4. We haven't sent anything out in months cause we were working on the list. We have finally paid money to set up with a agency that will automatically unsubscribe you when you click unsubscribe. Jaydawg has compiled dozens of lists from his thousands of corespondances, and used that. By finally having them in one place, we can properly manage that list. We know we are going to cross people again, and we are sorry, but please understand we have taken steps so this will never happen again after this time (and you click unsubscribe). Please cut us a little slack... it's not easy making this grassroots scene work. We have built up from nothing to have actual cash flow that can be committed to essential services like these. We tried to save cash before by cutting corners, and it was a mistake, but if only for the lack of experience, at the time we didn't know why. We listened to the ligitimate concerns and now we are doing things the right way. Once again, apologies for all the hassle we have/are causing... we have been building from scratch and have made lots of mistakes... but we are learning to be better... Sincerly ~WiGS
  5. [color:purple]Promoters should do more of these negotiations online like this. This has turned out to be really helpful! Even front page newsworty!
  6. In violet light was a great album. It transforms to monumental live performance in the vein of Nautical Disaster, Grace Too, Hundreth Meridian... shows are currently and have always been outstanding... A good band fronted by a raging artist madman... Gord Downie just continues to get better at what he does, and I've never stopped being a fan, just stopped promoting cause the shows are always so packed, to the point that I got shut out of the clubrun! I feel blessed to of grown up listening to the Hip.
  7. We were accused of announcing the shows when they were not confirmed. This is untrue. I'm glad I can laugh it off. Sorry to put you through such a roller coaster this morning MarcO. But the accusations were out of our hands. Hopefully you'll think twice when considering rumors from Zero in the future.
  8. My vote: Funny. I don't freak out like that... even on show day, let alone 6 weeks from the show.
  9. I no!, I've not answered my question he, no not.
  10. Definatley Truth... Definately difficult to watch with Dry Eye's... I feel sick. Seeing the writings of Peter Singer come to life on film is incredibly sobering.
  11. Me too, guys are idiots and domineering. Sure some ladies are like that too, but I think far less to hold a democracy within their demographic, and there would be broad and sweeping changes for the betterment of our nation. In my humble opinion.
  12. What a MEGABENDER this weekend... just dusted myself off, and out the door to this tonight! See you's there!
  13. What was the least injury riddled team you've followed?
  14. Wow! Classic Series coming up for sure... battle of the 'well rested' vs. the 'never stopped playing'.
  15. Ha! I'm a committed fan... but this seasons been a cold shower so far! It'd be nice if they could hit the net a little more, there's something wrong with the chemestry of the club for sure... I predict some serious infighting in the clubhouse if this continues! As far as talking about hockey, howcome everyone only talks about the fans, the rivalries, and the possesions of players? We never talk about the game on the level of "getting beat to the puck", and "Spezza secretly playing for every other team in the League"... so much. It's like Jerry Springer around here! And just how Dynamic Chara was, if only from his glaring absence on the blueline!
  16. To be fair, Hamilton's got my view point down. Thanks for representing while I was out . Which is good, cause at least I got MY view point heard, and I guess I can't really ask for anything more! Thanks again. I'm all for opinions, and critical thinking... not for emotionally driven, skeptical, non-constructive thought (and it's really hard not to be skeptical of one liners and punch line style commentary cause of the anonymous nature of the internet, and for this I'm sorry, I'm no great internet bridge builder... yet). I think hearing others positions, and having a stance and reaching personal conclusions is important. I also think being flexible and being able to change ones mind is very important. The ability for a group to agree to disagree is also very important. Knowing where people stand is important in only so their actions can be somewhat predictable. As far as the consequence of Ignatieffs' comments, sure it leads to chillier relations... It really too bad that we have to have a rational debate on weather is fair to debate. I find it hard to ignore the evidence of the current American Administration and to say with a straight face that we all should not be concerned with how they do business, and should not challenge their authority and their methods through whatever diplomatic means possible. Therefore in relation to Ignatieffs' comments, I would say it was a fair play. I think Harper has challenged the American Administration in a certain way, and Ignatieff is doing in a way mutually exclusive from Harpers techniques. Either way we are headed down the road towards distinguishing ourselves from the American Economy (vs. integrating ourselves), and either way we will be rewarded in the global market. I also know people would disagree with that assertion. They could just as easily believe that Ignatieff would distinguish Canada more, and Harper less, or even may be integrating. And that to is a fair viewpoint. I'll leave it to the democracy to decide... now how are we going to get 100% voter turnouts, and a more constructive and civil Parliament... it makes me sad to see them acting like school children all the time.
  17. I'm still a fan, but it seems for the exact opposite reasons of last year! BOOOO Sens Fans' BOOOO! And release that negative energy!
  18. Awww I feel for you bro! I'll party a little harder for you. See you at Wassabi! And keep up the great work! Congrats on the promotion! All the best, ~W
  19. By the time Parliament actaully gets to a vote, it will of been atleast a year. It's just the war drums you're hearing now. Polls are polls, we'll really see what the parties are about during an election campaign. Has that already started, or is there any real work that needs to be done? Garth Turner.
  20. Popular day for birthin'. Have a good one doppleganger.
  21. Nice show! Great to see a lot of fun smiley faces too! That was some hardcore psychedelia going on the screen, I was glad to get three beers in before they cut off the line. Who saw the opener? Like a cross between smashmouth, salt-n-peppa, outkast, and k'naan, with full out rave breaks so they could pull out their krunk inspired dance moves... if they were better I would of led with k'nann and outkast... some of the arrangements were just too jarring for me as every song seemed to have the strong pitterpat of a d'jembe going.
  22. Section 114 FF! Can't wait for the Bass on Black Tambourine to kick in! Hope the puppets are there!
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