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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. good post, jaimoe. such a tragic story. i hope they have a good turn-out.
  2. gotta get me some of that rum ... and cable
  3. remember the good old days when you were in university and a band was playing, didnt really matter what band, just a band, you know, and you went out to see the band because it was thursday night and well, univerity students go out on thursdays and john, or was it neil, is there, he's your roomie's ex from first year and he's kinda hot but a real stoner, so no. and the band is pretty good, the guy singing has a good voice and the rest of the band seems decent even though you cant see them because everyone in university is 6'5" or taller, which is hot, and jen is there too. she got dragged out by some guy she's dating who's in geography she said, and we had this beer called creemore which was good, i had three, that's usually my limit because well, you know that time ... welcome to the jason collette show at starlight last night. he even commented on the crowd. a good show nonetheless.
  4. I took the day off and learned how to use a tile wet saw. Messy as hell and scary as fuck but I was uber careful and followed all the instructions. We now have freshly cut tiles to finish the foyer. What did you learn today?
  5. on phish tour in '95, marc nutter, a taper / equipment salesman (sonic sense) from denver, started hocking monster cables for mics. they had a clear transparent cover with thick silver braided wire inside. with the emerging, large assortment of new digital gear hitting the market, a lot of tapers had developed a gotta get the best thing available mentality, including analog mic cables. marc had a variety of different cables, but these things looked so cool, a lot of people bought them. for a couple of years, half the tapers section had these very distinctive cables. over time, it became known that they were good cables, but didnt live up to the hype.
  6. poor brad. no good deed goes unpunished around here
  7. if that was served to me' date=' I might run...far. [/quote'] watch out for me. im right behind you. yuck.
  8. neat. so, w'happen'd?
  9. [color:purple]i really dont see what the big deal is. i often express opinions without having the slightest clue what im talking about ...
  10. strange experimental show in buffalo last night. loads of tapers, im certain recordings will surface soon. enjoyed it a lot, but the last few times ive seen mmw, i must admit ive come out confused.
  11. what's the style of music, tricky?
  12. woahwoahweewaahh! this be a good show!
  13. i concur with every one of tenenbaum's suggestions! nailed the highlights! in addition, check out the homes in the Garden District. Some are mansions that are stunningly beautiful - close to Tipatina's too, if you can manage to get to a late night show there. also, see what's on at the Howlin' Wolf. the House of Blues is cool, you can go to just eat if no shows, but be prepared for the most packed club you will ever see if there's a good show there. and drinking is encouraged. when you leave a club, they pour your drink into a plastic cup which you are free to take anywhere. the ONLY rule is no glass bottles while wandering.
  14. and dont forget to eat a black and white cookie.
  15. saw a very legit, albeit bizarre, looking armoured truck with "FBI Mobile Command Center" written on it on saturday night. we were stuck in leafs traffic on the lakeshore near spadina around 7:30pm en route to the cowboy junkies. im certain it was the real deal. anyone know why it would be in canada?
  16. im on for Buffalo tomorrow night. anyone else gonna be there?
  17. If you are going to be staying in Manhattan, then no. Unless the van is oversized, you can get parking in most lots for $25 to $30 / day with no in/out privileges. Whenever I drive into NYC, I plan on unloading, parking the car for the whole period, and using cabs everywhere. It's New York City. It's going to be expensive. Don't spoil your time there by worrying about spending more than you think you should. As for recommendations, Im sure you already have a list of things / places you'd want to see but I'd say check out Greenwich Village during the day, Times Square at night, the Letterman Theater, Chinatown, and lower Central Park (Strawberry Fields is at 72nd (?) and Central Park West). All quite touristy, but musts.
  18. #338 Songs by Canadian jambands that are currently broken up (playing once a year doesn't count...) 1. j'moor - The New Shady Groove 2. Dynamite - Blue Quarter 3. Fists of Funk - P.F. Station 4. Something With Feeling - Freeway Band 5. Horses - Rheostatics 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  19. i do not find the prayer offensive. i find the reading of any religious prayer in a public school system to be offensive. so yes, birdy, there should be no prayers read.
  20. I would be!! Sweet. Thanks for recording it! Are you uploading somewhere?
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