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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. nice review, jaimoe. i thot margo looked beautiful too. they all did, i thot, as did the set itself. everything was just nice to look at. well said about how they bluesify country, not countrify blues. that's a great way to put it. personally, i would have bumped the 3 1/2 up to 4 simply for the really great mood I left in (as I suspect did everyone else). it was a really nice place to be last night. (and arguably, I sense it would have had a different feel maybe better, maybe worse, had ryan been there).
  2. well said. im glad i went. was a nice evening.
  3. birdy, you project your own insecurities about religion on others by suggesting that anyone who opposes some action on a matter of principle, not expereince, has no right to do so. i admire your passion, but to insist that someone must have a personal stake in something in order to have an opinion on whether it is right or wrong is just plain stupid. what's your opinion on abortion and capital punishment? [color:purple]oh no, wait, you have never had an abortion or been executed, so im sorry, your opinion is invalid. religious prayers shouldnt be mandated in public schools. i dont know how much clearer i can be.
  4. i read that some businesses did not have fire insurance because they could not get it on such old buildings. i have no idea what they are going to do. i really feel bad for them.
  5. i could care less. it doesnt bother me at all. and yes, my point is that i dont think its right to force an historic remnant of the dominant religion on all school kids. does my concern being for others negate that concern? and really birdy, "wince"?
  6. you dont think having to hear the lord's prayer every morning in a classroom, or being allowed to "leave the room" and feel like a fool is having something forced on you?! and Ollie, one of those "options" is to have that systematic 'uncomfortable situation' done away with.
  7. to force a jewish kid to listen to everyone else recite a christian prayer in a public school is repressive to that kid's judaism. it tells him that he is not normal and that his jewish religion is not good enough to be part of the enforced public school system. so, yes, the lord's prayer is repressive to all those who do not believe in it.
  8. oh come on Birdy, you dont see how these two can be equated??!! then you clearly dont get it.
  9. I fully understand this side of the issue' date=' I just don't agree with it. I don't think we should have to erase who we are in order to make ourselves 'progress'. If you think revoking the lord's prayer is going to solve the world's problems, or even in the least bring people not inclined to accept other religions closer to each other, than I'd say you don't have your head screwed on tight enough.[/quote'] to be fair, Birdy, noone is saying getting rid of the prayer is going to solve the world's problems. they are saying its offensive to a lot of people and should stop. and as you indicate, if we must pay homage to where we came from, even if its out of step with where we are now, then we should also "celebrate" imprisoning people because of their race, not allowing women to vote, and hiding away the mentally ill - because they too are part of our proud heritage and also represent some of the principles upon which this country was founded.
  10. mmmmmmmmmm, hairy box garden
  11. bleh...interesting' date= but still bleh ive heard of this before too, usually for skunks and squirrels and it was dog hair, not human. but apparently the best thing to keep away all animal pests is to spray wolf urine, lol.
  12. i agree with you here, starhead. sorry that I wasnt clear. for leafy and root plants like lettuce and onions, its not problematic to crowd them in at the beginning. we plant a lot of onions (maybe 40 in a 5' row?) and harvest them throughout the season, making space for remaining ones to get bigger. for singular plants like tomatoes and peppers, though, i do think they need to be spaced well at the beginning. ive been over-ambitious in the past and found that things were just too crowded come Sept, especially if you have to wiggle into the thicket to harvest. but figuring out how to grow better next year is always part of the fun.
