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Everything posted by phishtaper

  1. someone in Umphrey's?
  2. Have just gotten into sushi over the past few years. Nothing too great in Guelph, but we've discovered a place on College in TO called JunJun Sushi, just at the top of Kensington Market which is our favourite now. Cheap, beautiful presentation and very tasty. And Sushi Star in downtown Hammer is really good too - an all you can eat, order off the menu, sorta thing. I always thought when ya ordered sashimi that the Flaming Lips would come out in bear suits, but that's just not true. was horribly misled.
  3. oh gawd, not that word ... nothing good ever comes of that word ...
  4. ok, so I pulled out the old stuff - Welcome to the Beautiful South, Choke, 0898 and a few cd singles last night and cranked them. was a blast. so? how was the show??? the audience sing-alongs on the live tracks were pretty energetic. was it the same last night?
  5. and this is surprising how? :crazy: ps, us Canucks aint all that much better :mad:
  6. sweet. please do. what's your fav apple, heady? so many to choose from this time of year.
  7. phishtaper


    I highly recommend Ambrosia apples. Yummy ... guess who is bored?
  8. yes, enjoy and please let us know all about the show.
  9. oh yee of little faith ... where there's a will, there's a way. they bought the presidency after all, twice!
  10. truer words were never spoken ... in 2004. unfortunately, you would have been mystified like the rest of us were, are, and always will be. Dubya is the trans-fat of politics ...
  11. personally, I dont know any whores.
  12. life's been good by joe walsh on sirius 70's.
  13. i love this band too. i used to be a huge Housemartins fan, back in the day, and was lucky to have seen them play live in TO. i think i saw the beautiful south too. the late 80's / early 90's are a haze. woman in the wall is my fav BS tune. happy happy tune and whoa! what the hell did he just say!? he cut up his wife and put her body parts in the wall only to have them bleed thru? the sufjan stevens song, john wayne gacy, has the same delightfully cheerful yet bizarrely macabre feeling to it.
  14. so, um, are like zombies real or like something? :crazy:
  15. it will be a giant fire-breathing, gibberish-speaking lizard from Gamehenge, named Dubya the Brave, because after all, lizards do things smart people dont do. and of course, he will be led by the evil Mr. Wilson Cheney.
  16. rush limbaugh is just a schill for the far right wing of the republican party. most of what he says is simply intended to push the envelope as far to the right as possible. of course he is absurd - thats the point. he's a clown. the only thing that doesnt make sense about him is the fact that the rest of us still pay any attention to him. i doubt that most mainstream republicans would accept his bizzare views on this (or anything, for that matter) but with his extremist views on the table, it makes those slightly less distasteful views of simply banning stem cell research, or whatever, a little more acceptable because they arent as bad as his. the tragic thing is that he's continually allowed to attack good people like Micahel J. Fox. God Bless America, indeed.
  17. performing? i always thot they just shook the room.
  18. We have a question on the ballot in the Guelph municipal election this year that asks if we want to do away with the Ward system when electing city councillors. Its a screwed up and ambiguous question since it does not actually specify the "give up for what" alternative (at-large being the presumed, but not explicitly stated, alternative), but that aside ... what do people generally think about electing city councillors At-large vs. geographic Wards? Im curious. Cheers.
  19. yeah, its called the Aberfoyle aquifer and its the reason why Guelph is now being forced by the Province to plan for a pipeline from Lake Erie! Nestlé is evil. shameful.
  20. i once walked past a student in a tutorial at mcmaster and was bowled over by the strong pungent smell coming from the very large backpack she was so intensely protecting, tucked between her feet under her seat. hmmmmm. perhaps this single case was skewing the average here, and she alone was statistically factored in as representing 200 or 300 students in calculating the 60% mean. LOL. easily, she could have supplied that many so, maybe the mayor is just not so good at math.
  21. we just went to a gay wedding at the Chicopee ski lodge in Kitchener. surprisingly, it was actually quite a nice space. also about 120 people. I think all of their rates, etc. are on their website.
  22. she originally owned 98% of the publishing rights to his music, and she sold 25% of that. story goes that she had to sell it because she was pantiless, oops, i mean, pennyless.
  23. oh come on, if we had the money, we'd all do the same
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