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Everything posted by dave-O

  1. The numbers policy was part of Martin's effort to do away with the prima donna attitudes of the young guys at the time - Daigle, Bonk, etc. Edit to add - guys are assigned "rookie camp" numbers in the 40s, 50s, 60s. Usually when he officially "makes" the big team, he'll get to pick a traditional number.
  2. The emphasis is on the "more" in "2 or more". And do games against the Laughs really count? I don't see where Perrault fits in here. Not exactly the energy type guy Murray has been using on the 4th line. But the Sens are badly in need of face-off help. Speeza is decent, but it seems like every other game he's up against someone he can't beat. Fisher and McAmmond have been pretty bad overall.
  3. The real question right now is can either team string together 2 or more consistent efforts in a row.
  4. dave-O

    East Coastin'

    I'm usually a suzy on weeknights, but I'll be out to check y'all out tomorrow. You'll love it out here, Sloco is sure to draw a bunch of crazies - even on a Wed night - in Moncton.
  5. They're not really doing the vocal part live anymore. Not last weekend at least. It used to be blatantly obvious though.
  6. Thanks all. Got it figured out now, I didn't realize you could click on the value of a field either.
  7. Somebody here should be able to tell me how to do this. I'm converting some wav files on my PC to mp3. How do you add the artist/title/album info to the mp3?
  8. You were definietly there that night! BTW, we caught the Golden Dogs pre-Slip and they totally killed. Excellent night of music Saturday, Golden Dogs > Raising The Fawn > Slip for a total of $16 in cover charges.
  9. Saint John is available for download here.
  10. Engineers drinking all day at Clark? I wouldn't know anything about that. (I kid) 'Ritual' is every Friday afternoon. But they kick everyone out around 6:00pm and re-open the bar later for the night. So unfortunately (or fortunately?) you won't be playing for the all-day drinking crowd.
  11. dave-O

    Poor Blackhawks

    Big surprise here - Martin Havlat injured.
  12. Hey Luke, any chance you remember how they played If One Of Us at Le Swimming 2003-10-24? With a totally different beat underneath it? Almost like a downtempo electronica feel. I'm assuming that's not what you're getting at here.
  13. They only had one copy of the album with them. Taylor tried hard to buy it from Brad, but didn't succeed. It was the standard If One Of Us both nights. On the drive up I told Guigsy that Peace, Love & Understanding follows me around. Sure enough, there it was. I hear you on that and Poor Boy. The Fuji in Halifax took on a bit of a different, bluesier feel with Brad playing a strat. I can't remember ever seeing that before.
  14. Marc plays a strat (and bass/synth pedals) on Airplane/Primitive and a Danelectro that I believe is a baritone (plus the bass/synth pedals again) on Soft Machine and a couple other songs (Proud maybe?).
  15. Yeah, I had heard that tape as well. It was brutal. It certainly sounded MUCH better in Saint John. The instrumentation they use is really neat, with Marc playing both the bass line and a higher melody with that 'wand' thing over the high frets. All things considered, I thought he pulled off the vocals alright too.
  16. You had it right the first time Stagger, there was no Wolof played. 2006-10-21 Halifax, NS The Attic - 1:55 - Soft Machine Even Rates Airplane/Primitive I Hate Love Get Me With Fuji (w/ Brad playing a strat) Paper Birds Children of December (w/Brad climbing on amps, etc and crowd surfing) E1: If One of Us Should Fall E2: (What's So Funny 'bout) Peace Love and Understanding - 3:16 - My inclusion of "Original Blue Air" above was a bit of a joke for those of us scrutinizing the track list for Eisenhower (it is apparently the intro to Paper Birds). Really, I have no idea if they played it, or if it was all just Paper Birds. The show in Halifax was just a balls-out rock show! I'm never any good at estimating crowds, but there was a good 500-600 people at the Attic. By far the biggest Slip show, attendance wise, that I've ever seen. Both nights Airplane/Primitive and Paper Birds were absolute monsters.
  17. Actually that is a good point - how should this be labeled? 10/20 or 10/21? Alabama, I'm sure you must have run across this situation before. Is there a standard convention?
  18. 2006-10-20 Neptunes Saint John, NB - 12:47 - intro jam > Children of December Even Rats If One Of Us Should Fall Airplane/Primitive Get Me With Fuji Suffocation Keep (w/ female vocals sample) Poor Boy The Original Blue Air > Paper Birds E: Baba O'Riley - 2:16 - Packed, small bar in SJ tonight. The band sounded very tight and well rehearsed. I saw 4 deer and a raccoon on the highway on the way home. Gotta love New Brunswick! For a minute there we thought we were getting Eisenhower in order for the setlist...
  19. Again, who has turned on their team? And how many games into the season until I am allowed to judge a team?
  20. ?? They weren't making money (see highway overpass), but they certainly drew well. 2000-2001 17,793 avg attendance, 96.2% capacity 2001-2002 16,919, 91.5% 2002-2003 17,198, 93.0% 2003-2004 17,758, 96.0%
  21. Whoa, you guys all need to go to work. I can't keep up with this thread. Whitey, I honestly can't figure out what you're getting at here. Voice your opinions. But don’t voice them now, it’s too early. Could you please advise us as to the appropriate point in the season (10 games? 15 games? Xmas?) to make realistic comments about a team's performance? Until then, I guess all I can leave you with is... Go Sens go. Leafs suck.
  22. That was the first time I had seen them since they were called the "Blue" Meanies and they were playing to 50-some people in bars in Kingston. You're bang on - their sound was putrid and their set was terrible that night.
  23. If memory serves me, Nov. 1998 the New Meanies opened, Aug. 2001 the Afro Celt Soundsystem opened, Apr. 2002 Bela Fleck opened.
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