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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Did the drummer do his interpretive dancing?
  2. Ya, Krista's favorite was Rick's stuff, followed by the drummers. Should be great, have fun, man.
  3. Id be interested to see what you think of their side projects, AD. My GF is huge fan and saw the show in Toronto and had some pretty, well, lets say, interesting observations about them. By her accounts, the drummer's sounded the best
  4. Ya, no shit. Theyre lineup is relentless. So balanced. I think itd be great for Helton to win, hes one of those guys that decided to stay with his team cuz he wants to win there. Major kudos to him for that. Also, hes one point behind Ichiro for best batting average amongst active players/career.
  5. I agree with you. Let them battle it out. Its good for both of them.
  6. Its funny to see how much more comfortable Maurice is with the media this year. I think he'll be fine.
  7. I saw one the other day that made me smirk: "Im only speeding cuz I really gotta take a dump."
  8. Beckett was dominant last night. He keeps this up, no reason why he shouldnt, my prediction of the Angels coming out of the AL is going to look mighty stoopid.
  9. Hal Johnson


    I find these things kinda wierd. Like, how many kids of this generation even know who Alvin and the Chipmunks are? I mean, I guess they'll want to see it cuz its animated chipmunks, but mostly, ive gotta figure its made for the kids of a couple of generations ago, like myself. And I dont find myslef terribly compelled to see this movie. Now if it was GI Joe...
  10. He should have to buy the team dinner for a play like that.
  11. I think Heatley will go down in the books as this crazy mythical figure, ie, the man with two different coloured eyes, no teeth, a chip on his shoulder..... Is he even human? Kilger could have at least tried to get in his way even just a little bit though. He was right there for chrissakes.
  12. How about the Marlies? They get like 3 or 4 fans a game.
  13. I think the bottom line is that Canadians dont support 2nd rate sporting entetainment all that well and it doesnt make it any easier for a team to survive when they cant figure out how to park the folks.
  14. Not trying to be anti-ottawa, just think its funny that you guys would blame parking instead of yourselves. I happen to think that the parking situation would stink and turn off a few fans, but I also think that theres not enough "real" fans to make up for that one nuiscance.
  15. Well, thats lame, and thats why you guys dont have a football team, wont have a baseball team, and once yer hockey team starts to stink, wont have them either.
  16. Essentially, if there was adequate, easily accessible parking, do you believe the team would still be here next year?
  17. Canadians IN GENERAL arent Baseball fans. The Vancouver Canadians and Edmonton Trappers both folded. Im sure Parking had nothing to do with it.
  18. Im sooooooo gonna beat you Sarah. And Im gonna take Duane!!! Just kidding, if I win, you and Kirk can go together.
  19. But they still trade away their picks because even though the times have changed, they've still got a Caveman for a GM.
  20. Wow, for a bunch of guys who hate the Leafs...
  21. Wow, just read the re-cap....Im such a loser. Cant believe I missed that ending. Holy crap.
  22. Man, I couldnt last...passed out sometime during the tenth. Bummer to miss the ending to a wickedly entertaining game. But its cool that the Rockies won!
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