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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. apparently, the new album has been in the can for some time. they were just holding off on releasing it to allow the whites stripes to get more play. apples and oranges, for sure, but i wasnt anywhere near as impressed with the raconteurs live as i have been with the white stripes.
  2. This is sad news, but not unexpected. I agree, the Whites Stripes are were simply among the best live bands ever - much better than the Raconteurs (but I'll take that over nothing).
  3. Ladies and Gentleman, The Matterhorn!! (can't get a bitmap to image)
  4. they've never played fool in the rain? that surprises me.
  5. good vibes to you, Neil, and everyone else affected, Karin thanks for the update
  6. phishtaper


    we've been having Tilapia a lot lately. it's a great, mild, versatile white fish.
  7. yesterday afternoon. nobody hurt. woke up the neighbourhood, though, eh? full story here.
  8. just bought tix. less than 20 left now. get 'em quick if you wanna go.
  9. this alone would have been worth it. were they oggling unsuspecting men who passed by? or, worse? sounds like it was a fun night. we all need to re-live our lives every once in a while.
  10. check online for your "order status". mine hasnt changed since i bought it ("in progress"). so, i emailed and was told they dont even have the bonus discs, but that they will ship "soon". ugh.
  11. Birdy, do you seriously think he actually had anything to do with that???
  12. ... pre-ordering the phish '96 vegas discs 7 weeks ago when they are now available in the store and they not only haven't shipped them yet, they are telling me that they do not even have the discs to ship? :crazy:
  13. well, seeing as cleanliness is next to godliness ... maybe turn on 100 Huntley Street?
  14. sirius 94. preset #10. altho' im getting into sirius 2 this time o' year.
  15. he has always stated that he felt what he did was the right thing to do. given the impossibility of it actually happening again, though, he should be released despite the legal requirement of showing remorse. very sad situation, all around.
  16. Get A Room forum please
  17. no, i most certainly do not!
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