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Everything posted by headymamamyrna

  1. Good Luck to you guys! Like i said before my very best friend lives in the Sault and loves it.It seems like such a friendly place. They are moving to new MArket though. I am sure you will love it there. All the best to both of you!
  2. Hey Robinhood my best friend lives in the SAult and loves it. Its a very friendly place. Keep in touch.
  3. Does it count if i saw Johnny Cash in the 50's in a small town in N.B.?
  4. Love and prayers going your way. Think strong thoughts and you will have the strength that you need to get through this.
  5. Ray Charles at the Montreal Forum.Yes it was a long time ago .Early 60's.
  6. Thanks.Its not that big of an area.Its like 3 or 4 bricks in 3 different areas.
  7. So my walk is made with interlocking bricks. My problem is some of them have lifted in places which makes it a bit dangerous. Can I take the ones out that are a problem and lay them back down in place without doing the whole walk?
  8. I could have been a nun.They were such a part of my life in High School and College but it wasn't for me... I don't know what a 5 knuckle shuffle is so I can't answer that one. As for a nun on JAmbands I doubt it.
  9. Happy birthday Girl! Hope it was the best ever!
  10. First of all didn't you notice something was not right when you were just paying the service fee? I am sure you will have to pay for the gas you used but how is another question. If they average out what the other owner used it won't be too fair to you if they kept their heat way up and you don't. Hopefully you will be lucky and they will give you a good estimate. Believe me when things get screwed up and you try and straighten it out its a huge problem as no one understands anymore! Good luck and I hope you just pay what you used and not what someone else did. You do need a new meter also so have them change it.
  11. Takes a woman to figure that one out!
  12. I eat lots of pasta but never tried WW. I will try PC soon. Thanks
  13. I think its douche as i call him!
  14. Wow andre is famous but he was always famous!
  15. A very HAppy Birthday to you ,Brad! Enjoy your special day.
  16. So i turned off everything even my furnace! I had lots of candles lit and talked on the phone. I could do that every week no problem. I hope it made a difference.
  17. I couldn't love winter more right now that it's leaving! Thanks KK for posting that song by George. It made my day and brought back a lot of memories,good summertime ones!
  18. It doesn't matter what age you are and DAve is the new 30 year old. Cheers DAve!
  19. HAppy 40th big guy! Sounds like you have a great day planned! Enjoy every minute of your special day! Happy Happy Birthday!
  20. My stomach doesn't like eating a big ham dinner with all the trimmings and drinking vodka,wine and baileys poured in a chocolate bunny. I did enjoy it though and yes i'd do it again.
  21. Thanks Ad because i could not have said that.I just wanted to share the facts.
  22. Winter will soon be a thing of the past for a few months anyway. I had a bluejay in my backyard yesterday and a yellow american finch... What a beautiful site!
  23. There are more than 4000 chemicals in tobacco smoke 50 are highly poisonous and cancer causing. After 8 hours of quitting,the carbon monoxide level in your blood drops. After 24 hours the chance of a heart attack decreases. After 48 hours your sense of smell and taste improves. After 72 hours your lung capacity increases. After 2 weeks to 3 months your circulation improves and you breath 20 percent better.one year later you've cut your risk of heart disease in half. Now don't get me wrong here i am not trying to say anyone should quit.i just found this so interesting that i had to share plus I have lost too many loved ones over the years from smoking and i am sure you all have.
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