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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Funny, cuz I was talking to the American guys doing the Video thing and they were saying the Toronto show was huge cuz the other shows have been relativley tiny in comparison, as far as numbers go. I was kinda surprised, but they said that the band was counting on this show a lot to bring in some revenue.
  2. Cubs? I think I heard rumours about the Cubs. Fack, he should just go to Botown and really fuck everyone up.
  3. Not to mention its not all that loud at the back - Im at a freakin rock concert - I want some noise dammit!
  4. That was a lot of fun. Thanks to all those that put up with me - you are all very kind people. I completed the most bizarre concert going weekend of my life Sunday when I took in the Wiggles at the Rogers centre with my Fiance and 3 yr old son. Ween on friday, Wiggles on Sunday. As Guigs has pointed out, with just the right amount of chemicals it could actually make sense. Im still curious though, did the ninja route work out for ya Phishtaper?
  5. I didnt mind the playoffs too much. Its baseball - its long, it drawn out, but thats the nature of the game. I always enjoy a decent series over a sweep, but what ya gonna do? Still hate Boston. Especially Papelbon and his turdy facial expression. Dave Stewart, now there's a ptiching face. Papelbon just looks like a dink.
  6. My favorite part was the guy sneaking around on his wife to do a fantasy baseball draft. Then the conversation about it in the car on the way home.
  7. Have to agree with you guys, knocked up kinda sucked. Superbad is definately better.
  8. You have to take Tenn over Oakland. You have to.
  9. I guess the Dolphins cant lose evry game this year, but the Giants should win. Also, NO needs to beat SF. ::shrugs shoulders::
  10. Hahaha...thats some good shit right there.
  11. Just go down to the show, I hardly ever buy tix for anything until I get there. Hardly ever pay over face value either. Just gotta poke around.
  12. Its worth it. I left Kitchener at around 6 for Leaf game that started at 7-ish. Took that exit, went straight down to Lakeshore actually, and made it for just after puck drop, like maybe three minutes in to the game.
  13. The * is due to my misunderstanding of the theme. I thought it was "song you really wanna hear tonight," not, "favorite ween song". I was having trouble deciding between the two.
  14. That is correct, sir. Essentially, your kinda gonna be in the middle-ish lanes.
  15. I dont have time to do it, But Melbatoast had a great idea to dress up as Poop Ship Destroyer. I think that would be great costume.
  16. HAHAHA! theres also a nifty little way of getting to the 427 south off the 401 westbound that involves taking the 409...
  17. But also, make sure your paying attention, cuz if you accidentally take the QEW your kinda screwed, especially if you dont know the area.
  18. Cybers right, can confirm it. If you miss the exit just take Queensway down to Islington and get back on there.
  19. #314: Your Favorite Ween Song 1. Ween - Happy Colored Marbles 2. Ween - Little Birdy 3. Ween - Japanese Cowboy 4. Ween - Ode to Rene 5. Ween - Pumpin for the man * 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. But Id really dig a "lullaby" too.
  20. Seriously though, they should really get rid of JFJ soon. I know its hackneyed and you almost sound like a doofus saying it at this point, but it just gets more retarded by the game. We booed whatshisface Raptor coach out of town, why so easy on JFJ? Theres no reason he should still be here.
  21. Ha! I remember that. Still, it was a smart move by the goalie. I've seen it done before. Bottom line is, if Sundin kept his head up he would have easily been able to get around him and score a very simple goal.
  22. Im not sure about the rule, but I think it was fair. Sundin had his head glued to the ice.
  23. Kovalchuks SO goal the other night was pretty hilarious. If theres ever been a more cocky SO goal scored in the NHL this year or last even, Id like to see it.
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