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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. Birdy


    i'm seeing them friday of thanksgiving weekend at michigan state!!! so excited as my london date this summer was robbed from me by a wedding.
  2. i don't get why you feel like you're being held hostage. i mean, in comparison to people who really are being held hostage by tyrant/fanatical/extremist groups or governments, we live in friggin' la la land floating on puffy clouds and drinking apple martinis.
  3. i think half of the books i own come from library book sales. it's just soooo cheap!
  4. Birdy

    I'm so excited!

    yup. i've seen 3/4 of this continent through work!
  5. Birdy

    I'm so excited!

    right on! that's awesome. i desperately want to head way the hell up north to say i've been everywhere in Canada! i'm thinking of heading up to dawson city next july. sweet though. that's really cool.
  6. yikes! scaaaaary. i often think of what people can learn about you if they were just able to pull up all of your google searches. there's literally no such thing as privacy anymore. literally!
  7. i suppose chretien. i don't know if i'd go so far as to say he did a decent job... cuz i really don't know what he "did"... but he overlooked some relatively uneventful years, like clinton, and especially in the days of bush, i'll let that say something.
  8. hehe.. that's what i consider "SMART". i think i'd go the vodka/water route though.. maybe with a splash of lime. haah.. there ya go!
  9. well, i see "CANADA" as an accomplishment... and as most of my friends are borderline alcoholics, i won't hold that one against him.
  10. AND the latter's line of "I may not always be right, but i will always be on the side of right" has been with me for years.
  11. i love how everyone's character is drinking. haha.
  12. you have to do a screenshot.. then open up photoshop or whatever and paste it into a new image.
  13. yah taking my argument to the extreme isn't a good thing! i know that people who are pro-life don't share the same attitude, just as much as people who are pro-choice. i'm just doing my best to remain objective. as for taking things to the extreme, i think we're approaching the day where a person who is anti-same sex marriage would be considered the equivalent of a racist. but because society is measured by what is considered to be socially acceptable behaviour and because being anti-same sex marriage is still considered 'acceptable' by some, it's acknowledged by government. like i said though.. i don't think this will always be the case.
  14. that being said.. i'm not particularly "down" with this appointment.
  15. yah i get it. just saying that there are people out there who feel differently about this stuff than how you and i, or hux or ollie or secondtube or whoever may feel. not extremely fair to push them to the side and say "you know what? you don't know shit. your opinion sucks. and we're not going to have any of it. no judges for you!". there's all kinds of people in this world with all kinds of opinions.. noone is going to agree on everything.. some people will be 100% against something, some maybe only 50% against it. we pride ourselves on representation, than i only see it fit that our courts represent.
  16. hah. i was thinking about letting this one slip by. while i certainly don't share the same views as Mr. Justice David Brown, I like what Campaign Life Coalition spokesperson Mary Ellen Douglas had to say about the entire situation. It's true. The courts are packed with judges who are pro-choice, pro-same sex marriage, etc. If we are to be truly fair to ALL of the citizens of Canada then it only seems right that those citizens of Canada who are pro-life and anti-same sex marriage, the religious folk, what have you, have some representation as well. Put it this way, if the courts were packed with judges who ALL had the same views as this Brown guy, this forum would be in UPROAR about it. How strongly we all feel about someone who is anti-same sex marriage, is the equivolent to how strongly they feel about us, who are pro-same sex marriage. Level playing fields are only fair. Also the whole "taking a page from good old Bush" thing kinda irks me too. Sure Bush and Harper probably feel the same way about abortion and same sex marriages, but the pro-life movement didn't originate in the US, so Harper appointing this guy as a judge isn't taking a page from anyone other than what he, himself, considers as right. edit to add: if it were up to me... courts nor government would rule on these kinds of issues. i believe them to be individual concerns that should be left up to the individual to deal with.
  17. Birdy

    upgrade news

    me either.. makes things look more busy.. colour overload. seems kind of distracting.
  19. fuhuck. sometimes the simplest idea is the most profound.
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