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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. so far, all rank amateurs. none compares to Ms. Chrissie Hynde ... TRAPPED IN A WORLD THAT THEY NEVER MADE BUT NOT ME BABY I'M TOO PRECIOUS I HAD TO F*CK OFF simply the best female vocals in rock history. she could growl the phone book and it would be incredible. Ms. Slick comes a close second.
  2. not quite "bored to tears" but yes, it certainly did have an element of predictability, and washroom breaks could be planned down to the second. one thing I'd like to point out, though, is that even if it's a live rendition of the album, it was amazingly well done. i didnt think it possible to duplicate Clare Torry's original, wailing, improv vocal on Great Gig in the Sky, but Waters' female vocalist was beyond spectacular on it.
  3. I nominate this for one-liner of the month. F'ing hilarious!!!
  4. instruction 2) ... is clock the past tense of click?
  5. hmmm, i think we may just have some wires crossed here ... in my initial reference to vocal recordings, i didnt mean to suggest that Waters was lip-sinching. I just was referring to the original voice tracks on the DSotM album (which, strangely, seemed to be coming from the back of the arena, not the front).
  6. really, he's not all that far off ... and you'd have Gilmore (and Wright) vocals. perhaps my B+ was harsh, maybe A-, but no more. (give me a sec while I put on my flac-jacket)
  7. uh huh, I was referring to the "I am not frightened of dying, any time will do I don't mind" voice tracks from the album. ... next ...
  8. and so it begins, LOL. fire away, comrades.
  9. ten people on stage - Waters (on acoustic and bass), 2 guitarists, 1 sax, 2 keys, 1 drum, and 3 female vocals. the first set and encore were better than the DSotM set for me. DSotM was a live rendition of the album, virtually note for note. technically challenging and masterfully performed, no doubt, but it had that Beatlemania feeling a bit. and the vocals were weak (see below) highlights: the overall musicianship - these people can play! (and hats off to the sound crew); the video backdrop and lights were really amazing and just as integrated into the whole of the experience as Kuroda's are; the one guitarist (far left) was absolutely incredible; Water's voice was in tip-top shape; the first 2 minutes of the floating astronaut, and; the female vocalists. lowlights: ALL lead vocals on Gilmore tunes (ranging from weak to poor) - the one female vocalist should have just taken over all Gilmore vocals, rather than giving each musician a turn - maybe Waters didnt want to try to 'replace' Gilmore with a soundalike, but it could have been done much better; recorded snippets from the DSotM album - they just seemed so distractingly canned; Waters' new anti-bush song - was boringly preachy and musically uninspired (you can do MUCH better, Rog), and; the "should I stand now? no no, sit back down. oh wait, people are standing again" crowd on the floor - Sit or Stand! Pick ONE! And a special shout out to the woman in front of me whose husband so obviously dragged her along to the show, but was at least kind enough to lend her his Blackberry so she could read email throughout the show. Classy. i thot it was a pretty good show, but wasnt completely blown away by it. Overall, a B+.
  10. one of the few things that united the UW student body in the 80s was a common sense of WTF? with one, Tim Perlich, who reviewed bands in the Imprint. nothing like being told you are too stupid to appreciate a band. :crazy:
  11. LOL, nothing like live beta testing, eh?
  12. Larry Miller is a humourist who writes for the Daily Standard / Weekly Standard. The original article first appeared in 2002 and was in response to something he saw on CNN. He is best known as a character actor and anyone with a television will surely recognize him, having appeared on Seinfeld, and dozens of other shows. Yes, what he writes is very distasteful, but he has also declared war on cell phone users, turkeys and golf.
  13. ... arriving late, no pre-show. mid-floors. ENJOY Everyone! This will be a very cool show.
  14. but ya still have to wait for them. and they tend to come in groups - chatty, oblivious, indecisive groups. :crazy:
  15. sweet! how'd ya manage that? and what did he eat?
  16. I caught them in toronto at the opera house a couple weeks ago. was a great show! some old and some new tunes. Beatles-like, but different, I agree. and the Brit-pop/folk connection to his earlier work with the Waterboys was really apparent too. the new CD is a concept album, about media in the future, and it comes with a matching DVD - nice to grab it for just $15 at the show. i'd seen him once before, maybe 12 years ago. it was just as good this time. although, the predominantly male crowd was all in their 40s and up, with maybe 10 people under 30yo almost felt like a private vip show.
