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Everything posted by edger

  1. Tis a nice change of venue actually (if you dig the pub vibe) And I personally always love their acoustic shows (don't see enough of that these days) I can smell your plan from here Schwa! Tis a lovely odour...
  2. Right on Deeps. It's been a while. Would be nice to see you and your fine lady friend.
  3. FYI This coming Friday the Acousticats (acoustic fat cats) are playing at the Winchester Arms in Dundas. If you're into a relatively mellow pub vibe, come on out. Show generally starts around ten/ten-thirty and goes until one (ish). I'll probably be there for the earlier part of the evening, and then home to bed to rest up for my drive to O-town the next morning.
  4. Will you be blessing us with your own variety of skank love? I'm pretty sure that I have not met you yet... if I recall correctly you were unable to make it to the FUNdraiser last year in K-dub? By the way Friendly, are you residing in the Ottawa area these days? Maybe that's why I haven't seen you around as much lately? See you Saturday!
  5. Hey Jeffrey! Thanks for the info. I was hoping that was the case. I am in Van for a conference during the last week of November. Staying at Ty's again and was hoping to catch some shows while I was in town. I'll definitely get in touch once my plans have been finalized. Really hoping to catch Kristen and Craig this time round too!! Please keep me posted if you hear anything more. All the best, sara
  6. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to make this or not... A lot on my plate this week. However, I fully endorse any efforts to bring more reggae to our fine city!
  7. Nice... I'm in for the next night in Toronto as well... only I'll be heading to Paul Simon. A great week of music no doubt!
  8. Yet stigma may be one of the most significant reasons for why we as a society don't talk about it much. While I agree wholeheartedly that simply renaming the disease is insufficient for improving the lives of those afflicted, I do believe minimizing stigma is crucial. Painting the diverse range of experience with one broad stroke is misleading, and counter productive to enhancing our understanding and tolerance.
  9. You may be right about that Brad. I'm just going by my foggy recollection. But Todd and I have been together since late 2002/early 2003 and I don't recall a trip within that time... but then again refer to sentence #2... Cheers!
  10. Any more info on how "early in December" the gratefully deadicated et al will be blessing you with their presence? I'm hoping early, early December. If that's the case I'll stretch out my visit to Van to take that in for sure!
  11. Looking forward to checking these guys out for the first time! Who else is hitting this up?
  12. Ba dum Bump ching! So...? Who in the o-town vicinity is going to lend their support to these old boys this coming Saturday? It's probably been more than eight years (maybe more) since they made it out to Ottawa. It would be nice if that frequency was revved up a couple of notches... I hear MarcO is promising VIP treatment to the first fifty people through the door...
  13. It's all relative my Dear Watson
  14. Thinking of you Phorbesie. May the sun dancing off of the colourful leaves bring you some comfort.
  15. May be tough to make this one due to thanksgiving festivities. Otherwise, I'd be there in a flash. Bring the reggae to Hamilton mon!!
  16. I had a blast on Friday as well. Always good times when we take in the Burt Boys. You skanks have pretty much covered it already in terms of the good folks that I ran into there. Always great to see the shining faces. M, you made a great dance partner, especially for some of the oldies that they dug out. Oh the nostalgia... Things were a little fuzzy for me the next morning. Thank goodness for greasy spoons!! Nothing a little eggs and bacon can't fix. Mike, I hope your solo show went well the following night. Cheers y'all!
  17. M, I've never been, so I don't have any advice but I hope you have an awesome time nonetheless. It was great seeing you at Pepperjacks the other night. It had been way too long. Thanks for your kind words! I look forward to crossing paths again. In the meantime, be safe and have a blast!! Cheers,sara
  18. Damn, unfortunately the 18th I am already booked for Paul Simon. I always seem to miss you when you come through the Hammer... Hopefully you guys get a good turnout! Maybe I'll be able to swing it to Guelph the following night... that might be tricky on a "school night" though... Cheers!
  19. You guys are in now MarcO? Did the camping plans fall through? Sounds like Drawbar and his bro (Abe) are stopping by our place around 9:00/9:30. Mayhaps a pre beer? Otherwise we'll see you down there. I'm happy you guys are coming. The countdown to messytime is on...
  20. Hijack or not, congratulations to you and Lianna... you guys are beautiful, and I love your company. Dance on!
  21. [color:purple] I mean, those could be worth "millions" of dollars
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