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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Nice. This is the time of year for pitching, defence, small ball, and leadership. Therefore, Im gonna take the Angels to make it out of the AL and the NL's a crapshoot, so, go Rockies!
  2. I thought they advertised it on Sportsnet yesterday? Should be on somewhere, although, it might interfere with Poker, Formula One Racing, or the LumberJack challenge.
  3. Hey AD, EA Sports is never wrong! Just kidding, happy birthday.
  4. 292. Songs by bands on your upcoming show calendar 1. Grace Potter & The Nocturnals - Nothing but the Water 2. Fat Cats - Soldier's Home 3. C'mon - Come Taste The Rock 4. Ween - Homo Rainbow 5. Gov't Mule - Thorazine Shuffle 6. The Disco Biscuits - Jigsaw Earth 7. Corb Lund - Expectation and The Blues 8. Ween - Hippy Smell 9. Wassabi Collective - One Love One Light 10. Diesel Dog - In the River 11. Stars - The Night Starts Here 12. The Wiggles - Wing (wing), Wang (wang), Zing, zang, zong (sorry, I couldnt resist, and I am taking my 3 yr old to see them on Oct 28.) New Theme.... Songs about Dudes named Frank 1. Lemonheads - Fran Mills
  5. hahahahahahaha! I hope you like the ECHL, like, a lot. A whole lot.
  6. Thats awesome. Why I waste away in an office environment eludes me. BTW, I started a "I heard Spezza's signing with the Leafs," rumour last night at the game.
  7. In all seriousness, Im skimming thru this site and I start thinking, like seriously, holy fack, any of these jobs would be about a billion times better than what I do now. Any of you guys ever know a scout or small time agent of the sort? Any idea of the what they make realistically?
  8. It's called, Im taking matters in to my own hands, AD. In 8 weeks Ill have my Hockey GM ceritificate. HOCKEY GM CERTIFICATE!!
  9. Just give me 8 weeks fellas... http://www.sportsmanagementworldwide.com/coursedescription_hockeygm.asp?gclid=CPiQ6PuQ5I4CFQlQWAodIDIvTA
  10. Dont even get me started on the Habs. Havent even seen an exhibition game and already dont like they're chances. Why anyone should get so pissy over this is beyond me. Oh well.
  11. Yes, but large slow players with no hands dont magically become smaller speedier players with great stick skills over the course of a season.
  12. Im sure they could, if they had anyone with half a brain driving the ship. How long is Sundin's contract for? Once they dump him they'll have a ton of room. Honestly though, I haven't put much more thought into it other than, it'd be awesome and it would make AD and Ollie cry like little girls. :grin:
  13. Im just waiting this one out until Toronto's own Jason Spezza (who doesnt want to play for their hometown, the hockey mecca of the english-speaking world?) comes home and leads the team to the third round of the playoffs.
  14. I was at the game. He played like utter shite. Mind you, there were a couple of 5 on 3's, but for the most part he blowed. I know its only pre-season and all, and real fans dont judge a team based on one game that doesnt count, but shit man, it's gonna be another one of "those" seasons.
  15. Class Action! Fack, I was just thinking of how I could possibly gain from the loonies heroic rise to the top. Thanks AM!
  16. I still cant believe they let Simon play against New York the other night. Just stupid. Compare the NHL pre-season to the other major sports. Its insane. Hell in baseball they got pitchers running the warning track during play. The NHL has gotta figure something out. I like Booche's idea of two games. Oh, and my humble opinion is that both hits were cheap.
  17. We need Scott Stevens to be in charge of hitting in the NHL.
  18. I just have something against a goonish kid trying to make his mark against a seasoned veteran whos well respected and isnt a dirty player.
  19. Was it Downey, the rookie from the OHL, or Downey the guy that has already been in the league for a couple years? Cuz if it was the rookie hes in for a loooooong first year (or short, depending...) Hell, if I was his coach Id kick him off the team. Way to make an impression numbnuts.
  20. You guys know how much i love the Sens...that was a dirty f'n hit. Could end Mcammond's career. Downey should be shot and pissed on for something like that. Theres leaving the ice when making a check, then there's what Downey did. Brutal.
  21. Just picture him doing it before he walks in to the studio. On a more serious note, my Dad met the guy and says he's quite the gentleman. I just dont have time for the hotstove. If you listen to sports radio at all, the news on Saturday night is really outdated. So I just get annoyed by dudes wierd head.
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