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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Hate to break it to you SS, but the Cowboys are gonna manhandle the Pack in the playdowns.
  2. When I was a kid I used to smear peanut butter all over my dogs balls, then lick it off.
  3. I dunno, Peanut Butter alone is kind of annoying. Especially if its just peanut butter on, say, a bagel. And the only drink you have handy is water. The water does nothing to help wash down the peanut butter! Just kinda passes it by on its way to your stomach. Definately needs some honey or bananas to compliment it.
  4. Looking forward to meeting you. You can play with my sister through the holidays.
  5. I just read the article - whats wrong with it? Fuck Im so sick and tired of my favorite teams being mediocre. I'd welcome a change in identity.
  6. I guess we'll be seeing a lot of these "I tried it once" types.
  7. Thank you, that was perfect for thend of a looong week. Cheers!
  8. I guess I just thought the whole "report" would have much harder evidence than what has been used to implicate Tejada.
  9. "Radomski recalled receiving a call from Piatt during which he said he needed extra testosterone because "one of the guys wanted some." In a later conversation, Piatt told Radomski that the testosterone was for his teammate, Miguel Tejada. Radomski never spoke, or sold performance enhancing substances, directly to Tejada." But we'll include his name in a list and have the public deem him guilty anyway. Seems fair.
  10. I remember watching that series against London when the Knights had, like, the best junior team in the history of existance, and Richards single handedly won a couple of games for Kitchener. It was pretty amazing considering how unbelievable London was at the time.
  11. I imagine it will be a good deal in years to come. He was an absolute monster in junior, and if what hes done so far this year is any indication of what his future will be like, Id say it was a really smart move by the Flyers.
  12. I see what you mean Guigs - hes not a better fielder than Johnny Mac, but he hits a little better and plays harder, which should generate some different types of runs for the team - runs they so painfully lacked this past year.
  13. Dear Work, Whats with the half-ply toilet paper? - Hal
  14. Not bad....heres to hoping that they've read through the entire 490 page report though...
  15. I agree, but dont think it could work. They'd have to start stripping teams of WS titles too. It would get real ugly, real fast. The only way to save it, in my opinion, is to leave evrything alone that happened before 2002 (or whenever Jose wrote his book). We'd all get over it.
  16. My whole childhood would be comprimised if Roberto Alomar was on the list.
  17. Thats why I want my money back. Ticket prices reflect inflated salaries, which are a reflection of a guys worth, which is, essentially, how far he can hit the ball or how hard he can throw it. Id hate to think my hard earned cash has been contributing to drug use ( ) and, ultimately, terrorism.
  18. Ok, quick poll: Who on either the 92 or 93 Jays was on the juice? In a perfect world, only Candy Maldonado would be named.
  19. Funniest thing is Houston just traded a bunch of prospects for Tejada.
  20. So who wants to start a class action law-suit against the MLB? I want my frickin money back for all those over-priced pretzels, hot-dogs and beer.
  21. Ya, the pitchers...wierd huh? To me, the most remarkable thing about this whole scandal is that we owe it all to Jose Canseco. What a strange guy.
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