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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Oh, c'mon Phishtaper, Ive got an hour left at the office and this game is keeping my sanity right now. Do it for Hal, would ya?
  2. 316 Songs about bad ex-boyfriends/girlfriends /spouses 1. Stupidity - I need you... like a hole in my head 2. The Beautiful South - Ciao 3. Bob Dylan - Idiot Wind 4. Beatles - Run for Your Life 5. Black Rebels Motorcycle Club - Love Burns 6. Ween - You fuÇked Up 7. Rolling Stones - Bitch 8. Jerry Reed - She Got The Goldmine (I Got The Shaft) 9. GNR - You aint the first 10. 11. 12.
  3. It must - they play it every hour on the hour.
  4. I thought Alan Thicke wrote most of their stuff? No?
  5. Its no use, its too late. The Spezza signing was going to be my bread and butter. At least there's a Beerstore on my way home. Will, too bad ya cant make it, Ill wear my Tugnutt jersey for ya.
  6. Right back at you, slugger! Gonna make it to down tonight?
  7. So the link didnt open, but I guess this means my hopes and dreams have just been shattered?
  8. Niel tried his best to blow it for the Sens. Personally, I think he was just bored.
  9. Two Habs games in So. Ont in one week! What's this world coming too?! TSN should become the official Habs station down here. Good game all round. Kovalev's goal was saaaweeet. Unfortunately, i missed Hamrliks Pen shot, sounds like a good one though.
  10. I used to work with a guy who did stage set up back in the early 90's. He told me this story once of how his boss volunteered him to drive Slash up to Eddie Van Halens cottage in Muskoka after a GNR show in Toronto. He said they did blow and drank whiskey the whole way up. Said Slash chain smoked the entire ride. Said Salsh was just a nice dude. Im a sucker for good stories, but I like to believe this one is true.
  11. Me too, my son is 3, its a gonna be a fun night! Happy trick-or-treatin!
  12. Which isnt entirely fair. I do enjoy listening to Swirsk, but mostly cuz hes such a doofus. Hes a lovable doofus. Which isnt to say Rome isnt without his faults. This is the end of every interview: Rome: Wow, what a great interview. What a fantastik interview. Man. What a guy. Theres no one in the league who gives an interview like Fred Jones. Holy cow. Can we hear that again? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! What a class act. What a great interview. And so on.
  13. Cant blame you, I was being sarcastic.
  14. Man, cant wait to hear the Swirsk again! I do miss his radio show.
  15. #315: Songs That Are Scary, Frightening (*but contain no references to Halloween) 1. Tom Waits - What's He Building In There? 2. Radiohead - Exit Music 3. Joy Division - Dead Souls 4. Mike Oldfield - Tubular Bells 5. Blind Melon - Car seat 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
  16. B-Rad! Comin through for the peeps. Thanks buddy!
  17. Its funny, cuz , like 90% of this board went to the freakin concert, but only ten people have responded with a fav song. Its not like anyone's gonna call you on it, it doesnt even really have to be your favorite. Just pick a damn ween song people!!
  18. I just realised why today has been dragging on.
  19. We only get the Saturday Star, and its freakin huge! Often the crossword is the only section removed and used from this paper.
  20. You get the Toronto Star on a Saturday and they've got not one, but TWO crosswords, side by side! Thats crosswording satisfaction. Not to mention that freaky cryptic one at the bottom of the page. What the hell is the trick to that, or is there even one?
  21. Nothing. Oh the words I have learned. :thumbup: :thumbup: BUt 4 hrs? Thats a long time on the throne there Marco
  22. Ya, good call. He'll fit in well there.
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