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Everything posted by Sarahbelle

  1. I'm IN! decided to hit up the C-jam... Rachel U in?? *COMME ONNN* U know U want to!!
  2. Happy B-day Jamie!! sorry I am a bit late too.. but I am still sending you lots of love you ur b-day Woohooooo!!! *AMERICA.....best kicks ever!! *
  3. MERRY CHIRSTMAS Skanks!!! I hope everyone has a great day with thier families, friends, whoever... U all rock and deserve the best chirstmas ever
  4. lol what did U get Lex??? Or do I really want to ask that question...
  5. I had a really awesome time. Both Bands were right on.. New Deal made me trip out a little at the beginning.. I have wanted to see them for so long and I'm glad I got the chance!!! Thanks to everyone that was there and made the show more fun woooot hope they come back soon.
  6. WOOOOOT see U guys tonight!!! I am ready to boogie down ! Can't wait!
  7. Happy solstice... it feels like a magical time of year.. Hope everyone has a bit of magic in their lives today...(/ tomarrow... )
  8. lol everyone knows canadians are all about that BACON...
  9. YEEEAAAH Karin It's always a good time seeing ya.. I'm glad you are our 'token' american friend... BIG HUGGGGGGGSSS ~Sarah
  10. hahaha Low Rain I think it's funny that U have started 2 threads on this subject...
  11. LOW RAIN of COURSE I am going lady.. what do U think this is.. some sort of non-going thread....? NO I HATE BANDS... all of them!!! they all suck.
  12. Johnny P!!! I hope I get to see you too!!! It has been so long eh!
  13. ya know what is really good... peanut butter and bacon. sounds wierd but it's really really yummm
  14. bwaaaaaa hahahahaaaaa ahahaha lauren it's still funny.. what a random night that was.. What time are CP going on?? don't wanna miss them.. Wooohoooooooooooooo
  15. Happy Birthday!! hope you get everything U want..
  16. oh dear god what is BA doing to that poor kitty...
  17. ROB I am soo sorry man.. What can you do to make it better??? Hugs to U Rob.. I hope everything works out ok
  18. Low Rain I will be heading down myself!!! Sounds like a great way to spend boxing day . . .I am a poet, and don't know it...!
  19. Kirsta! woohoo U have to come!!!
  20. lol that's a whole lot of port Dover.. except Jan 11th.. woohoooooo
  21. yeah it's not that hard really.. I have one in my passport cause I lost it... It does such cause you have to go through the process again and pay all that money!!!
  22. popo I didn't mean HE was 80.. I meant 1980..as in the era music went horribly wrong. (and I'm sure many of us were born then too!!)
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