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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. can I just clarify that "turning the lights off" isn't a euthanistic euphemism?
  2. damn, just when i got used to the fact that it dribbles ... but, hey, a free bevvie!! double, low-fat, vente fuckachino, here I come!!
  3. really? sure, there are some dogs in there, but ive seen and enjoyed a dozen of the bands listed and would like to see a dozen more. seems like a decent enough line-up to me.
  4. i dont unnerstand the primaries. i wont have a hope in hell when the secondaries start.
  5. Whatchu talkin 'bout Barbara?
  6. what a dreadfully disappointing "shopping" thread. booooooooo!
  7. is all the text on one line? (ir)regardless, StoneMtn, just park the fucking minivan and get to work!
  8. agreed. this one is easy. try reading street parking signs in hamilton. No parking this side Each month 1st to 15th April to December ... i need a venn diagram to know where to park in this city ...
  9. or, mad props for being too fucking cool. remember, hemi-powered drones attract babes in bikinis.
  10. "deuce"? uh-oh. i think i may have offended a few people over the years ...
  11. the bug-eyes are genuine! hmmmm, is he even married? im sure ive caught glimpses of him checking out delivery boys butts. and while we are at it, im sure that the barefoot contessa is batting for the 10% club too. yes, duped indeed!!
  12. a colleague yesterday asked if I knew of the Riverside area in Ottawa (I dont) and if $800K was too much to pay for a house. he said it wasnt huge like he expected it would be. anyone?
  13. HEMI's were the high performance engines used in muscle cars in the 70s. Chrysler has recently re-introduced them into Pick-ups and Chargers. The lyrics that I never understood were the ones in the middle of Bohemian Rhapsody.
  14. absolutely. mom has hers on our account. once the account is set-up, the additional radios can be physically located anywhere. personally, i wouldnt trust a single skank here to actually pay me the monthly fee, though, so dont nobody ask me! hehe
  15. OMG, they actually make a remote with song display? Well, there goes my New Years Resolution to lose 10 lbs. Cdn subscription rates - $14.99/month, $7.99 each additional radio. US subscription rates - $12.95/month, $6.99 each additional radio (longer term plans can reduce rates) They are like cellphones, where you must link a subscription to a specific receiver. For each subscription you get one active receiver, and one online log-in. You would need two subscriptions if you wanted it in two cars (at the same time). We have three subscriptions (two for us and one for mom), so we pay $US12.95, plus 2 x $US6.99 = $US27/month. We have two portable receivers that can be brought into the house from the car, so as long as one car is "home", that reciever can be brought inside the house to play. If you buy a new car, the radio is permanently built into the car, and cannot be brought inside the house.
  16. a reminder to all of us to have regular cancer screening ... warm thoughts to Bif and her family. this is not something anyone would want to go thru.
  17. whats the receiver you have, NW? we have two sportster replay's that are a couple of years old now and both have displays that have gone wonky. they still work, but backlight goes off a lot. i just dont want to invest in new units and additional home docks.
  18. ... most critics agreed ...
  19. it's one hell of a home, though. the view alone is unbelievable! i'd give one half of my left nipple to live in it.
  20. my toppers: 100/101 - Howard 100/101 94 - CBC3 26 - Left of Center 22 - First Wave 93 - Bandeparte 07 - 70s 32 - Grateful Dead but in any given week, i could spend time on over a dozen channels ... (my guilty pleasure was 02 - Christmas tunes over the Holidays). I would go crazy if I had to listen to testicular radio again.
  21. 335. Songs Released in 2007 Protesting Against the Current Bullshit War Waged by Our Southern Neighbours 1. Hmmm... - Trained Monkey 2. Richard Thompson - Dad's Gonna Kill Me 3. Springsteen - Last to Die 4. Ani Difranco - Self Evident 5. Spoon - Don't Make Me a Target 6. Billy Joel - Christmas in Fallujah 7. Ian Brown (Stones Roses) featuring Sinéad O'Connor - Illegal Attacks 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
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