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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. .. hang in there people... Soon enough we will have glorios springy-nesss It was gorgeous in the hammer later on today... soo sunny!!!
  2. Low Rain and I are heading into town!! wooot (if U haven't guessed by now )
  3. baaah it's so hard to deciede I will wait until the time comes
  4. Ohh I love to knit My prob. is getting the co ordination right with the right needles and the right yarn!! sigh.. I love it though.. my sister pretty much knits all the time.. and everyone in my fam knows how
  5. yeeah wassabi.. glad U guys R comin back this way.. always a good time
  6. awwww I will be working.. booo. I hooe to see them in Waterloo on the 12th.. anyone in for that one???
  7. yay can't wait... I love these guys. Soooo good!
  8. ...I haven't even heard of half of those bands...
  9. omg rothbury is like 240+ bucks.. can't make that one. Maybe I will just do what ur doin Mark... cause I did really love that site.. oooh swimming
  10. yeaaah scotty!!! You always make me GRIN whenever I see ya.. and U give the best hugs ever!!! YAY have a wicked b day!! *HUGS*
  11. WOoooOOhOooooOooooo I'll be there to get my irish on..
  12. ohh man I wish it was still in July.. it's been moved to Labourday which I'm not tooo sure if I could go... The mid july time is the best time.. why did they change it???
  13. oh U need all your account info, and your passport. It takes a few days I think too.. mabye 3 or something? I remember my 'banker' her name was Jenny, she was really sweet and always helped me out
  14. I was just downtown today.. and I walked past the fire spot... It was pretty mind blowing.... it felt very wierd to see.. cause I had heard about it before I saw it... Surreal and pretty disturbing.. it made me feel kinda sad too. There were all these creepy guys wearing suits with masks cleaning it all up. CRAAAAZY wierd....
  15. language wise... yes very very hard that way. when I got there I pretty much knew NOTHING about Korea... I barely even knew where it was! It's hard for women as well.. it took me a little time to figure that one out, but it's wierd being a 'foriengner' and a female there.. cuase you're invisable but very visable at the same time... if that makes sense. If ur a guy going over it will prob. be easier for u...
  16. good luck man... I had a really hard time but I learned A LOT...
  17. Oh korea is a pretty interesting place. I expected to be more... "thai" than it was. It's pretty conservative... The things that I missed the most was Coffee... they don't really have reg. coffee there... I bought mine at starbucks. They don't have a lot of the same food we have here either... a lot of it is Korean food (which is really good by the way...) but if you want things like doritos and cheese they are harder to find but not impossible. I would suggest bringing sheets cause they use blankets more than sheets. Maybe bring a few things that remind you of home for your place.. like pictures for you walls! I got a lot of stuff there like dishes and an small cd player (which I'm sure U can get pretty cheap or from someone U know that is leaving...) I agree that Insadong is one of the coolest places in Seoul.. In may they have a big parade around there for Buddah's birthday.. it's pretty neat. Seoul also has a lot cool art Galleries around!!! Itawon is the 'foriengner's' section... They have a lot different types of food.. and my fav. bar Bar Nana is there.. it's really small and off one of the streets.. ask someone how to get there!! However, it has a 'seedy' quality to it.. so if you really want to learn more about Korean Culture I would avoid spending all your time there. One big suggestion I would make is try to learn how to read Korean. IT's not too hard to learn and it makes things A LOT easier... ( like buying food in the supermarket and such) Also one thing I did that I loved was doing a temple stay.. U can stay over at a temple for a night or 2, it's really worth it and it's not expensive. However you will probably have to wake up at 4 am. If there's anything else U want to know let me know!!!
  18. hahah that was funny and yet enraging... I liked 3. General experience indicates that “husky†girls - those who are just a little on the heavy side - are more even tempered and efficient than their underweight sisters. 8. Give every girl an adequate number of rest periods during the day. You have to make some allowances for feminine psychology. A girl has more confidence and is more efficient if she can keep her hair tidied, apply fresh lipstick and wash her hands several times a day. 10. Be reasonably considerate about using strong language around women. Even though a girl’s husband or father may swear vociferously, she’ll grow to dislike a place of business where she hears too much of this. All i gotta say to that is fuck you you fuckin ass holes... hahahah
  19. oh actually it's going to be around 9:45ish.. and it's the moon passing into the earth's shadow. It is supposed to be clear skies tonight!!! look for a creepy reddish moon
  20. DAmmMmit I was gunna go.. but now it turns out I am working this night.. aaaah welll I will see the P funk in all it's glory ONE DAAAY!!
  21. Oooo that would be one sweet party Josh!!!
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