  13. We plant a medium sized veggie garden every summer in our yard too, as well as couple of smaller herb gardens. Im a big fan of heritage tomatoes and always plant a variety of them as well as onions and peppers. Plan out your placement and spacing first - and always plant things MUCH further apart than you think. Read the seed packages (or the tag on the nursery-bought plants, if you are lazy like me, although I think they work better especially for tomatoes). They will tell you to space things 18" or 24" apart or whatever. DO NOT plant them any closer than that or you will regret it in August/Sept when you have to hack your way thru a mess of overgrown plants. Your garden will look sad in the beginning, but will grow to fill in empty spaces. Our veggie garden is about 12' x 10'. It changes every year, but a rough schematic of last year's is: ..........Row of Fennel........... ..........Row of Onion 1..............T1.....T2 ..........Row of Onion 2.......... ..........Row of Onion 3..............T3.....T4 ..........Row of Onion 4.......... Pep1......Pep1......Pep2.....Pep2.....T5.....T6 Pep1......Pep1......Pep2.....Pep2 Pep3......Pep3......Pep4.....Pep4.....T7.....T8 Pep3......Pep3......Pep4.....Pep4 Several things you will need to consider are soil quality; sun direction and amount; access to water, and the time you can devote to it. If this is your first year, I would strongly advise to not over-do it. Start small. Your garden will explode in late summer, and the last thing you want is to not be able to harvest everything. Plant shorter plants closer to the sun. If you plant tall plants like tomatoes closer, they will block shorter ones like peppers. (My sun is on the left of my diagram.) Choose a location that has convenient access to water (it will become a big deal later in the season when you need to water - with a hose - for 20 minutes every day) and a location that gets as much sun as possible. Amend (feed) the soil before you plant anything by tilling in either 3-in-1 garden mix (easier) or peat moss and compost, and then level the soil. Cage your tomatoes well before they need it. Once they reach the height of the cage, stake them with a large bamboo stake (my tomatoes routinely grow to 6' to 8') using velcro garden tape. And stake your peppers - if they fall over in August due to bulk, it can actually kill the plant. Once things get growing, prune your tomatoes!!! Do not be afraid to chop off side shoots in order to clear out tangles or promote growth elsewhere (like the main center shoot - don't cut that). Allowing tomotoes to take over will dramatically affect both the volume of harvest (more plant does not necessarily mean more harvest) and your ability to physcially get in there to pick things. Put down stepping stones strategically to allow you to get in to water and later harvest, and make sure you tag everything so you know what it is. If using pots, expect things to grow a third the size and you also need to water more often. If you have a yard, I wouldnt bother with pots. Use them for herbs, not veggies. And most importantly, have fun! I find tending to the garden to be a very rewarding and relaxing experience. But make sure you control it, and it doesn't control you.
  14. I'd like to offer an example for comment. Duke's Cycle should rebuild to its former heritage-worthy state. Who should pay the additional cost to do so? Presumably, it would cost more to construct an historic looking stone building than a boring steel and concrete one (especially within a tight urban space). Is the Duke family "responsible" for that cost? Is their insurance company? The city / province / feds? My point is that it's one thing to say what should happen, but a different thing to actually do it. And then there's the whole issue of what is historic enough to spend that premium saving. I dont think people want to tear down old buildings, I think they just see them as inefficient and in need of replacement. In this case, I just dont think its worth spending a lot of money rebuilding something faux, back to its former glory, that is now gone.
  15. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. what wine should i bring? by the way, wasn't that an Emeril recipe until yesterday?
  16. i think it's ridiculous. but, im sure Jaimoe was exagerating to make a point. I hope he was.
  17. just to play devil's advocate here who the fuck are you people to tell someone else they have to spend an extra few million dollars to rebuild a burned out building, just so you dont have to look at steel and glass? that is all.
  18. same thing in Guelph. an historic building downtown burned down in the Fall, and while they tried to save some of the structure during rebuilding, they couldn't do it safely. from what i understand, the owners are basically free to do what they want now. also, during renovations to the old guelph arena which city hall is now expanding into, council decided to keep one old stone wall - about 70 ft long and 2 storeys high. originally estimated at $1M, the cost of saving that wall has skyrocketed to well over $2M. so, as much as people may want to save old stuff, or rebuild in a similar style, its often cost prohibitive.
  19. OMG, these are hilarious!! I would have wet my pants if I'd been there. And think of the fun the organizer could have had by placement ... beside ...
  20. Sweet. I hope WestJet has a direct flight from Hamilton to Nizhnevartovsk.
  21. was Rotate This damaged? it's right across the street from what I gather. anyone know? that's a cool area. shame.
  22. I can see the Rolling Stones re-recording, "I see a red door and I want to paint it black ... with Benjamin Moore's fabulous new Historic Cape Cod Collection"
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