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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. POG, you watching this?!? F'ing Hamilton!
  2. Once again, I'll say what I say everytime Axl comes around. It'll be like seeing the world's best GNR cover band. Where else are you gonna get this stuff live? Plus, looks like they're playing Estranged this time around. That might seal the deal for me!
  3. And why not. But shit don't forget who re-signed Markov and added Eric Cole as the big free agent this summer.
  4. Predictions? I went with the Rangers last year and it turned out pitching prevailed over hitting (as is usually the case). The Cards staff isn't as good as SF's was last year, but they've got some decent guys. Also, Texas is a yr older and Nelson Cruz is their #7 hitter. But my gut says St Louis. So I'm goin with my gut! Cards in 6, losing their two games by a combined score of 28-9.
  5. I don't know the stats on this, but after watching tonight's game I've come to the conclusion that the Leafs have, by a country mile, the most right handed shots on a single team in the history of ice hockey. They could be a field hockey team.
  6. Yup. there was an article in the Star not too long ago that stated his wife and family were treating it as an accident. Even though he was said to be depressed, he had too much going for him to off himself, the story said. If you've ever read much Palahniuk, that type of death (accidental strangulation) is all too common, unfortunately.
  7. Not having a life has an upside every now and then. Just watched the entire Philly-Cardinal game. Carpenter out dualed Doc by throwing a complete game, 3-hit SO. Cards won 1-0. Awesome.
  8. That's weird. Having had Vokoun on many a fantasy teams over the years I've seen how good he really is. On a crappy team that gave up a billion shots per game he always put up great numbers. Would have figured he'd be pretty dominant with the Caps.
  9. Should work now. had to hit the "renew IR slots" button for some reason. Now everyone gets two! Merry Xmas.
  10. Should be able to...I'll get back to you
  11. That sucks! That site was superior to all the other fan blogs out there. But yes, it becomes apparent who the Jaro trade hurt the most. Too bad.
  12. "Despite having more money than any other hockey team in the league, the Leafs have not purchased any brilliant players in an era overflowing with brilliant players. What the Leafs specialize in is the great bush-league heroes — this is not an accident nor is it the fault of the suits. They know what their audience wants and they give it to them. The city never took to Mats Sundin, the magnificent Swedish all-rounder. The fans adored local boy Tie Domi, a butcher on skates. His definitive moment, perhaps the definitive moment of the Leafs franchise in the 21st century, was his entirely gratuitous hit on Scott Niedermayer in the dying seconds of Game 4 of the 2001 Stanley Cup second round. At the end of a game in which Toronto tied the series, Domi's dirty hit handed the momentum over to the Devils, ruining the best chance the Leafs have had in living memory to make the Finals. The symmetry is nearly perfect: the size of the failure matches the depth of a moral disaster. Toronto fans like extravagantly ordinary players. How else to explain paying $3 million for Darcy Tucker? Or $5.5 million for Bryan McCabe? Sometimes I wonder if Toronto would even know what to do with the Sedin twins, who are less like quick-fisted farm boys and more like magical changelings conceived by elves in the Scandinavian forest. Would they even be welcome in Toronto? During the 2011 Stanley Cup, everyone felt they had to cheer for Vancouver — Canada's team — but secretly everybody wanted Boston to take it. The choice between Ryan Kesler and Tim Thomas wasn't really a choice at all, even if Thomas is American. I recently overheard a conversation in a bar about whether Sidney Crosby would ever return to hockey, and one guy said, "I told you he was made of glass." That's typical; Toronto wouldn't take Sidney Crosby even if he were on offer. Not tough enough."
  13. Uhh, sorry guys, but I HAVE to post this here. It's a terribly entertaining read, after all. http://www.grantland.com/story/_/id/7023368/worst-sports-city-world
  14. Sorry man. I put out the notice the day before cause I knew I'd be away and the order had to be set before I left.
  15. I'd have to say last. Even though many love the last place spot. I can't think of anything better. Its probably the 'rightest' way to do things.
  16. I have to set the draft order tonight, based on how everyone placed last year. Therefore, if you haven't signed up yet you must do so before 9pm this evening. 9pm. This evening. Sign up. Thank you :drinks:
  17. Just realized I won't be around on Sept 28, gotta change the draft to Monday Oct 3rd. Sorry Fellas. Never mind, there's all these freakin rules to changing the date, man. Draft stays the same. This wed, sept 28 it is, 9:00pm ADT. I'll be at a conference for work so I may not be able to participate. Ontheotherhand, If can participate I'll be liquered up good and proper. Cheers!
  18. Ha! It worked out, but mostly because Vick got injured. Still, I'm awesome.
  19. I figure Vick's gonna have his hands full today with an Atlanta team that needs to bounce back badly from its week 1 loss. Couple that with his history and the crowd, and I'm leaning toward starting Tony Homo instead. It feels so wrong, but I think I'm gonna go through with it anyway!
  20. haha, thanks Hamilton. Its comments like that that keep me coming back each year. (Yahoo actually makes it incredibly easy to re-do now ) Oh, and just a friendly reminder that draft positions are based on last year's final standings. Winner drafts first as a reward for all his hard work. Last years standings: http://hockey.fantasysports.yahoo.com/league/jambands/2010
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