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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. i felt the same way about the songs/music...and his performances were horrible and embarrassing. but others have turned those songs into hits i guess so he was writing good ones.
  2. also if you want fucked up, rent 'Crumb'. whoa.
  3. nothing yet...my fridge is looking pathetic these days. and i'm out of coffee too! yikes.
  4. the same rumour was going around last year, no? where did the info come from?
  5. yes...i really enjoyed it. i thought the film-making was great, and especially loved the daniel-as-a-child productions.
  6. read this last week...quite interesting. i hadn't known at all about the wife.
  7. ha...i was thinking of the 'show us your tits' 'we love your vagina' variety...
  8. Velvet was using my computer yesterday and left my web browser open on the nerologs page. As i sat down to work, i started skimming over them, and i got a little concerned as i came across many, er, interesting Quotes of the day!
  9. Happy 30th Bday Ms Hux! Glad it was a good one. You rock! Keep on rockin. Or don't stop rockin. Your choice.
  10. I just got 3 nero cds in order to acquaint myself well in the next few months. Nice! woooooooooooooooo!
  11. that banner pic tweaks me out a bit...james looks like a lady...i think it's the shirt :crazy:
  12. so what are you saying? that wiki entry said they are polycarbonate...i don't understand your post.
  13. but he'll beat it i know! Message from Phil on 10.26.2006 What do I have in common with Rudy Giuliani, John Kerry, Bob Dole, Joe Torre, Nelson Mandela, Sean Connery, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Emperor Akihito of Japan, General Norman Schwarzkopf, Colin Powell, Quincy Jones, Roger Moore, Sydney Poitier, and Robert De Niro? Like them, and along with thousands of other men, I have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Since my liver transplant, my health has been monitored by a crack team of doctors; in the course of this program, I have periodic blood tests and clinic visits. At my last clinic, my doctor noticed that my PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) levels had increased over the last period. He recommended that I see a urologist, and a biopsy confirmed the diagnosis. I have decided to have it removed in early December with da Vinci robotic surgery. Since we’ve caught it very early, and it’s small and slow-growing, I fully expect to have a rapid and complete recovery. I am feeling energetic as always, and all my scheduled appearances will occur as planned. As you know, I urge everyone to become an organ donor to help save lives. Now, I am also urging all men: speak to your doctor about having periodic regular PSA screening for early detection of prostate cancer- you may save your own life. -PHIL
  14. timouse...thanks...can you tell me about nalgene bottles? this guy i know went off on me awhile back for using a nalgene...said that the plastic (#7..hard, clear plastic) had evil stuff in it that leaches into the water. dude carries his water around in glass bottles (which i would find hard to do for several reasons). is this true?
  15. anywhere between 11 and 3 i often nap during the afternoon which will make me go to bed later
  16. Yay! Congratulations to all!
  17. jaimoe that sounds rough. what's your job?
  18. no my LHS screen is huge too. sucks. i didn't know that was called a toggle. i even looked it up in the dictionary...something you can switch on and off...now i gotcha. hi guigs! long time no see bbl (when it's fixed, lol)
  19. must try those st. hubert chips!!! i love st. hub! i am bad with ice cream, especially before bed. kettle chips (honey dijon, s&v) plain chips with dip not too exciting! i've never tried a lot of those snacks you guys posted (except the pretzel bits). but now i will....uh oh!
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