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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. you took some great shots groove fetish! here are a few i took on thursday http://flickr.com/photos/36848516@N00/sets/72157603345232034/
  2. i only took my camera out once or twice during each set and snapped a few. i didn't want to spend my time not listening either and didn't want to distract anyone around me.
  3. someone in the crowd called something out, i think called for Thrasher. neil said "i can't play that one anymore. it's unsettling... now i feel unsettled" or something like that. he got up and went to the piano instead. at least that's what i remember
  4. howler - we were about to head out but just found out todd's truck got broken into last night so we'll be delayed a bit but i'll call you when we get to town
  5. last night was great. we ended up right next to timmy b! the crowd had a few losers but i loved it when neil put them in their place, the dude clapping....'who are you playing with?' hehehe i had been hoping we'd get tonight's the night ever since i saw the setlists someone posted up recently. it was great, neil was groovin. sultan was wacky! i took a few pics that i'll post up later
  6. my thoughts from tuesday... woke up early but didn't make it out until around 2 for lunch. i am still getting over this cold. had a nice rooftop hot tub, looking out at the CN tower, and a nice nap. decided to skip pegi's set and we arrived just as she was finishing. checked out the merch which made me want a shirt but since i wasn't madly in love with any of them i decided i didn't need one. we had better seats on the floor. the crowd was way better tonight, no yahoos. (not many annoying YOU THE MAN type comments.) the lady sitting in front of me called out for heart of gold just as neil was starting up old man. he stopped and played heart of gold instead. couldn't she have asked for something else though, hehehe i felt like tonight's acoustic set was tighter. various factors though...the crowd, the seats as well made it more enjoyable. anyway, it absolutely blew me away. ambulance blues was sick. after the gold rush as well. the second set was the same as last night, which might have been why i didn't enjoy it as much as monday night. however, neil seemed to have more energy and was rocking out harder tonight, or so it seemed to me. i didn't enjoy hidden path nearly as much as last night though. the cortez encore was sweet though. what a show.
  7. stonemtn sorry we missed you, were hoping y'all would come by but we haven't been online (if you'd tried to reach us that way). great to see lots of peeps the last few days! though not much hang time has happened what an experience we shared!! and nice meeting the Kutie Kev last night!
  8. haven't been online but WOW! last night was incredible. i was way impressed with show #2. though journey thru the past on monday was absolutely unreal. but last night...wow. neil was rockin out. my little review from monday for those not seeing him this time around (warning thursday showgoers, contains spoilers) although rainy we had a great drive to toronto. got to the hotel around 4 and it's just a 5 minute walk from massey hall. it rained all day. i went to ginger 2 for an enormous bowl of chicken noodle soup and amazing spring rolls (thanks foodeeze peeps) and finally the time came to head to the show. caught most of pegi's set which was booooring but there was a buzz in the air and it didn't really matter. i was sitting up in the gallery which has the most uncomfortable seats but ended up sitting to quite a few people we knew. the acoustic set was KILLER. and the stage was the coolest stage i've ever seen. it was set up like an old theatre, with lit-up letters hovering above the back and dusty props, among them many paintings. i can't describe it but it's just really cool. there were about 8 acoustics (some of which were easily 25000$ guitars) set up in a circle around a chair. in the back an old dude was painting canvases. the show started but the first few songs had latecomers and ushers interrupting them. i didn't mind since i get 3 shows but some other people around me were not pleased at having ushers checking the whole row's tickets during ambulance blues, which i can understand! after a few tunes on guitar he wandered around the stage looking lost and finally settled in at a funkily painted piano for a piano/synth man needs a maid. then wandered over to the upright. the highlight of the acoustic set was journey through the past, just incredible. after neil got up from the old upright piano he gave it an affectionate rub and smile. he dedicated the song to his grandmother who used to play the piano in the mining town where she lived. cowgirl in the sand was also a treat. not to mention the rare no one seems to know. second set was awesome. he tore no hidden path to shreds...felt like about 20 minutes for that one. after the show we went over to my friend ed's place and so excitedly talked and partied till around 4. didn't get much sleep as i woke up early with my cough.
  9. do you mean b/c there's no show basher, or b/c dimafleck won't be standing there alone feeling like a loser? hehehe
  10. phorbesie


    there was an article in the citizen today (sunday) about aspartame and cancer. can't find it online but if you can get today's paper check it out
  11. my fave steak house is in vancouver, hy's encore!!! holy soooo good, everything is amazing. been many many times, and always awesome. i know there is a hy's in ottawa now but i have not been to it yet. it's probably yummy though!! go for it
  12. knowing me when i was a kid/teen, the surest way to get me interested in reading that book would be for my school/parents to say it was bad. seriously though...don't they realize how much attention/advertising they are drawing to this thing by banning it? i'd bet that way more of the kids will read it now.
