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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. its a shame that more people dont realise that someone actually has to pick up the trash eventually...not just at bonnaroo though at all festivals you see people leaving their shit around and mixing regular garbage with recycling all the time youd think that the people going to these kinds of festivals would be the exact people that wouldn't do those kinds of things...ahh well...all ya can do is clean up after yourself and on your way out of the show grab a couple of cans people have left behind...
  2. holy crap i remember that set....wow although i coudlve done without them singing the american national anthem after the encore...
  3. wow moe.down was sooooo much fun!! it was great dancing around with the balloon circus that was my friends and i haha great seeing everyone!! ps - if you were looking for my fro you definately did not see me as i more or less got my head shaved haha...
  4. wow hes playing the kool haus? good for him...last time i saw him he was playing the horseshoe
  5. so excited! i just got into canada last night and we leave tomorrow morning for this festy!!!!!! weee
  6. amazing congrats! lookin forward to seeing my first show
  7. weak, one night before i get home to canada...have fun everyone
  8. both the islanders and capitals jerseys are awsome....
  9. I saw a girl in Shanghai (like a 9 year old) wearing a tee shirt that said "My Dick Would Like To Buy You A Drink" and various other signs along the way
  10. I arrive in Canada august 29th and then I head off to moe.down with some friends... anyone else hitting it up? im lookin forward to it as its been awhile since ive seen some good music...
  11. definately get these guys up here, but wait until after august so i can come see em too
  12. Is this 10 grand ticket automatic or is it only for repeat offenders or what?
  13. Sending my love out to ya Jay, good to see (read?) that your in good spirits still. I look forward to seeing ya soon!
  14. Yea its kinda ridiculous. I cannot see the guy playing 82 games anymore, let alone being productive...the Celtics will have amazing 1st, 2nd, and 3rd options...but after that I don't know what they got. Although Rajon Rondo could turn out to be a stud, I can't believe they were allowed to keep him.
  15. yay this is awsome!! haha and chewie your right, warren did say two shows for toronto next time around and fyi Grace Potter and the Nocturnals are opening, and they fucking rock!! If you haven't listened to em yet, do yourselves a favour and do it...
  16. As most people are saying KG is going to the Celtics. The Celtics now have Pierce, Allen and Garnett. Holy Shit! While they still don't have a PG who the hell needs one with those three??? The Atlantic could actually be solid this year...who knows? The Raps are going to be in tough to win the division again...although I think being underrated again (which they are bound to be...) will be good for them
  17. afro poppa

    GOTV 2007

    vibes were a great one last year should be good this year as well!
  18. this is a great flick
  19. I disagree with keeping Stairs. If someone out there actually wants to trade something useful for him, I say DO IT!! Sure he has been playing well, but let's keep things in perspective. It's Matt Stairs.
  20. haha well basically i had to prove i wasnt camera shy...they put me in front of a camera and said do something ...i ended up doing a 6 minute one-man interpretation of charlies angels
  21. happy happy birthday!! looking forward to dancing some shows away with ya!!
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