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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. Nice, I want to go to this. Who wants to do the drive with me?
  2. I am not sure, I hate to have you foot the bill for the tickets or sell em cheap but i know i can get em much cheaper at the show so thats what ill do me thinks
  3. 50 bucks eh? I dont know if i can swing that... hey sarah i think i may (75 percent sure) be goin there to get some scalpers tix on the cheap, let me know if you want to meet up before hand!
  4. they did the lovelight again eh? how much fun was it?? bot their newest album (Love is SImple) and it rocks socks...
  5. Hey I have an interview with Oliver Bonacini (restaurant corporation in Toronto) shortly and I know I am gonna need some good vibeage....thanks in advance!!
  6. hey mango i may take em off your hands... hey sarahbelle feel like bein my date for the show??
  7. So today we had our food conference (where we show the head chef our dishes and plate it and everything, then he critques the hell out of it) and our stuff wasn't too bad. The Carbonara didn't work so we're changing it to an Alfredo...
  8. Last nites show was amazing. They played also covered lovelight, reallllly nice
  9. holy shit run with the kittens is fantastic they played a show at first floor van gohs in guelph (where i happen to work now) and even though i was in and out they sounded fantastic...i cant wait to see em when im not working!! good luck on the tour guys!
  10. coming soon "Simply Irresistible Does Ottawa"
  11. good to see people here are so worried about grammar...how about some people lookin for a good lunch?
  12. just bumpin it to people, come out and support a fellow music lover!!
  13. The Guelph show is actually tomorrow, and I will see everyone there! yay look for me, I no longer have hair...
  14. hey davey boy what are the typos/grammatical errors?
  15. Hey everyone, So as part of Hotel and Food degree at the U of G, I am taking a Foodservice Operations course. As part of my college, we have a full service restaurant. With this course, we get to run a lunch period from scratch (ie: theme, menu, purchase, staffing, etc). Also we need to advertise and get people to make reservations. Please take a moment to read the blurb about the theme of the restaurant and then head over to the website if you want to see the menu. We haven't done our costing yet but the prices should range from 6-8$ for an entree which is not bad. Please check it out and if you have any questions let me know. The Blurb: Stroll into a restaurant where simplicity and irresistibility are one in the same. Our menu will delight your taste buds with delectable food that won’t empty your wallet. We serve food that is simple, however, once you take a glance at we are serving you’ll see every dish will be hard to resist. Be sure to bring your empty stomachs because Simply Irresistible will take your breathe away! Make your reservations now for a "Simply Irresistible" experience at http://www.atriumrestaurant.uoguelph.ca/ Thanks everyone! Oh yea, the date of the restaurant is October 17th (its a Wednesday) so just scroll down to the middle of the page to find the menu. If your in Guelph that day and want a cheap and amazing lunch (and want to support me ) please make a reso!!!
  16. happy birthday dude! always a blast seeing you at shows and festivals hope to see you again soon!
  17. Hey everyone, My student group at UofG is looking to create our own website and I was wondering if any of you had any experience/contacts with that sort of thing. If you do just PM or e-mail me at asefton@uoguelph.ca so we can get an estimate worked out. Cheers mates
  18. Absolutely right Gibbons should be fired. There is a reason why this can't get over the hump in terms of them being good consistently (as opposed winning 4, losing 5, winning 5, losing 4). As far as JP goes, I don't know. I think if you fire JP then is just going to be another rebuilding project and that is not what the Jays need. The Jays have a good team that wasn't playing to their potential, that isn't JP's fault, its Gibbon's fault.
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