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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. oooooooooooo, look at you with your fancy blue "blockquote"
  2. Congratulations! You've just won Ten Million Dollars! Hello? Hellooooooo? .... he's not there ...
  3. Hancock is great. West is not.
  4. we used to just put the phone down when telemarketers called and let them listen to a few minutes of Howard ...
  5. Im willing to cut her a lot of slack because she's a legend. I thot her voice was pretty good, but I agree 100%, Sean, she shouldn't have needed to wear that awful outfit. /blackwell
  6. POST OF THE YEAR Nomination.
  7. does this actually work for you? doesn't for me. despite my request for them not to call, they continue.
  8. agreed, but really, Tina should fire her wardrobe assistant. Howard's Fred said she looked like she was wearing silver lame depends. I felt bad for her because she IS a legend and looked bad.
  9. phishtaper


    i liked Feist's performance and really liked Amy Winehouse's. either would have been deserving the various awards both were nominated for, but i tend to agree that Winehouse was a tad better. and what's the deal with Kanye West? he's awful.
  10. for those late nite munchies, no doubt
  11. phishtaper

    roasting squash

    or, roast bowl up, with butter and brown sugar in it. covered with foil to begin, and uncover near end. squash is soooo good. ever try spaghetti squash? or sweet potato (delicata) squash?
  12. what's the advantage of signing a contract? that you get a free phone? that you get a couple bucks off each month? that your rates dont go up? cellphone plans have to be the single most confusing service ever.
  13. thank god penelope escaped the evil clutches of tom to give the world what we truly need.
  14. anyone see the episode when she had all her galpals over for a clambake?
  15. regardless of the cool factor, when you restrict the vast majority of people who actually play the game from submitting a legitimate response, it's a stupid topic. just sayin' whinin'
  16. she has pretty hair, though. and so does alison krauss
  17. ok, well, this signals the death of the game then ...
  18. ahem, the politically correct term is Year of the Mouse Happy New Year!
  19. I have no idea what you said here. ... although, maybe Im still in shock from that photo ... I like his work with the John Mayer Trio a lot and managed to catch him at the New Orleans Jazzfest last year and really enjoyed his set.
  20. Awesome. I'll check back to see how this one is coming along in early April. The last thing I wanna do is continue to stall this baby now that we actually have a bit of momemtum again, but I have to profess confusion on this one as well. The way I read it, the mention has to actually be specifically intended for me. Random "Thanks to Ben, John and Billy"'s dont count. Can someone clarify this for me?
  21. when would anyone actually use this? and who?
  22. yeah, im confused about that one too. this ain't one of them free curriculum, grades are for capitalists, hippie sorta schools is it?
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