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Everything posted by edger

  1. Dam you and your sharp intuition! Hopefully my transparency will expose the underlying purple font.
  2. Things that piss me off? Ulterior motives. Even worse? Transparency.
  3. I always wanted to be a superhero!
  4. yeah I like it too. she's got a really nice tone to her voice
  5. I probably wouldn't drive fifteen hours to see any one of these bands on their own either. But you throw them all together and whatta ya get? Incentive baby.... and a great bang for your buck.
  6. edger


    I think it would be political suicide (at the very least) on their part if they go ahead right now. They're having a hard enough time justifying Iraq.
  7. I wish you guys would do something like this in Hamilton. Unfortunately I am not going to be able to make it out on Saturday. A friend of ours is turning the big 4-0!!! I hope you get a good, groovy turnout!
  8. I'd LOVE it if he played at Molson Amp again like he did in '99. Sometimes the enclosed nature of a stadium muffles the vibes a bit. Might as well let them soar I figure... The blissful sensory overload that I experienced at '99 was one for the record books for me (that is, until the drive home... didn't come down so well...) Don't worry, I wasn't driving...
  9. Humbled yet again... Thanks so much to everyone for the kind words. Gives me the warm-fuzzies... especially you Lazlo! (insert vulgarity here...) Seriously though, thanks to all who made it out the other night. I had a great night despite the foiled plans. Hard not to enjoy yourself when you're surrounded by such fine folks. Life is good.
  10. Yeah, that sound system blew my mind last year... and it definitely inspired the band. That night was one to remember. I don't think I have heard a recording of that night yet... I would love to get my hands on a copy!! Very much looking forward to this weekend. Greg are you going to be able to make it out? HOpe to see you for sure! Cheers
  11. Something tells me we just "might" be able to talk Bolton into going...
  12. Okay, plans have changed somewhat. Brian Griffiths and co. were bumped to tomorrow night (i think the corktown is doing a rabbie burns thing tonight). Thinking of hitting up Slainte's instead maybe? Young blues player (that I know nothing about) is playing upstairs, but then there's also ample room for drinks, nonsense and conversation downstairs.
  13. Thanks guys. I really appreciate all of your company/humour/sarcasm/wit etc, etc on here (working from home can get a little isolating...) Looking forward to seeing some of you tonight, and the rest of you in the near future I hope!
  14. Yeah, I definitely agree with you Cully. The sound at that show was unreal!!! And there was a whole lot of goodness going on beyond Water's lyrics anyways. Mind you, I'd be less than excited about the prospect of hearing the "exact same thing" for this round of tour. I'm hoping to see some new set lists, otherwise it becomes difficult to justify the crazy ticket prices.
  15. Wow! This sounds great! Count me in! Anyone care to join me?
  16. i'd so be there! fingers are crossed (although "mellow" is harsh)
  17. the cat is out of the bag! could get messy non? be nice to see all the friendly faces! Is it Bolton's b-day too? That definitely cranks it up another level!
  18. I've avoided the myspace temptation so far. I'll never get to defending my thesis if I go there!
  19. I don't know if opening for a hockey game is the most soulful of funky experience. Maybe it was too cold?
  20. See I like dancin right up front, but I wouldn't want to be pulled up on stage. Going to have to keep that in mind for next time and take a step back. Either that or get REALLY drunk.
  21. Good luck livingstoned! I got nothing for you in terms of ideas this early in the morning!
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