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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. MaryAnnJane Here on Gilligan's Isle ...
  2. Stoner Alert! well' date=' that may or may not be true. :cool: [color:purple'] but this game sure has gotten a lot less complicated over the past day. LOL
  3. you remember things from the 80s? its all one big-haired, parachute-panted, sequin-gloved, gag-me-with-a-spoon blur for me.
  4. this game looks complicated. [color:gray]teaches me to wander over on to the sportsfield to see what's up.
  5. Really? you won't eat with friends because you disagree with how they compensate the staff? or is the past tense intentional? or is 'friends' a loose term? i can see that. some people are just less liberal with their money in social situations and over time that can begin to rub. still fun to hang with as long as no money is invovled, i guess. very delicate subject to discuss, eh? lol
  6. does ... censored ... count as a tip? because if it does, i tip all the time.
  7. you must make all the seniors at the diner jealous when they have to whip out their Ronco Tip Calculators.
  8. Ellicottville Local: What's the difference between a Canadian and a canoe? A: A canoe tips. I generally leave 15% to 20% of the bill (not incl. taxes). But, I have been known to leave exact change when warranted. Good service = 20%. Mediocre service = 15% but rounded down. Really bad service = really small tip. Of course, on a greasy spoon lunch, the tip can be as high as 50% (~ $2.00! ) The problem in Ellicottville is that wait staff expects to be tipped regardless of the quality of service.
  9. phishtaper

    a mission

    that cannot be cheese.
  10. Ive always loved Discreet Music - perhaps because its the biggest mind-fuck Ive ever heard. It's Pachelbel's Canon in D Major (you'd certainly recognize it) wherein he varies the tempo of each instrument by its pitch. Bass slows down, violins speed up. Your mind can compensate for the first minute or so, then it breaks down and becomes dissonant but comes back together at the end. Eno is one strange genius. Don't expect to actually "enjoy" any of his music, though. It's beautiful because its challenging, but very ambient (if that makes sense). edit to add: fwiw, the rumour I heard (and helped along) was that Eno was underneath the stage during U2's Zooropa tour twisting knobs and hitting buttons. personally, ive always thought he's a better producer than a performer.
  11. phishtaper

    a mission

    if i had to eat one of them, i'd go for the 2nd one. that dirty piece of yellow plastic sticking out of the bigmacchuckin is sick.
  12. but do you love these versions? i dont. interesting, but not great. regardless, thanks for posting, bouche.
  13. phishtaper

    a mission

    thanks. very gross.
  14. great choice for the politics avatar!!
  15. Dear Winter, I woke up this morning, looked outside and realized why I love you so much. You are a stunningly beautiful bitch. ciao
  16. phishtaper

    a mission

    well sure, who doesnt like a fat, juicy sausage every once in a while. but, what else you got in mind, phorsbie? perhaps an open "photo taste test" we can all enter and judge?
  17. its bad here in guelph now. next to no visibility. personally, i'd only make that drive now if it was a very important reason to be there. you know, like a small, private ryan adams acoustic set in a coffee house, or gordon lightfoot running a sing-along. or maybe, really good chocolate.
  18. phishtaper

    a mission

    nice! and im grateful for the smaller portion too.
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