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Everything posted by boiler

  1. boiler

    iPhone 4

    a truly interactive experience.
  2. Looks like I'm going to pick up this little baby tomorrow. It's an Onkyo TX-2500 MKII.
  3. boiler

    iPhone 4

    I just got my new iphone in the mail
  4. I used to have one of these bastards when I was like 6. I just noticed it was for 8, 9, and 10 year olds. I must have really known "how to ride" I guess gals weren't allowed to ride them though so its not really a very good suggestion for a girls bday.
  5. More like steal your deface'd. :clapclap:
  6. Thanks, I've been checking the canuckaudiomart out. My brother has a hifi business, I just can't afford anything he sells right now. I want to go with vintage gear for now until I can afford the shite he has (like cyrus and creek and epos). There's a couple sansui's and a cool old Yamaha on Kijiji in London right now that I want to check out. Thought I'd hit a few stores up also just to see what's out there but I'm leaning in the direction of the sansui.
  7. Anybody know of any used electronics stores and some good record shops in London, ON? Going down for the day on Saturday. I'm looking to get a 70's stereo amplifier.
  8. It will cost $10.75 to get a picture of buzz? I don't really think I would want a picture of beer, I really don't have any place to hang it. ..and will we be watching a bird drink? cheep cheep. What a strange fundraiser.
  9. ahh you city folks always trying to compete with each other over who has the coolest emo crowd. It's really rather cute.
  10. yeah, I don't think we'll be seeing Phish in Canada any time soon, unless Phish can get a "fake Trey" or a "replacement Trey." As far as I know there's no such thing as a Down With Disease Orchestra.
  11. The show is streaming right now on http://www.gdradio.net/. It's obviously the sound board. Just at truckin' now. enjoy.
  12. One of the best parts was, there's a head I know at work, when I asked if he was going he was like "no, no, I'm not going, I'll be fired if I take two days off for going to a concert. Definately NOT going" Ya see, my Dad is kinda a boss at work on a different shift, dude worked with my old man though for a while. Dad's a little more straight laced than I am. Anyway, I turn around at the show and who's 5 feet behind me with a big shit eating grin on but dude from work. ha ha, we had a blast. He knows now I'm no snitch. His jaw almost hit the ground when he saw me though, busted!! Sorry we missed you CJ and DEM we were only 20 feet away from front and center!
  13. Agreed on the Wharf Rat, that was so surreal. Dire Wolf was one I was hoping for so I loved it. My wife and I had an amazing time. The band was simply amazing, amazing, AMAZING! I love hanging out with all you Ottawa crowd, we've always had a good time and have been treated great every time. zero, thanks for the company on the ride up, it was great, even though you have the bladder the size of a pea. It was nice meeting some and running into so many people, too many to name but you are all awesome, each and every one of you. Nice to see you again bONES and nice to meet you YATS Dubious looking group there.
  14. It's because of whatever he keeps in the fanny pack.
  15. I was thinking the same thing the other day. I'm guessing there will be a The Band cover. I'd love to hear Franklin's Tower > Fire on The Mountain.
  16. c-towns, where ya staying? shoot me your phone number.
  17. Thanks for posting, I`ve somewhat been on a download hiatus but this is irresistible.
  18. What did you do that with, windows 3.1 paint program?
  19. I didn't really love the tone of John's guitar in the first set. It just didn't seem to command the songs. I thought he sounded way better in the second set. What do you think Bobby has in the fanny pack?
  20. Awesome jams in the second set. 3 nights till bluesfest!
  21. Going up on Wednesday, coming back on Thursday. I can help you out if that works at all.
  22. I always knew Led Zeppelin used old blues songs in their songs. I remeber picking up on that when I was discovering Robert Johnson. I never really paid attention to songwriting credits. There's probably enough money there in lawsuits to set Europe's econmy back up on its feet.
  23. Happy Canada Day folks. Got a nice day planned with the family, children`s parades, clowns etc. then BBQ, fireworks and beer. Then some more beer, maybe after that I`ll drink some beer. Day 2 (tomorrow) will be golf, beer, bbq campfire,beer, jamming, beer. Saturday, ATVing, beer, campfire, beer and a poor attempt to jam cuz of all that beer. Sunday, praying to the porcelin gods, breakfast then beer.
  24. I think I just jizzed in my pants a little bit.
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