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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    LOL i don't think i'm lacking depth. i just don't see the need to complain about every little thing in the world. it just drive me nuts. waaaah mommy i'm getting an extra 200 in tax cut BOO HOO
  2. i didn't give out any candy since i wasn't home so now it's all left for me took my niece and nephew trick or treating, man they were wired!!! fun party at jojo's after, good times
  3. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    well that's easy, all you have to do then is donate your tax refund to the PC party. i assume you'll be doing so, yes? classic - canadians WANTING more taxes. pffft. it's as if you people think the government is spending our tax money to the best of their ability.
  4. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    well since y'all are so above it, feel free to send me your tax refund money
  5. i keep hoping for this guy: haha...and who do YOU want velvet to dress up as?
  6. she's welcome to borrow my kimono and stuff tonite if needed
  7. waaah....having tummy issues so no chocolate for me today! :mad: well maybe just a little later!
  8. i liked it when velvet dressed up as a dirty filthy hippie (i was a maiko). it was hot.
  9. Monks return to streets of Burma More than 100 monks have marched in central Burma, the first time they have returned to the streets since last month's bloody crackdown on protests. The monks chanted and prayed as they marched through Pakokku, the site of an incident last month that triggered pro-democracy protests nationwide. The government said 10 people died during the crackdown, but diplomats believe the toll was much higher. Thousands more - many of them monks - were thought to have been detained. Separately, the Human Rights Watch organisation has accused the Burmese army of forcibly recruiting children to cover gaps left by a lack of adult recruits. Envoy's return Pakokku is a centre of Buddhist learning about 630km (390 miles) north-west of Rangoon. Reports that soldiers had beaten up monks there on 6 September gave momentum to protests that had begun on 19 August to demonstrate against fuel price rises. Witnesses at Wednesday's march said the monks did not make any overt political statements but that the rally was clearly in defiance of the junta. In the wake of the crackdown on protesters last month, public gatherings of monks in Burma have been banned and many monasteries remain deserted. According to the BBC's Asia correspondent Andrew Harding, there is no way of telling whether this new demonstration is the start of another wave of protests. One monk who was on the march told the Democratic Voice of Burma, a Norway-based radio station run by dissident journalists: "We are continuing our protest from last month as we have not yet achieved any of the demands we asked for. "Our demands are for lower commodity prices, national reconciliation and immediate release of [pro-democracy leader] Aung San Suu Kyi and all the political prisoners." Aung Nyo Min, the Thai-based director of the Human Rights Education Institute of Burma, said of the rally: "This is very significant... we are very encouraged to see the monks are taking up action and taking up peaceful demonstrations in Burma." 'Systemic abuse' There are hundreds of thousands of monks in Burma. They are highly revered and the clergy has historically been prominent in political protests. The crackdown on protests sparked international action, with the US and EU imposing sanctions and embargoes. United Nations envoy Ibrahim Gambari is expected to return to Burma this weekend for talks with the military government in the wake of the crackdown. I do think this sort of economic and political frustration that is within the population will manifest itself again in the coming months Mark Canning, UK ambassador to Burma A Western diplomat told Agence France-Presse news agency Mr Gambari would be in Burma from 3-8 November. Mr Gambari last visited on 29 September, just three days after the bloody crackdown began, and met junta chief Gen Than Shwe and Aung San Suu Kyi. He has been on a six-nation Asian tour to try to increase pressure on the generals. British ambassador to Burma, Mark Canning, told the BBC he expected further unrest in the country. "I do think this sort of economic and political frustration that is within the population will manifest itself again in the coming months." Meanwhile, in a move that will add further pressure to the ruling junta, the campaign group Human Rights Watch has released a report saying children as young as 10 are beaten or threatened with arrest to make them enlist in the military. The government insists it is opposed to the use of child soldiers, but Human Rights Watch says the abuses have been extensive and systemic. Are you in the area? Did you see the march? Send us your comments using the form below: You can send pictures and video to: yourpics@bbc.co.uk or text them to 61124 . If you have a large file you can upload here. Click here to see terms and conditions At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws. Name: Email address: Town and Country: Phone number (optional): Comments: Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/asia-pacific/7070551.stm Published: 2007/10/31 09:31:36 GMT © BBC MMVII
  10. proof america should be less GWB more Las Vegas eh? please explain... i don't get the connection to bush...those tents were at phish shows in the 90s and at every fest and many club shows i've attended abroad.