  17. Wow, are you serious? You seem to have really misread my post. I praised Willy for asking, I wasnt being sarcastic. And yes, I do actually know what diazinon is - and its dangerous. I just didnt think it necessary to haul out the US Dept of Labour, Material Safety Data Sheet. Diazinon WAS a common, commercially available, topically applied (powder), neuro-organic pesticide. It is a suspected carcinogen, associated with respiratory illnesses, potentially fatal in high dose, and in most compounds, has already been banned in many jurisdictions, including some in Canada and the US. Along with 2,4-D, it is often referenced as one of the more problematic substances still in use on commercial, and some residential, properties today. Most recent studies of residential, cosmetic pesticide use will reference it near the top of their lists. I didnt think I needed to say all this (or mention the fact that my Master's thesis focused on remediation of an industrially-toxified, potable aquifer). My admission of ignorance was about alternative treatment of dogwood, not the toxicity of diazinon. I thought it was clear that the purpose of my post was to praise his asking for alternative treatments. And I am not accusing anyone of being anti-environment, including his neighbour. People become accustomed to using various substances, and I have no doubt his neighbour was being supportive without realizing the dangers of the chemical. But, please accept my apology for not staying ON topic - like your post. Jeesh, indeed.
  18. i like the fact that you came here asking for alternatives, rather than just spraying right away. (let me guess, your neighbour also has their lawn sprayed by WeedMan 3x a year too?) i avoid chemicals on my lawn whenever possible (and diazinon sounds pretty nasty). personally, i'll live with some dandelions or a few dead plants, rather than contributing to the poisioning of local water sources and/or local wildlife - my humble version of "thinking globally, acting locally". (re: the dogwood, no idea, sorry).
  19. im listening to this now and all I can say is ... Wow. this is gonna be some show!
  20. another thing to consider is that if you do get a car deck with Sat built-in, your subscription will be tied to that unit only. you would then have to get a second unit and pay for a second subscription to be able to listen in the house (assuming your car deck stays in the car). we survived quite well on one plug'n'play unit for a while - taking it in and out of the car and paying for just one subscription. we only got the second unit because of the two cars - ie., so we both can listen to it in both cars. for sure, directly integrated/wired units are better than ones that rely on FM transmission, but they also require additional units / subscriptions to listen elsewhere.
  21. we've had Sirius since late Dec, 2005. got it for howard and have really enjoyed having him in his new format. well worth the costs, just for him alone. we subbed thru sir-us, originally just to ensure access to howard (but now available on sir-can). though, sir-can still seems to be much slower to do everything than sir-us (equipment, units, features, etc.). LOTS of really good music! that was kinda the expected, but surprizingly impressive, bonus for now having to pay for howard. my fav's are 26 - Left of Center (alternative, college type stuff with artists like sufjan stevens, lily ally, feist); 22 - First Wave (new wave from the 80s like duran duran, depeche mode); 17 - Jam On (phish, dead, moe) and 70 to 73 - various jazz channels. yeah, i agree, playlists are a bit repetitive in the short term, but they do switch up over time. i found that used to bother me, but I quickly discovered that a good song I actually like is only one, maybe two, pre-sets away. its NOTHING like regular radio where you spend more time looking for tunes, than listening to them. i never listen to regular radio anymore. and playing CDs in the car less often too. a really cool feature as well is that most of these stations also have regular, weekly live broadcasts, which are fun to listen to at home in the evening. the gear - we have two Sportster Replay plug'n'play's, each with a car base, and one additional home base inside. the Sportster Replays have one of the best built-in FM-transmitters, so we just transmit to 88.1 and tune the FM tuner in the car to that and listen thru the original car stereo. the antennna cable is tucked under trim and set on the back dash. works great. never had a problem. inside the house, the base is 1/8"/RCA wired into the stereo, using the supplied cable. mostly we listen thru the main stereo, but various small FM radios around the house are just tuned to 88.1 and they works great too. the biggest issue at home is the antenna. the supplied antenna is generally not strong enough, so you should consider getting the outdoor (terk sir-6) antenna. trees, buildings, roofs DO block the signal, so consider that as well when "placing". overall, none of it is hugely high-tech (mini-jacks, uses FM transmission, etc.) which was actually a cause for some concerns re: quality of sound, but it has not been a problem at all. it actually sounds quite decent. we can also listen to it all online, at work, etc. one online connection per subscription, via pswd streaming. overall, getting all the gear set up was a bit of a hassle and a real learning experience (especially antennas), but its been well worth it.
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