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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. This one is for Low Roller: http://sports.yahoo.com/nhl/blog/puck_daddy/post/Martin-Havlat-8217-s-line-change-freak-injury-c;_ylt=AsG0mzoy41R1qURRcOj9nux7vLYF?urn=nhl-wp20502 (btw, anyone else unable to "switch to full reply" to post vids and stuff?)
  2. Would a demonstration as such not be considered a hate crime?
  3. MacLean was a great move. Jealous for both my teams.
  4. I must admit, never followed the man's work, but this article in the Star tells me I should have. http://www.thestar.com/news/world/article/1103062--13-unforgettable-christopher-hitchens-quotes "The four most overrated things in life are champagne, lobster, anal sex and picnics"
  5. I did, it is great. Grantland's kickin' ass. Looking forward to listening to the Simmons podcast with Louis CK too.
  6. High Schoolers Suspended for Excessive Tebowing http://www.thestar.com/sports/article/1103220--high-schoolers-suspended-for-excessive-tebowing?bn=1
  7. Aha, your links reminded me that the new installment of 24/7 has started. I only caught the last 15 minutes of the first episode, but it looks like it has the potential to live up to last year's program. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7356632/the-hidden-drama-hbo-24-7
  8. Aren't they adding a one game wild-card playoff? Still, the answer to your question is yes. I like Darvish but I don't know if its worth it. They still have so many missing pieces.
  9. Check this out, discovered it tonight. It's not on the regular sirius sport channels, its on the "Canadian" channel under "Sports Extra". http://www.siriusxm.com/nhlhomeice "NHL Hour with Commissioner Gary BettmanThursdays 6 pm - 7 pm ETNHL Commissioner Gary Bettman takes his turn at the microphone to talk to the most important people in sports – the fan. Mr. Bettman is live out of our SiriusXM studios in New York to answer your questions, address the issues of the day, and of course, give you the view from the very top. " It was pretty cool, what other sports let you call in the commish? The only call I heard the caller asked about when a Pacific team would be in the winter classic and how the schedule is made. The schedule thing was really interesting. Bettman went into some good detail about it. Your welcome, Booche.
  10. Kane's shootout goal from last night was okay:
  11. And I do enjoying saying "Kaspars Daugavins"...
  12. Ha, at least there's someone to suffer with. The good news is that TSN-M channel. I don't know what I'd do without it.
  13. There's nothing worse than an over-achieving Sens team!! Oh wait, yes there is...there's nothing worse than being in the broadcast market of an over-achieving Sens team!!! F'ing Sportsnet!
  14. Pujols signs with Disney. Boo-urns. http://thestar.blogs.com/baseball/
  15. ^^^I was just gonna say they've left it open for Quebec and Toronto II to join.
  16. Give it to the original 6 team, would be my suggestion.
  17. Guess they could have put Detroit in the North East conference to make it so there was one odd and one even in each division.
  18. Holy shit! I had no idea they built anything like that. Guess its been a while since I've been home. Good on them. But to be fair, that's two buildings. All the neighborhoods and houses are your standard subdivisions. ::waits patiently for someone to post pics of an insanely unique neighborhood in Mississauga:: As for Ottawa, I did drive in sober. Thought it had its charm for sure.
  19. Ha! I find that hard to believe....Mississauga is a soulless wasteland. I doubt we'll ever get cool architecture this day in age in Canada. Not that I'm an expert on it in way shape or form, but its very noticeable that cheap houses and condos are going up everywhere. Its not an issue specific to Ottawa, unfortunately.
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