  13. buddhists enjoy sex. that's what tantra is for,hehe not that i support your run for the position, just saying
  14. holy panties batman, it's the dougler!!! i like the superhero idea. a lot!
  15. clearly you still respect the man enough not to air his dirty laundry
  16. was it a private show? i'm confused how it could be a secret if lots of people saw it. anyway... if you have a personal problem with mr. clinton, then that's different. if you don't like him because of something, that's a reason not to see him for sure. but i don't think saying "clearly you've never seen them live" when someone says they like them is called for, if your problem is to do with the man personally. they DO put on great shows.
  17. ditto one bad show doesn't mean too much. the first ween show i saw was weak and disappointing, so does that mean ween sucks live and i should never see them again? i'd probably be missing out if i did that.
  18. i did love it there, though i wouldn't call it a city, haha. which part did you stay in, mcleod ganj or another village? i stayed mostly in dharmkot up on the hill. it was so amazingly beautiful! i stayed until the snow and cold came, but it was hard to leave for sure! i love reminiscing i wish i could post some awesome pics but i don't have them all on this computer (well i do have them all on snapfish ) but i found only a few on my computer. i'll post em up anyway... dharmkot monkeys - ya they look cute but they are really aggressive! mountain view from mcleod ganj kids singing a song to his holiness the karmapa's temple
  19. but buddhism (the tibetan version at least) is accepting of other religions and does not try to 'convert' people. in the months i spent in dharmsala there were many jews in my courses and the lamas and nuns encouraged them to follow their own religion, while trying to incorporate some buddhist practices such as meditation, to whatever degree they felt comfortable with and no further. also, buddhists refrain from harming any living thing (even parasites to a degree) and don't go on rampages against other people who are unenlightened.
  20. holy shnikeys this sticky has been stuck up here for 2 months?!! now THAT's just wrong.
  21. i still don't understand why people enter contests for shows they can't go to.
  22. http://www.guardian.co.uk/worldlatest/story/0,,-7090915,00.html Tuesday November 20, 2007 3:16 PM TOKYO (AP) - The Dalai Lama says he may appoint a successor or rely on an election before his death in a break with tradition, a Japanese newspaper reported Tuesday, following recent orders that China must approve Tibet's spiritual leaders. According to centuries of Tibetan Buddhist tradition, the search for the reincarnation of spiritual leaders, or lamas - including the Dalai Lama - has been carried out by Tibetan monks following the leaders' deaths. ``The Tibetan people would not support a successor selected by China after my death,'' the Dalai Lama was quoted as saying on a trip to Japan by the Sankei Shimbun, a national daily. ``If the Tibetan people wish to uphold the Dalai Lama system, one possibility would be to select the next Dalai Lama while I am still living,'' he was quoted as saying in an interview. ``Among options being considered are a democratic selection by the high monks of Tibetan Buddhism, or the appointment of a successor by myself,'' he said. The exiled leader also accused Chinese authorities of stepping up persecution of Tibetan monks and civilians, and called the region's relations with the Chinese government ``the most tense in recent years,'' according to the newspaper. China's new order, which came into force in September, states that all future lama appointments related to Tibetan Buddhism ``must get government approval,'' according to the official Xinhua News Agency. It also prevents any outside source from having ``influence'' in the selection process, the agency reported. The order has led to concerns that the central government may forcibly select a pro-Beijing leader once the current popular Dalai Lama is dead. China has ruled Tibet with a heavy hand since its Communist-led forces invaded in 1951, and it has accused the Buddhist monk of defying its sovereignty by pushing for Tibetan independence. The Tibetan government-in-exile in Dharmsala, India, regards the Chinese order as an attempt to further repress and undermine the religious culture of the Himalayan region. In 1995, the Dalai Lama chose 6-year-old Gendun Choekyi Nyima as the 11th Panchen Lama, the most exalted figure of Tibetan Buddhism after the Dalai Lama. The boy and his family disappeared soon after and have not been heard from since. China's communist-led government later named Gyaltsen Norbu as the 11th Panchen Lama and said Nyima and his family were being kept in a secret location for their protection. The Dalai Lama says he wants ``real autonomy'' for Tibet, not independence. He has lived with followers in exile in India since fleeing Chinese soldiers in 1959. He arrived in Japan last week for a nine-day visit. He has been snubbed by Japanese officials, who are working to improve relations with neighboring China.
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