  11. phorbesie

    Tax Cuts!

    also mr. bitchard, 2% off gst maybe means cents on small things but it means dollars on big things. why do you hate saving money so?! i just made that up > (mr. bitchard) and i kinda like it
  12. i love them too. i read the whole paper but save the crossword for last and anticipate it the whole time. then a coffee with baileys and i'm all set. i only get the paper on the weekends though, so i only get to do the sunday NYT. i wish i could do the saturday one regularly though cuz i find it much harder than the sunday.
  13. "sabotaging ethnic unity"?!!! um... Tue Oct 30, 5:53 AM BEIJING (Reuters) - China condemned Prime Minister Stephen Harper on Tuesday for "disgusting conduct" for playing host to the Dalai Lama and demanded that Ottawa stop supporting anti-Chinese activities by exiled Tibetans. Harper defied China on Monday by receiving Tibet's exiled spiritual leader in his office in Parliament, with television cameras and photographers present. He presented the 1989 Nobel laureate with a maple-leaf scarf. "It's gross interference in China's internal affairs. The Chinese side expresses its strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition," Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao declared. "This disgusting conduct has seriously hurt the feelings of the Chinese people and undermined Sino-Canadian relations," Liu told a regular news briefing. "The Chinese side demands the Canadian side ... correct its mistaken conduct, immediately adopt effective measures to eliminate adverse impact (from the meeting) and stop winking at or supporting anti-Chinese activities by Tibetan forces." The Dalai Lama fled his predominantly Buddhist homeland in 1959 after a failed uprising against Communist rule. The Dalai Lama, who was granted honorary Canadian citizenship in June, was also scheduled to meet Governor General Michaelle Jean, representative of Canada's head of state, Queen Elizabeth, and leaders of Canada's opposition parties. Earlier on Monday, he met Jason Kenney, secretary of state for multiculturalism, at the Department of Heritage. In 2004, then-prime minister Paul Martin met the Dalai Lama privately at the home of the Roman Catholic archbishop of Ottawa, but this time the venues were upgraded to government buildings. The Dalai Lama says he wants greater autonomy, not independence, for his Himalayan homeland. But China is convinced he is a separatist, underscoring the gulf between the sides. "For decades the Dalai Lama's words and deeds have demonstrated that he is a political exile who wears a religious cloak while engaging in activities splitting the motherland and sabotaging ethnic unity," Liu, the spokesman, said. U.S. President George W. Bush and leaders of Congress gave the Dalai Lama the Congressional Gold Medal in a packed ceremony in the U.S. Capitol on October 17. China cancelled an annual human rights dialogue with Germany to show its displeasure with German Chancellor Angela Merkel's meeting last month with the Dalai Lama.
  14. ah yes, i do remember that post of yours about it. i guess my feeling is that if it's not official with him it might not happen! i want to go to the peterboro show, just haven't pulled the trigger on tix yet. but yes planning on being there
  15. doubt that online retailers are gonna give you the bank rate though eg. i pricelined a hotel the other day which came to 261$ US. i was charged 259$ Cdn.
  16. i wonder why harry doesn't have that on his site? i need to be sure before i buy tics and a hotel not that i wouldn't enjoy just harry, but it's one of those can't afford to go but can't afford to not go if kevin is playing kinda things
  17. can someone try to confirm with kevin if he is actually playing the ontario shows with harry manx? in looking at manx's website he has kevin listed for 2 shows in early november but not any of the ON/QC shows later. but another thread on this board was saying that he was playing those shows. can someone try to find out? many thanks.
  18. i think your description is why i've never had one daveyboy
  19. that looks like good stuff "old haunt"...do/will the spades be playing anytime soon there? trying to work out a way to catch a show there. also, can you recommend a good but inexpensive hotel downtown there?
  20. tickets were onsale awhile ago for 30 or 40 bucks. i was not planning to pay though!
  21. did anyone go? i wanted to but velvet made me stay home
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