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afro poppa

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Everything posted by afro poppa

  1. I wish I could've gone to this festy...this and grateful fest would've been my two festivals this year had I been around
  2. I got recruited for this thing while I was wasted (with a capital W) in the bar area in Hong Kong. This woman comes up to me and starts telling me all this stuff about how perfect I would be for this commercial and all that. I take her card and she takes my phone number all the while thinking its a hoax or something. The next day she calls me and asks me to come in for an audition. I go in, do the audition, and the next day she calls me and tells me I got the part. So here it is, my acting debut: It's being shown only in parts of asia, but imagine my surprise sitting in my hotel room in India, watching a movie and then I see myself on TV...hahaha it was hilarlious. Anyway enjoy...I am only in it for a split second but I am definately there...
  3. I am definately stoked about the Jays future pitching, not just from the past five games but in general over the season. The young guns have shown they can dominate and while they don't do it all the time they are still young and will harnass their goodness to be extremely consistent...I can smell it. What the Jays shouldn't do is fool themselves into thinking they can make the playoffs this year and become buyers or stand-stillers at the trade deadline. Trade away Thomas or Glaus or whoever for a nice prospect or three.
  4. i hope you guys do some shows when i get back!!
  5. whats wrong with tye dye and body paint? especially at soemthing called the hippie fest...
  6. happy birthday buddy!!!
  7. oh and it looks like im most likely doing the buffalo-uncasville-glen falls shows as well.....any idea when tickets go on sale?
  8. that is a FANTASTIC idea i might even drive this...whose down? chicago is only 10 hours away
  9. i am definately going to the buffalo show how far away are Uncasville and glens falls from buffalo and each other???
  10. maybe for the NL in the AL its gotta be Maggs
  11. All I can say is wow!! There is definately a reason why it was named to the new Sevond Wonders list. I came to Agra (where the Taj is) with two friends from Mexico and we went straight to it. It is amazingly stunning, the pictures of it floating around don't do it justice. We spent a few hours just sitting in front of it and admiring it. As for the rest of my travels, I have been in India for about 10 days, in a few hours I am going to Jaipur (which is the Pink City) and then probably heading to Thailand for a month and then I am back home...and then straight to moe.down!! I'll post pictures when I can!
  12. hey baj what kind of stories????
  13. I cant believe I missed such a great festival! I am glad everyone had an excellent time...I know I shouldn't complain, right now I am in Dharamshala in India, where the Dalai Lhama lives...pretty gorgeous place I'll see you all at grateful fest 9 for sure!
  14. happy birthday mark!! I look forward to groovin with ya at a show when i get back!!
  15. According to thestar.com, Raps are working on a deal for 4 years worth almost double the 1.2 mil he got last year. I think if this works out it will be really good. The guy led the league in 3 point fg percentage last year...he shot friggen 51 for that matter. Good signing...while it doesn't give us an athletic swing man that can drive and take over a game, there was really no one out there that fit that bill (at least none that the raps could sign...the only real guy like that is goin back to Jersey)
  16. according to jambase.com http://www.jambase.com/headsup.asp?storyID=10773 sweeeet
  17. yea I may be going to the show in Shanghai... although purely just to be at these shows and not for the performers as the Shanghai ones is mostly chinese pop music...along with Sarah Brightman who I can't say I have ever listened to
  18. hey tigger you gonna be rockin the dancing boot?
  19. haha ive seen that video before...pretty jokes am i really that bad of a dancer?
  20. wow just read the article, murder suicide? simply tragic... rip benoit
  21. wow, I dont watch wrestling anymore but I remember watching him and Bret Hart fight it out for the WCW championship at Mayhem in Toronto....anyone else there?
  22. can someone give rich and joe a big hug for me?
  23. Man, does this Mcgowan game not remind you of that Halladay game many a years back when he came within one out of the no-no before Higginson hit one out of the park??? If Dustin can put it together we've got some serious flame throwers in the rotation...
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