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Hal Johnson

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Everything posted by Hal Johnson

  1. Exactly, Harden and Dempster are pretty world class when it comes to pitching talent. Cant wait! Although these guys dont have much to say about Canada, other than we may be a "dark horse". http://mlb.mlb.com/news/article.jsp?ymd=20080323&content_id=2453829&vkey=news_mlb&fext=.jsp&c_id=mlb
  2. Oooooh, I dunno? That's a good point though. More news: Whats bad for the quality of ball (Venezualans unsure about participating), is great for Canada's chances!
  3. Ya, I have no idea. I guess it all depends on how well they market it, and so far, not much has been said.
  4. Just got an email, pre-sale starts Nov 11th. Tourny runs from March 7-11. Id like to see Can-US, Can-Ven, and US-Ven. They wont send me exact details until Nov 11th though.
  5. I was gonna say if they're really young, then you can at least blame their parents, but yeah, 19 is pretty lame.
  6. ha, thanks man. And thanks to the ever-reliable Simpsons!
  7. Wolf: "Heh, heh, heh. If only you guys at home could see what I'm seeing right now. It'd blow your mind!" Anderson: "Psst, Wolf! They can see what you see right now!" Wolf: "They can see feelings??"
  8. Ya, me neither, but they were bitter, which is understandable.
  9. Im telling you, this Grabovsky-Kulemin-Hagman line is off the hook! Too bad they keep diggin themselves these holes to crawl out of, cause they seem to almost be able to score at will. If only some of their 11 defencemen knew how to play D. Oh well, it is what it is!
  10. Crap, I missed Obama's speech, I'll have to get it off the interweb later. I was impressed by McCain's speech. He seemed genuine and said some important things that hopefully didnt fall on the deaf ears of his supporters. But ya, F'n right!!
  11. Ya, well, how do you explain Niue , smarty pants? 100% for McCain.
  12. McCain's huge in Albania!! See, and you all thought I was nuts when I said, "Watch out for Albania, they love McCain over there." Who's laughing now guys, who's laughing now?!?
  13. Uh-oh. Dont think they planned on this game being AI's first game with Detroit. What was that people were saying about scalpers?
  14. Cool, I got it. But, It just isnt that simple, sorry.
  15. But why dont you like it? There's so many different religions in North America, the only way to govern us and to educate our kids in public school is to not choose a side. I mean, its kind of a sensitive issue to a lot of people. I think situations like this need to be brought to the attention of educators and school boards - for legitimate reasons.
  16. Birdy, I cant help but feel that your arguing with yourself. No one here is saying christianity shouldnt have been part of the lecture. All anyone is trying to say is that in a situation like this, the teacher should not preach to the students. Since neither you nor I know the student or the teacher personally, it is completely irrelevant to say we believe one over the other. It has nothing to do with the actual issue and merely convolutes the argument to the point that its at now.
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