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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. awesome I knew U guys were the right ones to ask
  2. hey People.. I need some serious help. I don't know how to dl shows! It is surprizing considering that I am an internet junkie, but I don't have any heady Grateful Dead shows to speak of... Helllp meeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  3. bring your lunch instead.. cheaper and healthier
  4. woohoo this friday... I personally cannot wait
  5. Sarahbelle


    I had a nice Coffee Porter yesterday... mmmm yummy
  6. I know that egyptians used to remove the brains from the nose with a big hook for mumification... hehehe ewwwww
  7. ouch.. I got 61. But I never got to study!!!
  8. I am pretty pumped for this one!!! Both of these bands are wicked fun!! woootttt!
  9. Hope everyone has an awesome 2008 Time for New Beginnings
  10. Happy B-Day Kat U crazy lady!! love ya!!!
  12. hehe me and my friend watched thier DVD last night.. Hi-larious...
  13. That was one wicked fun show last night.. What a great crowd Fatties were ROCKIN!!
  14. 335. Songs Released in 2007 Protesting Against the Current Bullshit War Waged by Our Southern Neighbours 1. Hmmm... - Trained Monkey 2. Richard Thompson - Dad's Gonna Kill Me 3. Springsteen - Last to Die 4. Ani Difranco-Self Evident 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  15. woohooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  16. ha ha haaa yes I know I am in that video.. Ahhh the days of yore...
  17. YEeeeeah Marge that is what I like to hear!! woooot!
  18. Ari we will miss you! Come on party people...U all gotta come....
  19. SOoooo much fun!!! I thought it was pretty awesome that there was a 60 yr old celebrating her b-day, with her mom who was 81!!! I think she was the most popular dancer there
  20. not sure.. Usually just go with the flow...
  21. So I got me a new I pod for chirstmas... It's awesome!!! I can finally get rid of my dying portable cd player... and it's so nice to just be able to grab the I pod and go.. instead of wondering what cd's I should bring with me.. Woooohoooo!!
  22. woohoo lookin forward to working off all my chirstmas eating.. lol
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