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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. am I the only Detroit Tigers fan in this place? holy fuck baseball magic is in the workings! swept Oakland! i've never been so on the edge of my seat watching a baseball game EVER. bases loaded, bottom of the 9th, tie game, HOME RUN! fuck me!!! this team has more than charisma... throwing packages of big league chew into the stands... dumping champagne over cop's heads, spraying the stuff all over their fans from the tops of dugouts... awesome. detroit the city, surely is losing their shit tonight. the Tigers are going to the world series for the first time since 1984!! YeeeeeeeeeeAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
  2. sounds good... i sent you a pm.
  3. Birdy

    North Korea

    I really believe him too, but detonating nuclear devices to make a statement, is childish, ridiculous and extremely dangerous. Kim Jong II needs to grow the fuck up and think how to create change on a positive level.
  4. detroit! detroit! detroit! you already knew i was in for detroit though... GO TIGERS GO!!!!!!
  5. yikes! i hate this weather. i think i might bake.
  6. that's a hefty paycheque for a what... 20 month venture?!
  7. that's me about 10 snow falls into the thick of things.
  8. i know... it's just that i'm such a fan of spring and summer than come the first snow fall i slip into a state of shock.. one that i've been slipping into for 28 years, and one that i like. it's kind of a ritual for me. first snow fall depression... last night i made soup, listened to depressing music and watched snow fall from a steamy window. it was depressing, yet nice.
  9. it's been flurrying all day long here in chatham.
  10. according to jerrydouglas.com, he's opening both the Detroit and Toronto shows!
  11. i hear you.. under normal circumstances i'm not for capital punishment either.. this stuff just makes me so sick though. i too am guilty of knee jerk reactions from time to time. i blame the irish in me.
  12. Is anyone else so stoked to see Paul Simon next week? I AM! my buddy saw him a week or so ago at the Commodore in Vancouver and said he was amazing.. the band was top notch... and i guess (haven't seen the set list) he played a lot from the Graceland album! i really can't wait! this will be my first time seeing him.
  13. EASY there chameleon! you and I can't speak to what he is guilty of or isn't, EXACTLY why i used the word "IF". and if this man truly is guilty of helping al-qaeda kill the gross number of innocent people that they have, his death wouldn't be anywhere near "an eye for an eye".
  14. truth is i've never thought about it all in this context... so no, i really wasn't saying that. but now that i actually HAVE given it some thought though... i'm inclined to possibly think that the terrorist attacks on the wtc were preemptive... considering that al-qaeda is not the national army to any nation, it can't be argued that they are retaliating for US presence overseas, and secondly, al-qaeda is an entity in itself, just as any country could be, and thirdly, an objective was in mind when committing the act - to create fear. right at this exact moment i can't really think how it wasn't preemptive... (mind you, i may change my mind later... this really is the first time i've ever thought about it and may not have worked it all out.) and no, i don't think the war on terror is actually a war. the US hitting Iraq was preemptive. They're not fighting al-qaeda over there... regardless of what they want to tell us.
  15. not saying that at all, actually. just trying to differentiate objectives of war.
  16. yah i see what you're saying... i guess i'm just trying to draw distinction between say a world trade center attack, where the objective is to kill nothing but innocent people, vs. the innocent people who are killed as "casualties of war"... in terms of collateral damage, you're right, there isn't much difference... but in terms of intent, there's a world.
  17. i wouldn't say that i'm atheist by any means... i've definately pondered the stars too many nights to rule out anything by definate means... what i meant earlier was that I don't necessarily subscribe to any particular religion, ie... Jesus Christ died on the stake and three days later rose again... but i do believe in a supreme being(s)... whatever that or they may be.
  18. war sucks. all sides are murderers. but there is a difference between one who intentionally and preemptively murders innocent people, and one whose victims are termed "casualties of war". in this specific case, if found guilty, this particular American falls into the former of the two categories. and i'm not saying Americans or Nato itself isn't capable of falling into that former category either. they are.. but we don't have that link at the top of this page, we have this one... we're talking about this guy.
  19. the million dollar question! i think the world and time and karmic influences really have a major hand in these things.. look at hitler, he killed himself. and if that isn't enough.. really... and i'm not even really a subscriber. i've always thought that when one dies and their very last breath escapes them, judgement in some form or another by something or another comes. or at least i hope it does.
  20. teehee.. preemptively? absolutely. and really, terrorist activity isn't civilized, nor is war itself. nothing about murdering innocent people could ever be.
  21. I don't think we should let how we feel about the US and their 'war on terror', our anti-Americanism, our anti-Imperialism, etc. muddy up the truth. Sure no treason charges have been laid since WWII, but really there hasn't been a point in recent history where America itself has come under such direct threat (real direct threat, not cold war, secret memo, is it real or is it not kind of threat). if this guy is found guilty, i'm all for whatever punishment they want to serve up to him. terrorists, whether you sympathize with them or not, are nothing but cold blooded mass murderers. and i'm all for rehabilitation, but when it comes to these guys, i say bring back public hangings.
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