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Everything posted by phorbesie

  1. i got lots of concert tickets this past year as gifts and those were much enjoyed
  2. i only started seeing moe in 2001 so can't really respond there. but from 2001 to 2005 of the shows i've seen i'd say 2004 was the best!
  3. i guess it's not my thing. i listened to the 4 tracks and watched the teletubby vid... but i thought 'electronic' was kind of cool. next best band in the world is a little much!!
  4. yikes... i hope my landlady wasn't taking that! she died yesterday unexpectedly...my sis saw her on friday and said she looked great and healthy.
  5. phorbesie


    what is the musical box? i've never heard of it!
  6. ahh...that explains it. i was wondering why he was saying 'new' movie! lol
  7. is he making a new movie ie. another one? or were you talking about an inconvenient truth? i always feel bad when i fly on a plane after seeing that. i am very eco-conscious otherwise but i take flights now and then which pretty much cancels out any good eco-karma! gonna try to fly less though. my mom just invited me to mexico for a week...kind of a frivolous trip...maybe i'll have to skip it
  8. crazy...my mom told me they got a foot in vancouver on saturday! glad i missed that
  9. phorbesie

    yayyyyyy God

    talkin to a drunk man about religion he said it's all I got, but it ain't much. the way I feel these days, i'd rather have a gun than a crutch makes sense to me...
  10. on the bright side, if the draft got re-instated maybe americans would suddenly show some real interest in ending the occupation of iraq!
  11. i'm reading jim morrison's now (no one here gets out alive) and it's quite good.
  12. sorry to hear it. what jerks! enjoy the freedom hope to see you at the orbit room next monday night? (the 4th)
  13. what did the fish say when it swam into a wall? Dam!
  14. sabah province in borneo...it has a bit of everything. amazing islands and diving, beautiful jungle and mountains and so much cool wildlife. i would miss having international food and music though. favourite city... tokyo. in canada, skookumchuck is my favourite place where i feel most relaxed and peaceful. the field of heaven is my favourite place in the world to see a show the gorge in 2nd place.
  15. phorbesie


    if someone hurts you...and you don't forgive them (after awhile i mean, eventually) i think it makes you feel that you retain power over them in a way. withholding forgiveness is like you have the upper hand or something, you are in control in the relationship. when really you are not in control at all, you just want to feel like you have some control. you don't realize that this is the case, but i think deep down that is probably what is going on.
  16. sounds like the dog was definitely lost i'm sure his family was very grateful. i once lost my hamster and days later heard a yell and then found my father chasing and trying to whack the poor lil guy with a broom, thinking he was a mouse!
  17. knock knock. who's there? dwayne. dwayne who? dwayne the bathtub, i'm dwowning!
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