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Everything posted by edger

  1. THank god Paris Hilton and Hanson don't overlap!!
  2. I thought the article was well-written, and had obviously been given a great deal of thought. I wish I could have been at those shows for sure, and I certainly can appreciate the value of the nero family or broader community. Having said that I have to agree with both H & SM's sentiments.
  3. edger

    Yo Evans

    A big warm squeeze to the lovely (((EVANS)))!
  4. Handcuffed and kicked out? That's way harsh. I mean come on, i figure takin' it to the perimeter has got to count for something..
  5. bring on a hamilton show dammit
  6. My thoughts are with you and your family.
  7. See you on St. Patties day! I think I read somewhere that Slowcoaster was also playing that night? Should be a great night of music! Any idea when you are to hit the stage? Cheers
  8. If that line-up is accurate, I would definitely want to go (if money allows it). Twist my arm TimmyB!
  9. Would those be "special" egg salad sandwiches? Might go well with the groundhog meat.
  10. I think dima might have been referring to Bonnaroo's rumoured line-up? Rage definitely puts on a good show. I saw them once in '99 I believe. As far as pop music goes, I actually don't mind the Chilli Peppers or Audioslave (not that I'd be making the trip to california to catch them by any stretch...)
  11. I'm not a fan of the Welfare Mothers either... call me sensitive I guess.
  12. cheers to the lady of soul (and the good ol' southern buddy)
  13. Sorry to hear that Deb. Was looking forward to seeing you around these parts again!! Arm twisting won't change your mind?
  14. I agree. Cheers to popo! Being explicit is boring.
  15. Are you serious about Billy Talent headlining? Is that another unconfirmed rumour?
  16. Or if myself (or any of the other Sara(h)'s on the board) ever hooked up with Tonin in another life. They'd be Sara Tonin
  17. i like it in a couple of more weeks you should buzz er right down to the wood
  18. sometimes you can get too much of a good thing... i hope they proceed with caution
  19. I've also heard good things. Definitely on my radar!
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