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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. yup. i'm just to the point now where i think debt reduction is of SOO MUCH importance that if we don't do anything now and FAST, that in the not so distant future there won't be any possible way to even consider socially-conscious programs. kind of a short term pain for long term gain strategy. let alone the world and oil reserves and arms races and the thinking it's better borrow $$ to fund nuclear research than to pay down debt and plan for the future. makes for an extremely volatile world economy where one string pulled the wrong way could bring us all tumbling down. scary. i am all for socially-conscious programs, but i do think the Liberal agenda has a lot that it can scrap for the betterment of our economy. Hux i agree it's probably hard to pull off.. so i'll opt out of the challenge. But to me, it really doesn't matter what political commentators have to say, as I have a mind of my own to make up.
  2. i'm borderline. i may be naive, but i think SOME of this social conservative stuff could possibly be an attempt to keep their already socially conservative fanbase. even though i'm starting to doubt it as they continue to push the issues, instead of saying "look we tried". but i like the emphasis they put on debt reduction that they give... as it's a pretty top notch concern of mine. that and they haven't even been governing for a year. i think we could at least extend them a year before the 'bringing down the house' talk begins.
  3. for what? for wanting to give someone else a shot to see what they can pull off? I voted for change this time around Hux... just to see what could happen. My posts in this forum aren't all about bad-mouthing the Liberal Party or any other party at all, rather to show that the CPC might not be all that bad... so i don't really see the correlation. Hell, I almost am a Liberal if you take away the finances.
  4. haha.. easy there political maestro. I call them the most liberal recent government as we didn't vote Paul Martin in, he took over.
  5. He played a great show in Detroit last night.. you guys are in for a treat! No set list.. i started one but too many beers and an ollie-like smoke break brought it all to an abrupt halt.. but a nice spread for sure. Nice to see people in the Fox up in the aisles dancing and loving it.. even though there's still a few of those fur-hoods who would prefer you weren't having as good as a time as you are having. i'm so happy i went and caught him this time around. now i know to not miss him again.
  6. once again? i'm confused. when's the last time a Conservative government was formed? oh yes! the early NINETIES! yes... i see. Wasn't it the most recent LIBERAL government charged with scandal? yes. but yah, let's vote again, god knows we should be more afraid of the unknown than the KNOWN. god knows this country is better served by despotism than by allowing any other sort of representation or voice be heard. That's kind of what I find disturbing. It seems that judgement is levied pretty swiftly around this place. I don't mean AT ALL to sound condescending as I think a lot of you have good heads on your shoulders, but I often wonder why constructive criticism comes to an abrupt halt when it asks you to perhaps criticize what you believe in or don't believe in. Why it's so difficult to see the good in some things without jumping the gun to see the bad? Why it's so easy to let a few paint the picture for the whole? I mean, I can sit and read articles all day long about the coming of the end, pretty damn convincing ones at that, but you don't see me running for the hills. Has it really come to the point where faith can't be invested? If so, kudos to the Liberal camp at a job fucking well done.
  7. YAY! awesome!! pm sent! THANK YOU! :)
  8. i think keri and stu are trying to rig up some sympathy votes here! haha.. hope all heals up nicely there studoggy.. hahaahahhaha.. yikes.
  9. haha.. we've got a few of those people in our office too bb.. every half hour i go flip the switch off, half hour later they come and flip it back on.. i HATE FLOURESCENT LIGHTS! around Christmas last year i got up on my desk and took out the two bulbs that hang over my desk and won't let anyone replace them... it's kinda nice now. i have a little desk lamp and the natural light from my beautiful view of the 401 to light things up. as for the DBT, i saw them this summer in DEtroit and they rocked... have fun everyone!!
  10. Birdy

    North Korea

    sanctions only make the crazy go crazier.
  11. tomorrow, there will be this!:
  12. Birdy

    dinner for the week

    best invention EVER!
  13. i was thinking of hitting this one up this weekend too as i'm going to be in toronto... but $45?? naaaaaaaaaaaaaah.
  14. Birdy

    North Korea

    the kind of break i'm talking about isn't one that ANYONE, regardless of political ideology, is going to want to look forward to. and no, they don't have far to go. if the US doesn't shift their primary focus from world domination to debt reduction sometime soon we're all going to be screwed. riding on borrowed money can only last so long! if you can imagine how devastating the great depression was, imagine the great depression in this day and age of globalization. pretty damn scary. again, all great powers will fall, unfortunate, but true. if only the US could look back at the lesson it taught to Great Britain post WWII and realize the errors of their ways.
  15. Birdy

    North Korea

    i'm just on edge as i think the US' days of 'dealing' with things are numbered. their global involvement is already way too much for their economy to manage, adding an arms race with more rogue states to the pile is just going to weigh down the camel's back even more. It's been over 50 years, power changing hands is long overdue. Hopefully WWIII won't be the facilitator of that.. but when whack jobs are detonating nuclear devices to teach lessons, how can anyone be so sure.
  16. ugh.. the one thing i hate about minority governments is when the whole 'let's bring 'em down' stuff starts... especially prematurely. i'm not ready to vote again quite yet. i'd rather float the CPC some more time to see what else they can try and pull off... it would definitely afford me the opportunity to learn more about what direction the party's platform is heading in. I think i'd be better equipped to vote knowing these things. I need a few more microscopic moves to make a better judgement.
  17. Birdy

    dinner for the week

    i vote for soup... that time of year and all.. use a crock pot, pork stock and every kind of veggie you can think of, add lots of warm, autumny spices and let sit for an entire day... and voila.. the best vegetable soup ever. if you even want to step it up a bit martha, make some homemade rolls to have with it. or meat pie... brown up half ground beef, half ground sausage, onions, beef bouillon, spices of your choice.. on another burner boil potatoes and mash... take the meat and the potatoes and mix all together in an effort to make the potatoes hold the meat together.. press into pie crust, top with pie top and bake in the oven... when done, serve with chili sauce. yummy!
  18. Ben Affleck should be banned from playing any roles in any movies EVER... how that guy makes millions at acting mind boggles me.
  19. haha.. i've been keeping quiet too in fear of jinxing the poor guys! but yes, HOLY FUCK AM I EXCITED! i've been lucky enough to be crossing the border to sit in those shitty and worn out blue seats on the corner of Michigan and Trumbell since a wee little girl, shouting 'LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU' from the buckets, drinkin' ice cold cokes and hotdogs with nothing but mustard on them, 'cuz that's the way you eat 'em in tiger stadium'... i'm so glad that these guys are going to the world series.. theirs really is a heart-warming story from a team who undoubtedly deserves to win, whose city undoubtedly needs something to celebrate. big huge tiger lovin' vibes for them to bring IT ALL HOME!! GO DEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETROIT!
  20. well, what happened yesterday? i totally blanked around the 3 o'clock hour and completely forgot about the debate!!
  21. i washed my car, worked on applying to school, drank beers on my deck with friends, and wished my brother happy birthday over chocolate cake at my parent's house. capped the whole day off with three back to back episodes of the second season of LOST and a tea with my roomate.
  22. haha.. subtle hint! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr...
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