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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. i saw him a few months ago and jerry douglas opened for him, so it's probably true. and he did play lots of graceland, also new tunes but towards the end of the show it was all oldies have fun y'all!
  2. wow! you have a great eye for photography.
  3. i just noticed PC carrot juice is on there too. i drank a bottle of that last week too! ugh.
  4. fuck...i drink their carrot juice like its water. i drank a couple bottles last week. i seem to have a bit of cold right now...bad throat and some dizziness/tummyache. i hope that's all it is. i'm sure i'd know pretty quick if i had botulism, right?
  5. thank you so much for the hugs and good thoughts everyone i hope everybody has a wonderful thanksgiving.
  6. my father passed away suddenly on thursday so i have come to BC to be with my mother and arrange the service and things. so many relatives are flying in from all over...france, cali, NY, montreal, etc. i am really thankful for that. we will have the whole family together tomorrow night, except for my dad. my mom and i wanted to have thanksgiving dinner for everyone but it would be too much work at this point, so we are all going to go out for a meal tomorrow night. it is a hard time but i am so thankful for the 31 years i had with my dad, who was the most generous, kind, loving father. he always took the high road. and he taught me how to work hard and to do the right thing. i will really miss him. we did a lot of activities and sports together and had so much fun. he always stood by me when i got myself into trouble. i will always remember him lovingly and be thankful that he was my dad. RIP papa phorbesie. i miss you.
  7. phorbesie

    Top this Dinghy

    thanks guys...i don't feel so bad about my crazy-potato-chip-hoovering boyfriend now
  8. how could you not remember your first show?!
  9. thanks for the suggestions. i ended up deciding to rent a cottage at algonquin inn . the leaves are mostly done apparently, due to the high winds last week, but still can go hiking canoeing and moose-spotting i'll report back if the place is good.
  10. those look cool...not sure about those seats for sleeping though...doesn't look too comfy.? maybe it actually is though. also miss the double back doors. at least the engine is probably more reliable though! (that's the one thing i don't miss about my bus though i do miss its styliness and comfort so much.) *sigh*
  11. lol KK....not quite a dream bus you got there. bwah!
  12. i have it...i'll be in your hood tonite so i'll bring it over.
  13. i didn't say it was cool...i said it was awesome. hehe (ie. 'inspiring awe') i didn't particularly like getting spit on...definitely one of those things that's funnier in retrospect than at the time!
  14. how about this...once when i was at a green day show (back in like 91 or 92) billy joe stood at the front of the stage, and kept spitting way up into the air and then catching it in his mouth. he'd spit higher each time. then he stood at the front arms open and said "spit on me!" everyone started hocking spit at the stage. i was in the front couple rows and got covered in spit. billy joe, however, was literally dripping with spit and loogies. it was awesome, in that awesome kind of way. hehe
  15. i haven't been out for dim-sum much in ottawa either. i have been to yangtze (sp?) as mentioned above, it was decent but not Wow. there is this place on bank st. at the corner of where carstairs lives (bank & foxtrot or something like that) which has Awesome chinese food and i bet their dim-sum would be incredible, i really want to go sometime. let's do it!
  16. poor trey...reduced to interviewing 5 year olds and can't even charge for guitar lessons.
  17. i agree...it's nice to have a long story, you get to know the characters so much better. it's just a bit weird with the timing of the books... ie. how the first book spans a few years but as the books progress things get more intense and by book 8 or so the book only spans a few days. i like that in a way, but miss the journeys/epicness that Traveling has taken from the story, and get a little bored spending every minute of a day with rand, for example.
  18. also, have a burrito in the mission!
  19. awesome while you're in the haight, squat & gobble is so yummy for breakfast (crepes & other stuff) and magnolia is a great brew pub. have fun!
  20. yep, i have read all of them (the first 10 anyway, don't know if an 11th has come out... yet). love love them until around book 6. after that it becomes so slow and drawn out, as mentioned above. definitely a fan though.
  21. phorbesie

    TPB movie

    M - that is awesome!! jealous!
  22. i had a fun time seeing him a few years back in tokyo but yes it was disappointing if you're expecting to be floored. chuck berry opened and his set was better. the band was definitely smokin though...and they came out to a little soul bar with us afterwards (with their horns) and shroomed and rocked all night, so that was really fun.
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