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Everything posted by Birdy

  1. perhaps Mrs. Harper agrees with Mr. Harper about tightening spending, and is campaigning on the streets as she believes in a more grass-roots do it yourself to helping others, not relying on government expenditure.
  2. Birdy


    i *might* have BNB in a few hours and therefore, NEED NAP!
  3. Birdy


    45 minutes and counting.
  4. Birdy


    yah that's what i'm considering doing at the moment.. just a bit of a nightmare as i take my laptop with me and it's kind of obvious that i'll be walking out as i need to walk by everyone.. oh well.. sometimes this shit just needs to be done!
  5. Birdy


    i ruined that route by joking about it earlier!
  6. Birdy


    anyone else not really know how you're doing it right now? i'm friggin' dying here.. my eyes are closed as i'm typing this.. the overhead probing flourescent lights are off and i'm running on nothing but natural light. my cubical is quiet.. with jeff tweedy's voice faintly playing from the speakers in the corner. i want to go home. potluck lunch ruined me. i need to nap! oh god.. it's friday and ... *sigh* i don't think i've done an ounce of work in at least an hour. i need to devise a way to leave early.. like in an hour.
  7. i think i'll be the annoying prude neighbor who calls the cops at 10.30 pm complaining of loud noise and ungodly racket. let the GOOD TIMES ROLL!
  8. "prime minister hux".. haha! that's funny stuff! i for one am hoping you go NOWHERE. it's nice to have someone around who sees things more as I see them (even though we may not agree 100%). plus with you around things are much more interesting and we actually have things to talk about! there is an entire world of ideas out there to be represented and yours are a valuable contribution to the table. people who can't handle differences of opinion SUCK... cuz that's the way the world goes 'round. i appreciate how you push past the bullshit and call people on it. it's refreshing. in ollie's defence, he's not that bad he's given Harper his due from time to time and isn't overly preachy-- that should be noted.
  9. Why do you rely on deadhead stereotypes so much? c'mon ollie! you can READ.
  10. i couldn't agree more with Christina. I don't necessarily listen to any of her stuff, but respect her for the talent that she does possess.
  11. BLAND MURRAY! *GASP* i'm OUTRAGED! hahaha! god i love her so. i've travelled to the depths of illinois to witness her magic. i even have a life size picture/statue of her that we once put on a spinning kitchen caddy and had a "Night with Anne Murray" in my old basement, complete with strobe lights. and i've been known to cover a few anne murray tunes in my day too.. with my band.. "the STEPHS" (if you only knew how ridiculous this is) appearing three nights only at Simcoe's lovely Norfolk Inn. Bland Murray? far from it Shmanada Shmev! hehe
  12. yup. chameleon, everything on this great green earth is measured in relation to something else. i see every reason to frame this discussion by the trials and atrocities in another nation that has no relation to our political system. if we didn't, however would we learn?
  13. i don't quite so easily sever the words influence and decision. what is the purpose of a lobby group if so? sure buzz hargrove may not occupy a seat or actually get to say "YAY" or "NAY", but i'm positive the directive of the CAW has and continues to be considered by our top ranking politicians. clearly they'd be idiots not to. unions today are a very, very far cry from the unions of the 19th century. actually, i wouldn't even call them unions anymore. venture down to good old chatham-kent to see just how much union influence can factor decision making.
  14. 3 nights of umphreys in chicago for NYE = crazzzzzzzzzzziness!!
  15. i didn't see it. but really haven't been looking either. i'll check the place out for ya.
  16. Birdy

    Built to Spill

    yes they are! they're playing in detroit tonight at st. andrews!
  17. shocking. unions probably hold more power than any political party combined.
  18. welcome back ss I think i'm overly aware that the political ground game is your work hux.. and that's cool for you and I respect what you do.. but it's not for me, nor is it for the vast majority of the voting public. strategic voting is institutional, it's purpose is to sway votes.. it plays on people's fears and asks nothing but the question "what if". it's not surprising that the biggest supporters of strategic voting in this community happen to work for political parties. being true to what you believe and not buying into all of this election time 'vote for him to keep him out of power' crap is what i value. not compromising yourself for an institution is what i value. if all canadians dropped the spite from their election time diets and voted according to principle perhaps we would have a government that is truly reflective of what Canadians think and want. something we should all strive for. screw the game, it's a GAME! manipulating is evil. check the dictionary.
  19. grrr.. spite voting drives me insane. soo....... manipulative! jack layton doesn't stand a shot in hell of ever becoming prime minister of this country, but if you believe in the NDP's politics, and you like your local representative and think he/she may do a good job on your behalf, vote for them. don't vote for some half-ass schmuck from a different party just because you're trying to rig something up. what the hell good does that do? all you're going to end up with his a half-ass schmuck government that you don't really agree with. compromising your values for the electoral institution is BULL SHIT!
  20. where's the fuzzy shady lochness monster blob superimposed in that pic there bacon? ??
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