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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. hey all i'm trying to choose a limo company. seems to be about 100-125 per hour for a 10-person stretch. if anyone has dealt with a good company, whether it's good staff or cheap rates, please post a recommendation. thanks!
  2. wow...sounds great. sigh. so close, yet so far away. as soon as i get sorted i'm going on panic tour!!
  3. AD your original post was good.
  4. i think if you presented yourself in a more professional manner they would be more open to giving you an article to write, and/or be more receptive to what you send them. i don't know of any line of work that is going to hire someone who calls their product and staff crap, so why would this be different? at what point are you entitled to be recognized as having a thorough knowledge of music? maybe when you can display said knowledge in a respectable manner...? you may (or may not) have great insight to share about music, but i don't think anyone is going to want your ideas when you insult them. i mean, the first part was kind and showed that you like their magazine, but then you insult them. if you are trying to get in the door, they will remember that. i'm not sure who exactly you sent the letter to, but i can't see them loving you for telling them they suck!
  5. so when's all this stuff gonna get fixed by? :blush:
  6. Wow. :-) I'd like to shout out to StoneMtn and Lassie tonight on their wedding night. What an amazing evening you created! Thanks so much, and I love you so much... heather p.s. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
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