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Everything posted by dave-O

  1. Update - I recently met a guy in town who's a bit of a tube amp guru, he's repaired tons and even built several from scratch. So I took this amp over for him to take a look. We pulled it apart and nearly shit our pants at what we found inside. There was a third preamp tube just dangling inside. The chassis (i.e. the metal box containing the circuitry) had one end chopped off to fit in the head (i.e. the wooden 'Traynor' box), the circuit board was shifted over, and (I guess) the third tube socket was in the cut-off portion. The components were all British. The circuit board was a very primitive PCB, probably the first generation post point-to-point wiring. The amp guru pulled out his schematic book and ta da - it matched an early 1970's 100W no master volume model Marshall!! I have no idea why someone did such a cosmetic hack job on such a rare amp (possibly disguising a stolen amp?), but the insides were all in tact. The plate voltage and current were running super high - the reason the tubes were blowing, and the transformer would go into a self-protect shutdown state (and likely the reason it was in the trash!). A few new capacitors, re-soldered joints and a bias adjustment later and the amp was running perfectly. Suffice to say it was a fascinating experience for me to trouble-shoot this amp with someone with this kind of experience. Marshall plexi's go for big bucks on ebay. I'd have to refurbish it if I ever wanted to get what it's worth, but for now I'll just enjoy playing it.
  2. Unprovoked? Who blew a 3 goal lead in the last 15 minutes last night? Who was stinking it up on TV every Saturday night throughout my childhood despite there being excellent teams from Alberta that we could have been watching? The Leafs deserve every ounce of my fury!
  3. Caledonia is fantastic from the little I've heard. Unfortunately they never/rarely play in Moncton.
  4. What the heck happened to this topic? Now we're just chasing rabbits. ok I'll stop now...
  5. I'm going to assume that Living Room wasn't the christian-rock band from Cambridge ON? Another band by the same name?
  6. Where's this bragging? I don't think you'll see anything but concern about this year's squad from Sens fans.
  7. I think he should. But I also think he won't.
  8. Gionta, Cheechoo and then Ryan Smyth with 3 goals in 2:01 of the third period!! Throw in the Leafs choking and what a great night of hockey it was!
  9. From what I've heard so far, this is all paint-by-numbers.
  10. That was an exciting game, considering it was scoreless for 50 minutes +. The Sens D combos looked a little more 'comfortable' last night. Bonehead play by Schaefer against the boards that lead to the goal. He's typically great along the boards, but he really needs to pick his spots better.
  11. You can stream it here - http://www.slgmusic.com/endlesshighway/ Use the password 429
  12. Jeez, did you really need to ask? Absolutely! Greg Keelor is touring with them this fall (in Canada at least). Apparently it's going to be one set of the Sadies and one set of Keelor backed by the Sadies.
  13. How about a condensed stomach ache?
  14. Does anyone else's stomache turn at the sight of ?
  15. I can tell that you're definitely cut from the cloth.
  16. Yeah, Life In Disguise was a regular in those solo Brad setlists. I don't think I've heard a full band version either. I see your Shouters and raise you a Reddish Moon.
  17. "Mothwing Bite" Any clue as to what that is?
  18. Just thought I'd mention that Guigsy, NothernWish and I are taking a road trip to the legendary pizza corner next weekend. Bring on the King of Donairs!
  19. I can confirm that's neither the Jayhawks tune, nor a cool song.
  20. dave-O


    I always get Petunia and Old Man Luedecke (another maritimer "living the shtick") mixed up. Petunia is the yodeller and Luedecke plays the old time banjo, right?
  21. Just FYI, this post was NOT intended to rub it in the face of Roller.
  22. The NHL Network at $2.49/month if you have digital cable. NHL on the Fly is the greatest show on TV. Cutting to live action around the league, the only opportunity to see the western conf teams we never get coverage of around here. Unless you fork out the big bucks for the Centre Ice package, that is...
  23. Aebischer looked great last night, but the Habs D also did a good job blocking shots and clearing rebounds. And Philly's PP looked pathetic.
  24. I'm glad somebody listens to me.
  25. Yup, beauty rant Trev. I agree 100% with you too.
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