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Everything posted by edger

  1. Oooo, oooo, oooo... I would love it if you were able to come MarcO (and your lovely lady friend if she is available as well).... We can certainly discuss this exciting prospect!
  2. Unfortunately, it is looking pretty doubtful that I am going to be able to make it as originally planned. Todd and Gatch are helping do some renovations up at the cottage, and I have a big pile of work to address that isn't getting any smaller on its own. I'll do a little rain dance for you tomorrow nonetheless!
  3. Could the notion of carpooling add any strength to that lightsabre of yours?
  4. May the force be with you Mark... for the sake of us all
  5. I'll throw in a third!! Jolie Holland has a pretty cool voice as well (although you're probably already aware if you own the BGT's albums). Of course you can never go wrong with some good ol' joanie!
  6. Cool story! One that I'm sure the boys would get a kick out of.... As for a free cd, that may be a hard favour to deliver on. As far as I am aware, there are no more copies. Honestly, their live performances are where it's at in my subtle opinion anyhow. I'd check out archive instead. Hoping to see some Ottawa skanks out at this quickly approaching event. Very much looking forward to meeting some new folks as well. (I"m pretty sure that I am echoing sentiments that I expressed in another thread that was about this show as well). But let me just reiterate.... looking forward to it!! It's been a long time since the boys have ventured too far beyond the good ol' GOlden Horseshoe (minus some sporadic summer festival stints). Cheers!
  7. I sure as hell couldn't tell that he was lip singing at the concert. Then again, I wasn't expecting that and therefore wasn't looking for it. Regardless, the overall presentation was extremely entertaining in my subtle opinion of course....
  8. Sweet! Hey Willy, maybe you can add this to that large package you were promising me...
  9. I had SUCH a great time last night. I was drawn in from beginning to end. The visual show did not dissapoint either. So, so good! What a treat to be able to see both Gilmour and Waters in the same year!! The only thing that could top that, would be if they were playing together. Had great seats. The sound was hitting me hard, vibrated my whole chest. Clear and crisp... I don't know if I can pick one specific highlight. The whole thing was such a treat. I didn't realize he was playing in Montreal as well. Anyone going is in for a huge thrill. Cheers!
  10. Congrats!!! I share in your excitement! Good score too! My senses is ready for full saturation
  11. Is there anybody out there?......... Who's in?
  12. edger

    upgrade news

    Efforts appreciated!
  13. Pining over a career change Taiter?
  14. One more sleep, one more sleep! See y'all on the dark side folks!
  15. I was able to catch them for the first time down at Bonnaroo. I guess they've been around for quite some time?
  16. Hey Cully if you want to meet up with us, PM me, and I'll send you some details! Willy I expect nothing less than for you to be extra bright eyed and bushy-tailed!!
  17. Glad to have met you Doc, Looking forward to many future encounters!! Have a very fulfilling day!
  18. I saw these guys a few years back at the Convention Centre in Hamilton. Attention to detail is an understatement!! I was a moderate (at best) Genesis fan, and largely unfamiliar with much of their content, but still had a great time. I would say this cover band is definitely worth a gander!
  19. All the best. Hopefully you two will get some down time to yourselves... Enjoy!
  20. I am sooo stoked!!! I think myself and Todd, Drawbar and his wife, Gatch and Jelena and some Caliboogie boys are meeting up before hand for a drink and some eats. Anyone else that wants to join up with us is more than welcome!! TimmyB? Willy? Anyone? Anyone?
  21. I think it starts early afternoon, but I don't think Mr. Something Something goes on until four or five. (There's another thread on here that gives details... I'll look for it and give it a bump). I probably won't go until atleast three, especially if I have my sister and nephew with me. I think it goes until seven.
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