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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. phishtaper

    yayyyyyy God

    i sense we are on different pages here, Birdy ... by religion, i mean an institutional system of beliefs and practices. i do not see religion as an individual thing. i see that level as either personal spirituality or personal adherence to the larger system of mores and habits. if someone is "religious", they are defined as such only by their interaction with the system. and when people begin to adhere to a social system that is outside of them, they may do things that they would not otherwsie do ... i.e., kill in the name of their god. more people on this planet have unnecessarily died in the name of this or that god than for any other reason. that is why i say religion is destructive. and as marx argued, religion is the opiate of the masses who are too stupid to think for themselves.
  2. i liked it a lot too. we had front row seats, so it was great to see her expressions and silky moves up close. her band was really good, and I just love her voice. she's fun to watch on that big ass guitar she has. this was a bit of a hometown show for her, mentioning that she had a steady monday night gig at the mermaid lounge in the hammer years ago, and that her father has a painting hanging in the lobby of the theater. i really do not like the Apostle of Hustle mix of Inside and Out off the Open Season disc that she did last night. in fact, i find it agonizingly slow. i would rather she have done the Let it Die version. it seems she intentionally slowed things down a few times, and I think that's a mistake. her forté is arts & crafts pop, not paris art.
  3. phishtaper

    yayyyyyy God

    why do you need "religion" to do that stuff? being nice doesn't require an organized religion. i think the social practice of religion has brought about more harm than good. people can be spiritual and nice to each other without being religious.
  4. so, u gonna take that client from last week, StoneMtn?
  5. just so everyone knows ... I will be the one in the front row with the big sign that says "Wake the Fuck Up People!!" ... 1-2-3-4 we dont want to hear you snore ... Don't make me use it!!!
  6. i'll be there too. i really like her live. kinda mellow, but a lot of fun. helps if you know the music. should be a fun evening. nice venue too. Great Lake Swimmers opening, I think.
  7. for sure, the village is where to go. the middle and east end of christopher street are your best bet. west 4th at christopher (turns into 9th street). and west 8th street between fifth and sixth aves. (just north of washington square). loads of headshops with dead content, but few deadshops. check out cigar shops too for glass. careful with directions in the village, some of the streets change directions, and it can be confusing.
  8. Scrooge just woke up to a winter wonderland ... heading back to bed
  9. it just seems so bizarre. on the globe and mail pages, people are posting that they think its a joke, etc.
  10. [color:purple]thank god, we can all sleep tonight
  11. did Abba have a live album? because if they did, THAT should be #1.
  12. sounds reasonable to me. i like to pretend bad things arent happening all the time.
  13. after he fvcks the sh!t out of a certain former PM
  14. I am intentionally not naming the parties. If I made it apparent who I was talking about' date=' there could be a problem, but I will never reveal that.[/quote'] is it this guy?
  15. is it ethical for you to be discussing this here?
  16. who doesn't? sucks man. what does this guy expect? can you send a colleague in your place? what's the worst that can happen?
  17. just don't show and he ends up poundin' rocks for 10 to 20. simple. gotta love it when people handcuff ya like that. eh?
  18. sure, it sold millions, but it's also an incredible album. just because its a monster doesn't mean its not good. its a great live album.
  19. hmmmmmm, Frampton Comes Alive isnt there ... and neither is Rush in Rio
  20. Reading here that Ginger 2 is in the old Lindy's reminds me of going to see Beatlemania at the O'Keefe Center when I was in high school. We went to Lindy's for dinner and one of the girls ordered the "Fillet Migioni". I guess if you are gonna screw up French pronunciation, that wasn't the worst place to do it. Gotta love them $2.99 steaks.
  21. what was the smiths cover? sorry to hear it wasnt the best show last night, margie. it must be hard to sing so many of their songs, especially the falsetto. maybe he was just tuckered out from the 4-night run. i hope you still had a good time. torquil joked on tuesday how the show was better than on monday. i guess he didnt joke last night about how it wasnt as good, eh?
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