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Everything posted by dave-O

  1. Hold on a sec, did Willy just say he listened to something he didn't like 12 times last weekend? No wonder you felt the need to rant. Most of us would have stopped after 9 or 10 listens of not enjoying it.
  2. 0 goals, 3 assists, and -7 in 15 games Craig Conroy would be a good fit in Ottawa??? Maybe if they want to continue to struggle scoring goals.
  3. The Kings rumours don't make any sense (neither Alfie nor Souray). They're in a rebuilding mode. They've already traded veterans for prospects, why would they go the other way?
  4. Nope, just the two nights of the festival. I saw the first day of the Sappy Fest, the day before I flew to Europe. And I think I promised AD a review... The late show/electric half of the first night was held in the old movie theatre in Sackville and they (apparently) had some grounding issues that were blamed for perhaps the worst sound I've ever heard at an event this size. The buzz from the PA was actually louder than some of the soft moments of the show! It was total amateur-hour as far as the sound crew was concerned. And it really took away from the show IMO. Moonsocket opened (ET alumni Chris Thompson). Julie joined Snailhouse (billed as "Snailhouse", but really just Mike Feuerstack solo) for some Wooden Stars songs. Rick White played a 45 minute tribute to Syd Barrett solo set that went over most people's heads. Just incredible! Julie played a set backed by Shotgun&Jaybird. Then Eric's Trip reunited and played a loooooong set marred by technical difficulties and sloppy playing. The crowd ate it up, but I wasn't overly impressed. From what I was told, they were in much better form when they headlined the final night of the festival.
  5. Wow, nice find! I always get sucked into watching the 80's Oilers and Flames whenever they're on ESPN Classic Canada or the NHL Network.
  6. dave-O

    Loose Fur

    One of my favourite albums of the year. So many good songs and I like O'Rourke's vocals juxtaposed with Tweedy's.
  7. Kev did inadvertently raise one point - there were a ton of chintzy calls last night on both sides, a steady parade to the penalty box. I think the Sens should start declining their PP opportunities.
  8. Last night was all about the Sens' weak PP and the Habs' strong PK through the first two periods. Christopher Higgins appears to be the real deal.
  9. Ditka 6 under par, Gad 3 over.
  10. Further, you can patent an improvement to an existing product/patent/etc. A patent really only gives you the right to exclude others from, not the right to practice your invention.
  11. I haven't been to Kinki since just after it opened. Pricey, but excellent food.
  12. Happy belated. Sounds like you had a great one!
  13. To some it might seem like self-masturbatory artistry (how's that for a zero-ism?), but I like the references to their previous works.
  14. Did anyone catch Derek Morris laying a beating on Marty Reasoner last night? Is this the new trend in the NHL - tough guy grabs guy who never fights and gives him a pounding??
  15. Sounds like you just thought of 2 examples on your own.
  16. The build at the end of Paper Birds is killer - Anthem for a 17 year girl or not. I especially like the listing of a bunch of their song titles in the lyrics (that's an old Sting favourite trick)... "your Mothwing Bite, your Paper Birds, your Lonely Boy, your Soft Machine"...
  17. Well, my plan on waiting lasted just over 24 hours. I got jealous of everybody else listening to it. If One Of Us Should Fall sounds outstanding. But I'm not a big fan of the synth pads/fake sounding string section in the background. Takes away from the organic feel of the song. This is a very slick production. And that line about "the most cohesive work of their career" is 100% true. Fucking eh!
  18. Yup, Kanada Kev can stay. And besides, we seem to have scared Whitey off, so someone needs to be here to absorb all of our jabs at the Leafs.
  19. dave-O

    East Coastin'

    Deeps and co played a solid set to small crowd last night. In typical Moncton, late-going style, the bar filled up shortly into Stephen Franke's set. The hippies brought their fucking hula hoops to the bar. I didn't stick around too long, didn't get a chance to say hi or introduce myself.
  20. Wow, some arsehole sure picked the right van to break into. Those are some incredible, custom luthier shop guitars.
  21. I'm going to wait. It's not like don't d/l all kinds of things, but I'm going to wait to have the proper packaging in front of me for this one. I've been waiting for 3 years, what's another couple weeks!
  22. I said he's pretty bad at winning face offs. But I also think he's the heart and soul of the team and will be the next captain once Alfie is gone.
  23. How did Tucker not get an instigator call last night?
  24. Awesome Scott. Any more pictures to share?
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