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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. V do you think i should put the bluesfest logo on? it's a great idea but i don't wanna get hunted down and sued or anything and as for your comment to me that the flyers will do no good whatsoever, well at least i'm trying to do something instead of just being grumpy and thinking up things that i won't ever do.
  2. ok no prob. i used normal font hehe i think it looks fine. i didn't put the crossed-out lawnchair, just a lawnchair. if nobody hears from me after tonite, i've likely been beaten to death with aluminum or strangled with mesh. please riot.
  3. thanks. what font would you suggest? i'm not great at this stuff. and what size would be best? i'd think it'd have to be at least half a letter sized sheet. i can email you what i've got now, if you want to make some suggestions there?
  4. wooooohooooo!!! happy bday dinghy!
  5. no, thanks for the suggestions! i made some of those changes. how's this? Catchy title anyone? 1. Lawn chairs and their owners force standers into pathways that should remain clear for emergency personnel and ease of movement for all festival goers. 2. A lawn chair takes up the space of 2 or 3 standing people. If its occupant stands for a time and does not fold down the chair, add 1. 3. A festival is meant for enjoyment of music with other music lovers. It’s important to respect all other festival patrons. This means sharing space, and also respecting the artists by not reading a book or having long cell phone conversations during the performance, unless you do so in a place which does not interfere with others’ enjoyment. 4. A festival setting is not the same as a seated theatre - specific seats and therefore sight-lines are not reserved. People are allowed to stand to enjoy the concert wherever they please, just as the current rules allow for sitters to sit wherever they please. A person can not "own" a large portion of the site. 5. Performers will play better if the audience is engaged. There is give and take involved. 6. A blanket can be held and easily folded up and carried, then used if a person is tired and wishes to sit for a time. A lawn chair can serve this purpose as well, if the owner understands that sitting means their view will of course be limited. Thank you for reading! I hope people will consider the implications of their lawn chairs and the effect they have on other people.
  6. ok how about this then: 1. Lawn chairs and their owners force standers into pathways that should remain clear for emergency personnel and ease of movement for all festival goers. Throwing things and berating people that walk past your chair is not an appropriate reaction.
  7. well he's never had a beautiful voice, and just thinking back to the early 90s he sounded a lot worse. i guess everything's relative. and i guess i am continually impressed that he is up there at his age standing for the whole show ( ) every night and doing a little dancing even, my back was sore after the show, hehe. 'elusive charisma' eludes me too though, for sure.
  8. good idea as well. in the meantime, as in today...i will be happy to print a few thousand flyers up. so... Lawn Chairs and Concerts 1. Lawn chairs and their immature owners force standers into pathways that should remain clear for emergency personnel and ease of movement for all festival goers. 2. A lawn chair takes up the space of 3? 4? people. When its occupant stands for a time and does not fold down the chair, add 1. 3. A festival is meant for enjoyment of music and dancing. Reading the newspaper from your lawnchair can be done at home. 4. When you purchase a ticket at the NAC or Scotiabank Place, etc., you have a specific seat and sight line that you have paid for. A festival does not work that way. You do not "own" a large portion of the site. 5. Please add more!! I have to go get a bunch of stuff copied for work today at UPS so I can add this to my order
  9. i'm glad someone's letter got printed already. maybe we should compose a group letter to the citizen with all the good points? too bad we couldn't get someone onto a news show in a 'debate' with a lawn chair person. well, maybe we could! i'd get all flustered though! all those ideas of yours are good. i also am quiet and irritated! i hate how year after year we let these people win. another idea from last year was printing up some sort of flyer. maybe a 'concert etiquette and lawn chair facts sheet' wouldn't be a bad idea, if we distributed thousands of them. i'd be willing to take on the carbon karma (from all the litter) for that one.
  10. i would agree with that review. bob was in great form. was it your first time seeing him?
  11. i got an 'out of office' email response from the dude (until the 18th). ha. ok we bitch about this every year (and with good reason). what can we do that might actually have an effect? picket? protest? get onstage and freak out? burn and loot? seriously. maybe a petition would help if it was signed by the big name performing artists, if someone with a pass can get back there and explain the situation to them? sigh.
  12. on the bluesfest contact page, there is the email for directer of ops (the guy AD named above)
  13. bwaaa i love that guy (in the ali g clip) sitting in the middle just looking totally stunned :grin:
  14. it sure would. that was nutty when they all stood up, with all that space and their chairs empty, but the rest of us were crushed like sardines along the sides. at that point i realized i'd be happier (for the rest of the week likely) at the back of the field where i don't have to see this shit. aaarrrrrggghhhh
  15. i meant to get a map tonite...weren't there supposed to be demarcated lawnchair zones this year? or did i dream that?!
  16. i can't login can you link to the after-login page possibly?
  17. all i know about that bit, is that when we were trying to find a spot, this one lady said 'you can't walk by here' cuz she didn't want people WALKING PAST her chair. seriously! i moved on but velvet and her had a little chat... then i was standing in a crowd wondering how to get back to velvet and JP and this other lady (who was ALSO STANDING) told me not to stand in front of her cuz she couldn't see (this was before the show had even started). i guess she didn't notice that there were about 29,999 other people at the show. good times. :crazy:
  18. bob was great! sweet! hope to run into you tomorrow
  19. i was gonna post on here to the lawyerly types: what kind of punishment can one get for destruction of small property? ie. destruction of lawnchairs.? i reeeeeeeallllly want to smash me some lawnchairs.
  20. i'm glad they're playing tonite. more space at bluesfest for us
  21. just got word that the show in montreal last night was sick and dylan was on fire stoked! oh...and they said jimmy vaughan sucked
  22. what's the food like there?
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