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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. ::Sigh:: Well, at least they're consistent.
  2. Hal Johnson

    purple font

    Thats pretty funny. "[color:purple]Hey Alan, just wanted to let you know you're doing a great job and are invaluable to this organization."
  3. Think JP will ever be hired again, anywhere, for anything? http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080507&content_id=2655965&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb
  4. http://www.theonion.com/content/news/fantasy_baseball_owner_rips_team
  5. Its kinda freaky that it all seems to being going exactly as planned.
  6. Im telling you, its becoming more fun to see how well thay can outdo themselves from game to game.
  7. I attest. However the bar at the back of the room wasnt being used much, so you can spend your time there...but then you'r really far from the actual show.
  8. Happy birthday my friend! I searched the internets and found some horoscopes for you: Gemini: Your water will break while watching a performance of The Marriage Of Figaro, causing you great surprise, as you are not pregnant, female, or interested in opera. Gemini: You will combine a pair of novelty underpants and your considerable ventriloquism skills to give a certain special lady the worst first date of her life. Gemini: The wheels of fate have begun the inexorable turning that will one day lead to your bitter divorce from Pittsburgh Steelers wide receiver Plaxico Burress. And so on and so forth. Have fun today buddy!
  9. Sore knee aside, Tiger can be quite the sissy at times. But I guess it IS golf...
  10. Hey, you guys remeber this from GYM class? http://www.eurohandball.com/ We should start a league here - it can go all summer and kick the snot out of the CFL for ratings. (sorry Ollie)
  11. Two words: Women's Volleyball. Oh, and there's the CFL for Ollie.
  12. Ya, but Euro will be over too soon. Im boycotting the Jays till they fire fuckface and fuckface II.
  13. Sounds good, its been a while since Ive been to the Hammer.
  14. Ive always wanted to see Cake live, this is cool!
  15. Anyone know if this is gonna replayed tonight? Im just keeping on eye on the scores and I really wanna watch the fucker!
  16. I dunno, I watched a ton of Matlock when i was a kid. If you wanted to kill someone in particular and got drunk so as to avoid a huge sentence, you'd probably end up being proven guilty of 1st degree anway. Most murders are committed by someone close to the victim. So they'd probably find a motive and what have you. If you just felt like taking some random person out and decided drunk driving would get you the lesser of a sentance, well, hopefully the courts would find you certifiably insane.
  17. I didnt catch any games this weekend, but did manage to hear a bit of Jays talk after the last game. Appears Mike Wilner is getting paid top dollar to defend Gibby at all costs.
  18. That avatar is fantastic. I guess if he's on the course, that lets him off the hook.
  19. ya, theres that one guy who spekas as though he's in a daycare class and all the children have just fallen asleep. Whats up with that? Im sure he's sitting in a booth somewhere and that no one can really hear him anyway.
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