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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Ha, imagine a line with he and Gionta? Would drive most defenses quite insane. Hell, they could probably make a sitcom about it.
  2. If I was Burke I'd take Grimaldi. He's got the whole "they said I was too small to play" thing going for him. http://www.thestar.com/sports/hockey/nhl/mapleleafs/article/1014080--leafs-to-pick-and-choose-at-25th-and-30th-spots-in-draft
  3. Completely random thought i just had. The last few winners of the cup were: Detroit Pittsburgh Chicago Boston Couldn't have come at a better time. NFL is fucked for a season and the NBA is kinda fucked too (?). Next year just might be a HUGE year for the sport in the states. Carry on.
  4. Hal Johnson


    I hereby offer you my services as his agent. 3% is more than fair.
  5. Hal Johnson


    Unfortunately, you'd be surprised to find out what a lot of parents think.
  6. Oh ya, I picked horribly. Don't remember what I had in the west, but Im pretty sure I picked all Caps and Flyers for the east.
  7. oops. Forgot about that one. Reminds me, Ive got a couple Yahoo Baseball pools I haven't checked on in a while.
  8. Hal Johnson


    Well, of course if you put in ten thousand hours picking your nose your not gonna get very good at the violin. Again, the point to all this is that anything is acheivable, but to become an expert at something, you need to put in roughly 10K hours (Im sure you'd be pretty good at hour 9467 though). Everyone who is at the top of their game (in the sports world at least) has put in that time. Its not some ridiculous number someone just came up with out of thin air to piss people off and sell books...it's based on eveidence. Obviously, you have to take it with a grain of salt, but to call it bullshit flat out isn't entirely fair. The theory is open to variations too. For instance, they found that children who spent 10k hours playing serious competition from a young age, say 6 in only one sport had significantly less chance (far less) to make it to the professional levels as opposed to children who played many different sportsup until the age of 15. Even more, pro athletes were found to have played a substantial amount of pick-up/informal sports before the age of 15 than those who specialized at an early age. Also, kids who specialized early were found to burn out more easily and suffer from injury. Thus is the danger of uninformed parents getting a hold of the "rule" - they think that tossing their kid into intense hockey camps at the age of 6 is good for their kid, but the evidence proves otherwise.
  9. Must feel good indeed! Im happy for you brother!
  10. Really?! I was pretty sure no one posted anything that went beyond a PG-13 rating...there were no nipples at least...was there?
  11. Apparently Thomas handed the Conn Smyth to Brian Burke once the cameras left the dressing room.
  12. And the only western Canadian team left to blow it is...Winnipeg?
  13. Hal Johnson


    Or maybe its more boring than religion and just based on numbers.
  14. Hal Johnson


    I'll meet you half way. It is common sense - put a lot of effort into something and it will likely pay off. But I don't think anyone would ever suck at anything after 10k hours. There are a lot of other variables at play (motivation & access to resources, for example)that seperate those who are wildly successful from those who aren't. The theory is basically saying that you won't become the world's fastest swimmer without putting in at least 10 000 hours of good hard practice. So, unless your willing to commit, don't set your goals so high. In pop music, it works diffently, they say, because success is based on other's subjective opinions of the performer, and not the ability of the performer. I dunno, I find this stuff really interesting. There's writers out there that believe the word "talent" is bullshit and that no one is born "bad" or "good" at anything. They've got loads of data to back it up too. Weird stuff.
  15. Hal Johnson


    Hey Velvet, there's a lot of people in the sport world that buy it. One way of looking at it is 10k hours of deliberate practice. Meaning, 10k of giving it an honest effort, not just showing up. And yes, to answer your question, the guy who shows up to drive a fork lift every day and compiles 10k hours will undoubtedly be very good at it. There was research done a while back on Violin experts and the common theme was 10k hours of deliberate practice. Most scholars on the subject stress the difference between "deliberate" and non deliberate. The most common defense of the theory when faced against things like "how come this band sucks so much and they've been together for 10k hours?" is that the 10k they put in was useless and without proper guidance. If you taught someone how to play the guitar and they put in 10k, lets say "proper" hours of practice, would you not expect them to be above average by hour 10 000? I would.
  16. Hal Johnson


    I've read lots about it, and about the ten thousand hour rule. Pretty interesting stuff. Does he go so far as to say there's no such thing as talent, or does he stop at saying talent is overrated?
  17. then double down for lunch Incedentally, C-Towns, I was just at the local Subway eating my lunch and reading the coffeee news thing when I came across my horoscope - your horoscope - which is Gemini. I can't remember the whole beginning, something about romance and work relationships and what not, but the end, well, the end it stuck with me...the last sentance was "It's a good day to double down." There is sandwhich magic in the air today, I tells ya.
  18. Wish you many sandwiches on this here day my friend.
  19. Bummer, only have the Mobile stick, so it costs an arm and a leg to DL. I do have HBO though, but should I even bother with season 4 when it comes out, or hold off for when I can watch it from the beginning?
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