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Everything posted by boiler

  1. This list was obviously made before Hedley became popular. I`ve never heard a worse band in my life and yet they are still around headlining shit. Gawd why do so many people have such bad taste in music?
  2. I downloaded a whole bunch of doors shit, it was probably the entire collection. When it would hit doors tunes on shuffle I found myself skipping it all the time until I realized they just don't fit in because, well, they suck balls. I only have a few tunes left (L.A. Woman is a kick ass tune). Mostly everything else is weird and boring.
  3. definitely you should take the next day off work
  4. no problems, I was just joking around. I'm imagining you are going to go for that show at bluesfest? If so, I hope to see you there. It's going to be interesting, my first time (finally after years of wanting it to happen but was just unable to pull it together) and I'm going to be totally sober because it will also be my sons first time to see the dead(ish) too. I think it's probably the better way to experience it anyway. To quote elemeno after his interesting "stoked" statistics, I'm stoked.
  5. ...and the problem with that is? I guess nobody should ever go see Levon Helm either, cuz that would be horrible. It's not like they're tennis or basketball players or anything. Phil is still one of the best bass players alive imo. Bobby is Bobby, there's nothing anybody can do about that. You'll be old too someday, and I hope nobody comes to visit you. :whyyou:
  6. it works, bluesfest never saw me coming.
  7. Take a baby stroller, even if you don't have a baby, just put a doll in and wrap it with blankets and make it look like a sleeping baby. The rest of the carriage is yours fill with water bottles or milk bottles full of vodka. Just be careful, if you actually are pushing along a baby to not give them the wrong bottle. Security never check strollers, and if they want to, say, "fuck off my baby is sleeping."
  8. boiler

    RC Tottenham

    Myself, Sara and Jackson will be there. Not sure if you know April, Bryson, Lee and Joanna but they will be there. So will Large Marge and flymykitehigh (Beth). It's going to be a time.
  9. Dear work, I'll see you Monday for the first time in a few weeks. I'd like to say I missed you, but I haven't. I'll make sure I am nice and hung over for you. I may even consider puking all over you. regards.
  10. Messi looked awesome. The guy is magic.
  11. I don't want to see that but I am rooting for Argentina. I have some Argentinian friends so I am supporting them for sure, not to mention I want to see Messi dominate in this tourney and establish himself as the best in the world. On a side note, I was out kicking the ball around with some friends last week. My buddy shows up with a blonde wig on so I dubbed him Maramadonna. haha. I'd like to see England do well too, you know, support the ancestory and what not, I don't think they have much of a chance though.
  12. boiler


    where's everyone staying in Ohio. I just made the spur of the moment decision to go. Never seen them before. how much for those tickets basher?
  13. boiler

    Good vibes?

  14. For anybody that listens to DBT knows the story of Patterson Hood's step dad.
  15. fucking right, you can't retire on 900 grand so you might as well get fucked up.
  16. Hey, what kind of venues do they use for jazzfest? Outdoor? Can I bring my son?
  17. I really have to make it up for the MMW show. I've been a casual listener for a while but have been listening to them a lot over the last 6 months or so. I think just about the only videos I post on f-book anymore is MMW videos. There's so many amazing MMW vidoes on youtube. Crossing my fingers that the outage Gods are good to me and I can wrap up my job around that time and take the summer off. What a great way to kick it off.
  18. oh man that was fucking great. Glad to hear there's going to be some new DBT fans on the board. I think it is so awesome that so many of the CTMF crowd can stick together the way we do. I really love running into all you guys, I don't get to do it enough anymore. Highlight for me was, 18 Wheels of Love. It was packed in there. We pissed off a couple people making our way to the front. When we first pushed up front a lady behind me tapped me on the shoulder and said "you're not going to stand there are you?" I said "No, I'll be dancing here, don't worry it's a rock show, everything is going to work out." She had her arms crossed the whole show.
  19. My wife is bailing so I have an extra for Tuesday also. PM me if you want it.
  20. So much for the April Fool's child. Congrats Marge and Shane! This is awesome news. :superman:
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