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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. I love this movie.. it makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
  2. Ooh yeah He is very good live I saw him a few years back in Kingston... Great preformer.. it's like he was meant to preform
  3. My mom makes a yummy pasta with Riccotta, prosuttio (sp) and Peas.. it's really good ..
  4. Hope everyone is wearing green today.. I know I am
  5. John You're awesome...keep positive that better times will come your way!!! ~*~ GOOD VIBES !*! and HUGS cause I love ya
  6. Seafood.. I really like Fish, but I am not a fan of any shellfish, octopus or lobster.. I do dig that calamari though mmm squidlicious
  7. .. I cannot think of a more male holiday... yeesh maybe it should be manicure and massage day, then do my laundry day and make me a gourmet meal... then you can give me the best night of lovin ever... NOW THAT'S MY KIND OF DAY :P
  8. wooohoooooooo I am really lookin forward to this one. I have never really partied it up in the C-wood... I am hoping for some nice weather.. it's possible.. it is over 2 weeks away!!!
  9. Oooo I'm gunna try to make it out to the april 13th show
  10. Miss ya buddy!! when are U coming back to visit us Canadians!?
  11. Hey Peeeople Me and a friend are looking for a ride tomarrow night from Hamilton??? We reaaaaly wanna go!!! anyone? we would love U forever..
  12. I usually tip average amount.. but I find it interesting that a tip amount is expected. If the service is horrible then why give them more?? I may have never left a tip before.. but I'm sure the waitress was horrible... I went to breakfast with a friend.. and I tried to get the waitresses attention numerous times. She pretty much ignored us, never once asked how are you doing.... and she made us wait for a good 10 min. after we were done. I think we left like... 95 cents on a 14$ and something cent bill. If the service is amazing then I would gladly pay a bigger tip.. even just a little effort=better tip.. it should be earned, not expected...
  13. Keri!! .. (or is it the anti-Keri) Ur awesome!! I loved helping you disguise yourself on your b-day last year I wish U were there on Sat..but I'm sure U had a wicked day Cheers.. Sarah
  14. K&D Sessions... disc 2 I picked up this cd in Thailand and I never really caught on.. but it's really really good.. I reccomend it to everyone really
  15. ...guess what... It was Carrie's Birthday Yesterday
  16. aww sounds pretty awesome.. even though I am jealous I'm still glad ur having a wicked time
  17. ..this is why it's good not to drive... hehe horrah for the bus.. it will never give up on me
  18. yeee haww Carrie!!! I will see U tonight as well
  19. well I am Irish/scotish/afewothers But I've been eating all kinds of crazy stuff since I was little cause my Dad is really into adventrous cooking. My mom is also a really excellent cook... We ate a lot of Italian food for awhile, then my dad got obsessed with Curry (you think curry is a good thing.. it is in un-coupious amounts). He is also obsessed with rizzoto.. but he makes it really mushy and a bit to rich for me..also he probably made it every sat. for like 8 years... One thing I always love is Mac n Cheese.. My mom makes it with some tomato soup (think campbells) in with the other stuff.. it's still one of my favs
  20. hahahahaaa the bob in the flyer is the same bob in my avatar and I shake my fist at you *vigoursly shakes fist at Jaydawg*
  21. omg why the hell is everyone but me in Jamacia right now.. grrr *just a hint of jealousy!!!*
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